The great thermite debate.

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
I'm just sharing what's in the news. If it conflicts with your blind trust in the 9/11 Omission Report, that's YOUR problem.


Well-Known Member
I'm just sharing what's in the news. If it conflicts with your blind trust in the 9/11 Omission Report, that's YOUR problem.
so your parroting without a critical thought of your own? and you got nerve to say im blind...

so come on then lets hear your tale of intrigue where mossad joins with saudi special forces to bring about 911


Well-Known Member
so your parroting without a critical thought of your own? and you got nerve to say im blind...

so come on then lets hear your tale of intrigue where mossad joins with saudi special forces to bring about 911
I believe, someone please correct me if I'm wrong, that there are more Jews in NYC than any other place in the world other than Israel. They may not be concentrated in lower Manhattan, but they don't typically like to bomb their own people.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
There were plenty of muslims who died too. I guess al quida decided they were infidels for living and working where they did.


Well-Known Member
There were plenty of muslims who died too. I guess al quida decided they were infidels for living and working where they did.
Touche!:razz: I could be wrong but I think the govt. of Israel has some scruples. Al Qaeda on the other hand.............:fire:

I wonder if the hijackers thought they would get T-shirts upon arrival in paradise that say, "I did it for the virgins!"

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
I believe, someone please correct me if I'm wrong, that there are more Jews in NYC than any other place in the world other than Israel. They may not be concentrated in lower Manhattan, but they don't typically like to bomb their own people.bongsmilie
Like the US, I don't think Zionists would let anyone get in the way of their agenda. They certainly didn't let the US get in their way on the USS Liberty.
As far as scruples go, I wouldn't go so far as to hang that tag on any player in planetary politics.


Well-Known Member
Planetary, eh Mr Neutron? As opposed to, say, global politics? What sector are we in again? lol j/k wid ya


Well-Known Member
Like the US, I don't think Zionists would let anyone get in the way of their agenda. They certainly didn't let the US get in their way on the USS Liberty.
As far as scruples go, I wouldn't go so far as to hang that tag on any player in planetary politics.
The USS Liberty incident was determined to be a case of mistaken identity, ya know, fog of war type stuff? They were in the middle of a war at the time of the incident and things like this happen in EVERY war. Doesn't mean there was an agenda or a conspiracy of any sort. We were then, and remain Israel's closest ally. ;-)

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
The USS Liberty incident was determined to be a case of mistaken identity, ya know, fog of war type stuff? They were in the middle of a war at the time of the incident and things like this happen in EVERY war. Doesn't mean there was an agenda or a conspiracy or any sort. We were then, and remain Israel's closest ally. ;-)
Yup, uh huh. I, obviously disagree. The Israeli fighters that fired upon the Liberty could not identify it as a US warship?
I refer to the Lusitania, the Maine, the Gulf of Tonkin, Pearl Harbor... false flags have been the SOP for getting us into war. Same as 9/11.
Closest ally? Yes, unfortunately, we are the closest ally to one of the worst terrorist nation on the planet.


Well-Known Member
Yup, uh huh. I, obviously disagree. The Israeli fighters that fired upon the Liberty could not identify it as a US warship?
I refer to the Lusitania, the Maine, the Gulf of Tonkin, Pearl Harbor... false flags have been the SOP for getting us into war. Same as 9/11.
Closest ally? Yes, unfortunately, we are the closest ally to one of the worst terrorist nation on the planet.
Ya know, you may be right. I can't say, I wasn't at any of those incidents (with the exception of 9/11). Maybe they were all false flag operations, maybe they weren't. We will likely never know for sure. The story of the Liberty being a false flag operation just doesn't make any sense to me and it obviously failed if the intent was a pretext for going into the middle east in the late 60's. We didn't make it in until the early 90's. :shock:

Remember, one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.;-)


Well-Known Member
Of course they aren't small by any measure, I can't understand a partial collapse of the affected area. But how does the entire building collapse when most of it was un affected by the Twin Towers falling?

If that doesn't raise any suspicion what so ever for you I will have to agree to disagree.
This reminds me of the cowboy who only wore one spur. When asked why he didn't wear two, he replied "Well I figure if'n I can get one side of the horse moven', the other side il keep up"

Angry Pollock

Well-Known Member
Anyway, has anyone noticed on the news that a Saudi couple living in Sarasota, Fla. were visited by 2 of the highjackers b4 9/11? now isnt it a coincidence that on 9/11 , Bush was at an elementary chool in Sarasota ,Fla. Out of ALL the 43000+ cities in the USA, he picks the same exact city where highjackers visited Saudi citizens. you crazy conspiracy nuts, its just a friggin coincidence. just like Marvin Bush being in charge of the security company for the WTC. And Daddy Bush meeting with OBL'S relatives the morning of 9/11. They are just bad timing. like running war game drills the morning of 9/11. Yup, 19 highjackers, 9 of whom are still alive, took over America with plastic box cutters and made the Mlitary stand down.


Well-Known Member
damn shame on me forgot my "molten steel vid"


anyone who thinks they have substance pls provide links
Not sure how I missed this vid. Brilliant! :clap:

I'm wondering what the conspiracy folk have to say about this? I pointed out that "molten steel" doesn't prove controlled demolition and even IF thermite were used to bring the building down, it burns extremely rapidly and extremely hot. It would've burned out in seconds or perhaps minutes and would've begun to cool. It wouldn't have caused steel to still be molten weeks after the event. I'm sure this will go completely ignored much like all the other proof which has debunked many of these "conspiracies". :roll:


Well-Known Member
Not sure how I missed this vid. Brilliant! :clap:

I'm wondering what the conspiracy folk have to say about this? I pointed out that "molten steel" doesn't prove controlled demolition and even IF thermite were used to bring the building down, it burns extremely rapidly and extremely hot. It would've burned out in seconds or perhaps minutes and would've begun to cool. It wouldn't have caused steel to still be molten weeks after the event. I'm sure this will go completely ignored much like all the other proof which has debunked many of these "conspiracies". :roll:
While watching the video notice how they debunk the molten metal bit by saying no way could it last 6 weeks, all the while trying to explain away 1000F metal that is being cleaned up by the claw weeks afterwards as being totally possible.

this is what I am talking about when they say "molten pools". How many firemen lie about these kinds of things Doc? You must have some idea since you work with them right? Are most firemen big liars?