Prove to you There's a God?


Well-Known Member
Then to explore the ramifications of your logic, it is not a choice for straight people, it is automatic, but it is a choice for gay people. This would mean that those who have a choice always choose the same sex? I find that hard to believe. It seems much more logical and reflective of reality to assume gay people's sexual desire is also a result of natural instinct, unless you think your situation is unique. Your conclusions do not seem to be based in any sort of reasonable observation. Your belief tells you it's wrong and should be stopped, but you can not give any meaningful reason for this belief other than scripture. You think it's wrong because you were told, and you can not give even the slightest justification for why without incorporating fantasy and misrepresentation of reality. This is how you are required to view the world to coincide with your beliefs. It warps your reality and poisons your good will to your fellow man. It causes you to preach intolerance and exclusion over things which don't effect you in the slightest, and all in the name of God.
Its wrong because the anus wasn't ment for intercourse. It rips, bleeds, and causes hemorrhoids.

It is un natural.

Religion strengthens me when I have to deal with idiots, it is the cure to the poison that I get from reading bs articles.


Well-Known Member
Its wrong because the anus wasn't ment for intercourse. It rips, bleeds, and causes hemorrhoids.

It is un natural.
Anal rape might.... sure.... but I don't know many gay guys that go around raping people just for the hell of it, that's more of a straight thing.... lol

EDIT: What about tattoo's, body piercings, etc..... hell, you could even claim that cutting hair is unnatural, where do you draw the line in the sand for what is "natural"?


Well-Known Member
Anal rape might.... sure.... but I don't know many gay guys that go around raping people just for the hell of it, that's more of a straight thing.... lol
yeah, you love that straight anal sex with men especially when you can't say no;)

Throw an other joke out to pretend your cool again:blsmoke:


Ursus marijanus
There's a debate on youtube between Sam Harris, and Deepak Chopra where Deepak keeps talking about QM and vibrations incorrectly, so Dr. Leonard Mlodinow stands up and puts him in his place.... That being said; Deepak is very humble while getting schooled....

Oh my. Yes; I see the parallels.

cheers 'neer


Well-Known Member
You don't know love till you get a reach around... ROFL
I love you less and less everytime you post.
Your at 0.00000000000000000000000000000000001% loved.
Say something smart and I might bump you back up to 0.0005.
Stay quiet and I might bump you up to 0.001 again.


Well-Known Member
I love you less and less everytime you post.
Your at 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% loved.
Say something smart and I might bump you back up to 0.0005.
OH NOES! Someone I don't know used a fraction they probably can't even understand, to tell me how little they love me! What ever will I do.... better have some wild, gay sex on Sunday while taking the lords name in vain and praying to a false idol...


Well-Known Member
Its wrong because the anus wasn't ment for intercourse. It rips, bleeds, and causes hemorrhoids.

It is un natural.

Religion strengthens me when I have to deal with idiots, it is the cure to the poison that I get from reading bs articles.
This is an statement about sodomy, and a misleading one at that. Sodomy does not usually cause bleeding or hemorrhoids, although your are correct that the anus is not meant for sexual intercourse. Neither is the mouth or the hand, so I guess it's a pretty dull world you live in. In any case not all homosexuals engage in sodomy, and plenty of heterosexuals do, so why do you list this as a reason to single out gays? Again, you show nothing meaningful or well thought out, you are grasping at straws to justify your dogmatic adherence to scripture. Is this the strength you were talking about?


Well-Known Member
Proverbs 6:12-6:19
The wicked man
6:12 A worthless person, a wicked man, walk with a perverse mouth;
6:13 he winks with his eyes,
He shuffles his feet,
he points with his fingers;
6:14 Perversity is in his heart,
He devises evil continually,
He sows discord.
6:15 Therefore his calamity shall come suddenly
Suddenly he shall be broken without remedy.
6:16 These six tings the Lord hates.
Yes, Seven are an abomination to Him:
6:17 A proud look,
A lying Tongue,
Hands that shed innocent blood,
6:18 A heart that devises wicked plans,
Feet that are swift in running to evil,
6:19 A false witness who speaks lies,
And one who sows discord among brethren.


Well-Known Member
There's a debate on youtube between Sam Harris, and Deepak Chopra where Deepak keeps talking about QM and vibrations incorrectly, so Dr. Leonard Mlodinow stands up and puts him in his place.... That being said; Deepak is very humble while getting schooled....
Deepak will also freely admit his assertions are nothing more than speculative hypotheses if he is pressed, leading to Sam's conclusion that he is happily misunderstood, which makes me think of eye's jibber.


Well-Known Member
Proverbs 6:12-6:19
The wicked man
6:12 A worthless person, a wicked man, walk with a perverse mouth;
6:13 he winks with his eyes,
He shuffles his feet,
he points with his fingers;
6:14 Perversity is in his heart,
He devises evil continually,
He sows discord.
6:15 Therefore his calamity shall come suddenly
Suddenly he shall be broken without remedy.
6:16 These six tings the Lord hates.
Yes, Seven are an abomination to Him:
6:17 A proud look,
A lying Tongue,
Hands that shed innocent blood,
6:18 A heart that devises wicked plans,
Feet that are swift in running to evil,
6:19 A false witness who speaks lies,
And one who sows discord among brethren.
16:10 - Insert meaningless copy/pasted quote
20:69 - Insert biggoted comment here
1:45 - Freeble Frabble, Razzle dazzle!


Ursus marijanus
This is an statement about sodomy, and a misleading one at that. Sodomy does not usually cause bleeding or hemorrhoids, although your are correct that the anus is not meant for sexual intercourse. Neither is the mouth or the hand, so I guess it's a pretty dull world you live in. In any case not all homosexuals engage in sodomy, and plenty of heterosexuals do, so why do you list this as a reason to single out gays? Again, you show nothing meaningful or well thought out, you are grasping at straws to justify your dogmatic adherence to scripture. Is this the strength you were talking about?
I remember something a colleague told me these many years ago.
"If God had meant for man to have gay sex, He'd'a put a hole in his ass."
Imo the anus, especially but not exclusively the man's, has evolved to become a significant erogenous zone, so in this instance I will dare to dissent with the Glacier.
cheers 'neer


Well-Known Member
Fuck yeah, my gf takes it in the ass like a champ! lol

*fingers crossed she doesn't ever create an account on here*
You said you were gay, now you say you have a gf. Your jokes suck, thats why I changed my religion because of lame ass jokes that are based on lies.
On top of everything else, I can't even hold a decent conversation with someone without feeling like hitting them for lying and thinking their cool about it.


Well-Known Member
You said you were gay, now you say you have a gf. Your jokes suck, thats why I changed my religion because of lame ass jokes that are based on lies.

I never said I was gay, I said "You don't know love until you've had a reach around ROFL"..... Although I do have some gay friends, and they've hit on me before - I just don't find dudes attractive, the same way they don't find women attractive.

Apparently you didn't learn the subtleties of humor from the bible...