The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2


Active Member
Marijuana bill officially introduced to Congress by Ron Paul, Barney Frank

June 23, 2011 | 4:16 pm



Marijuana laws should be set at the state, not federal, level, Reps. Ron Paul and Barney Frank argued in a bill they introduced Thursday.
The goal of the bill, HR 2306, is not to legalize marijuana but to remove it from the list of federally controlled substances while allowing states to decide how they will regulate it.
"I do not advocate urging people to smoke marijuana. Neither do I urge them to drink alcoholic beverages or smoke tobacco," said Frank (D-Mass.). "But in none of these cases do I think prohibition enforced by criminal sanctions is good public policy.
"Criminally prosecuting adults for making the choice to smoke marijuana is a waste of law enforcement resources and an intrusion on personal freedom," he added.
Frank admitted in a conference call Thursday that he didn't think the bill had a chance of passing, but according to Reason's Hit & Run blog, the congressman was "particularly struck by the hypocrisy of public officials who will themselves talk about smoking marijuana, wink at it, and then make it criminal for other people," which leads to "a very discriminatory pattern of enforcement."

The bill appears doomed on arrival, according to the Associated Press, which reported that House Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith said his panel, which the proposed law is required to venture through, would not even consider it.


Well-Known Member
I think Ron Paul answered the guy without health insurance question 100%. The MSNBC guy said he was without compassion and completely cut the actual answer out. There is still 4-5 months til the primaries start. Ron Paul is gaining in recognition and support.

The Polls are not as telling as one might imagine, and it is really anyone's race at the moment.

Here is the average of the polls on RCP. I rounded up and down by .1-.2% on many of them because it makes for easier comparison.

Perry: 29%
Romney: 19%
Palin: 12%
Paul: 9%
Bachmann: 7.5%
Gingrich: 6%
Cain: 5%
Santorum: 2%
Huntsman 1%

Palin isn't running. Perry's number is overstated and is still factoring in his 'new guy in the race' explosion of the first week or so of his campaign.

I see the real numbers as being something like:
Perry: 25%
Romney: 20%
Paul: 9%
Bachmann 7.5%

Most of the others will drop out at some point in the race. It is hard to guess who those people that support them will go to. Also, note that about 20% of Republican primary voters are undecided. Also, if you look at Real Clear Politics listed polls the ones Palin isn't polled in Ron Paul and Bachmann jump a couple percent. She isn't running, so expect the actual votes to reflect this.

Here is a major piece of information that most people won't connect or have really thought about. Where was the 2007 Primary race at in this point of the primaries?

It was:

Giuliani: 34%
Thompson: 23%
McCain: 16%

As we all know, McCain was the eventual winner with over 46%. Romney was 22%. Huckabee was 21%.

Why did the polls show McCain sucking so bad if he totally beat ass in the primaries? Independents get to vote in about half of the Republican primaries. I knew there were a few states that did but further searching into it shows that many states allow Independents to vote in the primaries, and others allow changes at the polls and such.

Who do the polling people poll for the republican primaries? Republicans.

Ron Paul has a lot of support with Independents. This is the first time he has a real opportunity to win it. Libertarians will definitely vote for Ron Paul in the primaries if they think it will help.

The truth is, I am excited. Ron Paul's supporters are not going anywhere, they love him. So he has a solid 10% he isn't going to lose and that is just with registered Republicans. He has nowhere to go but up.


Well-Known Member
Here is a list of open primary states. If you live in one of these states and you are independent and like Ron Paul at all, go for it! If you live in a state that requires you to register Republican, then please do so. You vote and enthusiasm is greatly needed to change the country.

If your state is not listed, double check. Other states have rules that allow Independents to vote in the primaries too!


Well-Known Member
Amendments to the list adding the other states that allow independents to vote.

Illinois does not require you to register. You announce it at the polling place and nothing changes! This is essentially the same thing.
Iowa voters can change theirs the same day.
Louisiana does some funky crap with their primaries, but the end result is that you can vote in the primaries without changing to Republican.
Massachusetts is semi closed. You can still vote I think.
Montana voters are allowed to vote in whatever primary they want.
New Hampshire allows you to change at the polls.
New Jersey lets you change it at the polls.
North Carolina lets you vote in whatever primary you want as a Independent.
Ohio lets you change it at the polls.

That is 28 states that you can vote no problem! Yay. There are others that allow it. If in question spend the moment to check your states primary rules. If you know someone who likes Ron Paul make sure they know they can vote in the primaries! Often without having to become Republican! Get the word out!


Well-Known Member
Congressman Ron Paul to attend a Town Hall Meeting at River’s Bend Convention Center (Salon C) Stoney Creek Inn, 300 3rd St., Sioux City, IA on Tuesday, September 20 at 2:00pm Central.


Well-Known Member
Spencer Town Hall Meeting

Congressman Ron Paul to attend a Town Hall Meeting at Clay County Regional Events Center (Rooms A & B), 800 West 18th Street, Spencer, IA 51301 on Tuesday, September 20 at 4:00pm Central.

September 22, 2011

FOX News Presidential Debate-Orlando, FL

Fox News Debate In Orlando, Florida on Thursday, September 22 at 6pm Eastern

Florida CPAC Speech

Congressman Ron Paul will speak at the Florida Conservative Political Action Conference at the South Concourse of the Orange County Convention Center, 9899 International Drive, Orlando, FL on Friday, September 23rd at 1:45pm Eastern


Well-Known Member
September 23, 2011

Ron Paul to Speak at Louisiana State University

Congressman Ron Paul will speak at Louisiana State University, at LSU’s Union Theater located at the intersection of Highland and Raphael Semmes Roads, Baton Rouge, LA on Friday, September 23rd. The doors open at 4:00 pm Central.
To RSVP for this free LSU event please visit:

Ron Paul to Attend Louisiana State Campaign Headquarters Grand Opening

Congressman Ron Paul will attend Louisiana State Campaign Headquarters Grand Opening at 7047 Jefferson Highway, Suite B in Baton Rouge, LA on Friday, September 23rd beginning at 5:30 p.m. Central. FIND MORE EVENT DETAILS HERE.

September 26, 2011

Interview with Jon Stewart-Daily Show

Congressman Ron Paul will interview with Jon Stewart-Daily Show Monday September 26 5:30pm Eastern Time


Well-Known Member
September 27, 2011

Dubuque Town Hall Meeting

Congressman Ron Paul to attend a Town Hall Meeting at Northeast Iowa Community College – Town Clock Center, 680 Main St. Dubuque, IA 52001 on Tuesday, September 27 at 12:00pm Central.

Clinton Town Hall Meeting

Congressman Ron Paul to attend a Town Hall Meeting at Technology Center – Clinton Community College, 1951 Manufacturing Dr. Clinton, IA on Tuesday, September 27 at 2:00 pm Central.

Muscatine Town Hall Meeting

Congressman Ron Paul to attend a Town Hall Meeting at Riverview Center, 110 Harbor Dr. Muscatine, IA on Tuesday, September 27 at 4:00 pm Central.

September 27, 2011

Story County GOP Chili Supper

Congressman Ron Paul to attend a GOP Chili Supper at Gates Hall, 825 15th St. Nevada, IA on Tuesday, September 27 at 6:00 pm Central.


New Member
Is Anyone Besides Ron Paul Serious About Our Deepening National Financial Crisis?


Cafferty incredibly critical of Obamas shitty plan, questions if anyone is serious about the financial crisis aside from Ron Paul.


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="LIFE";6316340]Jesus christ Ron Paul all I ever hear is fucking Ron Paul aahhhhhghhhhh[/QUOTE]
Maybe you shouldn't be in a Ron Paul thread if you don't want to hear about it?


Well-Known Member
do's Ronny lad grow some nice weed??? ive never fucking heard of him.
I think I can translate that as "Does Ron Paul's son, Rand Paul, grow weed?" lol. If that is indeed the question you are asking then I don't believe so. However, they want you to have the right to decide if you should smoke weed for yourself.


This is Ron Paul talking about why he thinks marijuana should not be illegal.

That being said, I would be surprised if Ran has not gotten high. Ron Paul, I'm not sure.


Well-Known Member
Anyone else notice that Ron Paul gives the same answers as he did before but none of the other politicians who were in the 2008 primaries do? It is good to learn and adjust your way of thinking if you find new information, but it is better to have known the right way to begin with. Ron Paul stands among his peers as an adult among children.

To any of those who don't like Ron Paul. Did you think he was a kook when he talked about the housing bubble as the democrats were ramming 'give poor people homes they can't afford plans' through? How about when Bush continued to do it? I bet you did. You thought he was a kook when he said the Fed was a major issue. Now almost everyone thinks the Fed is doing something wrong. Our representatives surely do since they voted to audit the Fed. As time goes on, it becomes more and more obvious that all the things Ron Paul is saying come true. He is like a political Nostradamus. You have to stop and ask yourself if he is right on many of these other things even though you might not agree with them right now. In 10 years, will his words have fallen on death ears and all the worse things he suggested might happen come to pass? It was obvious with the financial bubble, housing bubble, and all the other issues we have have that our government, and the people, were like a child being told they would burn their hands playing with fire. Yet we still burned our hands, and touched the fire. Will the country now remember what 'crazy old grandpa Ron' said as we continue on and take heed of the very logical warnings? When will America get past its teen years and become a country of logical decisions instead of allowing the country to be ran like American Idol?

I hope it is in the coming years. I want to have children, I want my children to grow up and have the opportunity to do with their lives whatever they want. I do not want my child to grow up with the chains of society holding at the level of mediocrity because that is the safe way of life. They should have the opportunity to be exactly who they were born to be, and not what society deems acceptable. I do not want slaves for children protected from themselves by the government. I want free children who get to choose their own path.

Ron Paul is the one man who has a chance to lead our country down this road at this moment. All others whether they have a R or a D beside their names are authoritarian. Whether they want to control the fruits of labor or our personal lives is entirely besides the point. They both want control of us. Ron Paul is the only one who seems to understand that though his personal beliefs may be his own, yours are your own and you should be allowed to live by your beliefs not forced to live by his. This is why I support Ron Paul and believe he is the right choice. There is nothing more important than freedom.


Well-Known Member
Just watched the debate in Florida, of course barely any time went to ron, but he certainly answered all his questions the most logically, mitt romny, and rick perry will beat each other out of the race, just watch, and like ron paul said tonight he wont mention who he would choose as VP because he is in the top 3 nationally and dont want to hurt anything, so Ron Paul knows he is close, he will be the one debating a president, a president with all time low approval rating, more so than out of any other president for a generation. Rick perry had his ass booed to death floridans do not like him, ron paul clearly won this florida debate had the loudest cheers and applause, Ron Paul is the only candidate left.
Ron Paul 2012! He will be president 2012.


Well-Known Member
Anyone else notice that Ron Paul gives the same answers as he did before but none of the other politicians who were in the 2008 primaries do? It is good to learn and adjust your way of thinking if you find new information, but it is better to have known the right way to begin with. Ron Paul stands among his peers as an adult among children.

To any of those who don't like Ron Paul. Did you think he was a kook when he talked about the housing bubble as the democrats were ramming 'give poor people homes they can't afford plans' through? How about when Bush continued to do it? I bet you did. You thought he was a kook when he said the Fed was a major issue. Now almost everyone thinks the Fed is doing something wrong. Our representatives surely do since they voted to audit the Fed. As time goes on, it becomes more and more obvious that all the things Ron Paul is saying come true. He is like a political Nostradamus. You have to stop and ask yourself if he is right on many of these other things even though you might not agree with them right now. In 10 years, will his words have fallen on death ears and all the worse things he suggested might happen come to pass? It was obvious with the financial bubble, housing bubble, and all the other issues we have have that our government, and the people, were like a child being told they would burn their hands playing with fire. Yet we still burned our hands, and touched the fire. Will the country now remember what 'crazy old grandpa Ron' said as we continue on and take heed of the very logical warnings? When will America get past its teen years and become a country of logical decisions instead of allowing the country to be ran like American Idol?

I hope it is in the coming years. I want to have children, I want my children to grow up and have the opportunity to do with their lives whatever they want. I do not want my child to grow up with the chains of society holding at the level of mediocrity because that is the safe way of life. They should have the opportunity to be exactly who they were born to be, and not what society deems acceptable. I do not want slaves for children protected from themselves by the government. I want free children who get to choose their own path.

Ron Paul is the one man who has a chance to lead our country down this road at this moment. All others whether they have a R or a D beside their names are authoritarian. Whether they want to control the fruits of labor or our personal lives is entirely besides the point. They both want control of us. Ron Paul is the only one who seems to understand that though his personal beliefs may be his own, yours are your own and you should be allowed to live by your beliefs not forced to live by his. This is why I support Ron Paul and believe he is the right choice. There is nothing more important than freedom.
I noticed. If anyone watched Hannity after the debates they'd have seen him be respectful to Ron Paul. The other candidates are sounding a bit like Ron on some points which makes it harder for Hannity to attack Ron. Hannity said he agreed with Ron on 95 percent of economic issues but disagreed with him about his foreign policy. Then asked him to explain it.
It's hard for me to believe Hannity agreed with much of Ron Pauls economic policies before since Ron hasn't changed. Although I don't watch Hannity much, maybe he's changed over the last few years on economics.