Here we go again


Well-Known Member
The GOP will not pass up an opportunity for one of these governmennt shutdowns. There is no denying that they want all the calmamity and economic turmoil they can cause between now and the election.
There is plenty of division on how to fix the problems. But, we have a debt commission to try and do that. Instead of letting them do their work, the GOP is taking another opportunity to hold the economy hostage to their ideology. AGAIN!
Meanwhile the life savings of millions are disappearing. Sure, it'll come back eventually (I think), but too late for many.
This behavior of our elected leaders is sickening.


Well-Known Member
Some could same the Same about the Dems. All they want to do is spend and to hell with the future. Stop the spending. The debt commission will be blown off by Obama just like the 9/11 commission was. I say let run them all out and start over with TERM LIMITS.


Well-Known Member
Some could same the Same about the Dems. All they want to do is spend and to hell with the future. Stop the spending. The debt commission will be blown off by Obama just like the 9/11 commission was. I say let run them all out and start over with TERM LIMITS.
Please explain what you mean by "Some could say the same about the Dems". I was talking about the GOP taking yet another opportunity to hold the country hostage. You can disagree with Dem philosophy and want less socialist policies, etc., but you can't say Dems have taken every opportunity to shut it down like GOP have and continue to do.


New Member
The GOP will not pass up an opportunity for one of these governmennt shutdowns. There is no denying that they want all the calmamity and economic turmoil they can cause between now and the election.
There is plenty of division on how to fix the problems. But, we have a debt commission to try and do that. Instead of letting them do their work, the GOP is taking another opportunity to hold the economy hostage to their ideology. AGAIN!
Meanwhile the life savings of millions are disappearing. Sure, it'll come back eventually (I think), but too late for many.
This behavior of our elected leaders is sickening.
Obama is that you?
what ever happened to Obama spouting, WE can do this with our without the republicans? He had the House and Senate for 2 years and didnt do a damn thing but put us further into debt. Hell even some of your democrap friends dont like what he is putting on the table.
Is this the changed and hope you guys wanted?
Yes the republicans are holding the country hostage...for something better.
Stop drinking the kool-aid and do some research before spouting off the democrap mantra.



Well-Known Member
Uhm, just so you guys know they're holding this up because they're demanding DISASTER RELIEF spending be offset by cuts elsewhere... That isn't ideological or anything... :roll:


New Member
booo hooo the replican won't let me go outside a pway it all thar fault why they not pass this bill they always wuin eberytang



Well-Known Member
Some could same the Same about the Dems. All they want to do is spend and to hell with the future. Stop the spending. The debt commission will be blown off by Obama just like the 9/11 commission was. I say let run them all out and start over with TERM LIMITS.
you want to cut 'spending'?? let's start with ending economy-destroying tax breaks which are accounted as tax expenditures on the spending side of government financial statements.


Well-Known Member
All they want to do is spend and to hell with the future.
the spending was mostly inherited.

about the only thing obama 'spent' on was the ARRA, to the tune of $787 billion, and i would call that investment rather than spending (not to mention it would be worse to do nothing during a recession lie the one he was left).

why was it investment, not spending? i can name a few reasons, such as how goods and products will move quicker and easier thanks to infrastructure improvements, tax breaks that anyone who works got will go back into the economy, improving aggregate demand.

perhaps some people like to sit and idle in traffic and like that goods and products sit in traffic, idling, wasting gas and driving up the end price on the consumer. i don't know.

perhaps some people who work like to not keep $400 of their own money (at the very least) every year. again, i don't know.


Well-Known Member
"leave it up to the leadership to leave these votes up to the last minute" - rand paul

Mr. Paul, both of you, YOU ARE THE LEADERSHIP.


New Member
The Solution is to close Military bases in Boehner, Mcconnells and Cantors Districts
That should offset the costs of disaster releif and then some

Shouldn't be a problem since those three want to cut spending

Jack Fate

New Member
I don't know who you're all gonna blame after the next election when you're wiped out and Obamacare is repealed. I guess all you have left is to call the American people racists and bigots. That would be the lefty thing to do.

Jack Fate

New Member
The Solution is to close Military bases in Boehner, Mcconnells and Cantors Districts
That should offset the costs of disaster releif and then some

Shouldn't be a problem since those three want to cut spending
Defense spending is constitutional. Obamacare and all the other BS spending isn't. Don't let the truth and the facts get in the way of your thought process.

Charlie Ventura

Active Member
Uhm, just so you guys know they're holding this up because they're demanding DISASTER RELIEF spending be offset by cuts elsewhere... That isn't ideological or anything... :roll:
Yeah mame, you can roll your eyes all you want, but you miss the point. WE ARE BROKE! WE ARE 14 TRILLION in debt and counting.

Without offsets, the money to provide disaster relief would have to be 1. borrowed, continuing to make future citizens indentured servants. 2. Printed, further debasing our currency with a continuing rise in prices, or 3. Raising taxes, with the economy dumping further into the progressive sink hole.


Well-Known Member
we are not broke.

what's the federal governments 'quick ratio'?

it doesn't exist, because the governments financial statements aren't run like private businesses'..... as much as it seems to behave like it, the federal deficit is not 'debt', at least on the government's balance sheet.

how about we end these economy devastating tax breaks????????????????


Well-Known Member
Yeah mame, you can roll your eyes all you want, but you miss the point. WE ARE BROKE! WE ARE 14 TRILLION in debt and counting.

Without offsets, the money to provide disaster relief would have to be 1. borrowed, continuing to make future citizens indentured servants. 2. Printed, further debasing our currency with a continuing rise in prices, or 3. Raising taxes, with the economy dumping further into the progressive sink hole.
But it is totally ok with you that we continue to borrow money to build roads and schools in Iraq and Afghanistan?


Active Member
we are not broke.

what's the federal governments 'quick ratio'?

it doesn't exist, because the governments financial statements aren't run like private businesses'..... as much as it seems to behave like it, the federal deficit is not 'debt', at least on the government's balance sheet.

how about we end these economy devastating tax breaks????????????????
It’s real debt, the federal government just plays games with the books that would land any business person in jail. So I guess if it's not real debt we don't have to pay it back. Get real.

Is repelling the Bush tax cuts going to bring in an additional 1.5 trillion a year?