Lace and Frills <3


Well-Known Member
lol either way lets either see some wedding dresses or some lace and frills, enough of the bullshit talk


Well-Known Member
Forgot about it already, damn and u even apologized , i'm not posting it since my message area is private (not wall sorry i was thinking FB lmfao my bad) But i wish that was the real FDD, seems we both like each other a lot more when we are vulnerable? bahahahahah
so you completely missed your own contradiction?

just take off your shirt and get on your knees. i think i was wrong about you. :hump:

they are giving away FREE STUFF on xBox live right now. i gotta go.



New Member
Forgot about it already, damn and u even apologized , i'm not posting it since my message area is private (not wall sorry i was thinking FB lmfao my bad) But i wish that was the real FDD, seems we both like each other a lot more when we are vulnerable? bahahahahah
LMFAO damn ok she was part right "removing my death clutch from the nozzle"
Can't U all see she's throwing an olive branch out there ? Compromise people, it's the only way.


Well-Known Member
Dude he could be chillin in a pair of lacy panties and his wifes nightie and u would never know lol makes me wonder what people are wearing when they post, hmmm anyone post naked ? lmfao
Im almost always naked when im on RIU. naked or in pj pants. or boxers.


Pickle Queen
Im almost always naked when im on RIU. naked or in pj pants. or boxers.
Ok now i'm visualizing a slightly greasy ,maybe funky smelling version of House sipping his coffee in his boxers making snickery remarks at the 2 pages prior to this post ;)

Maybe 4 shits and giggles i'll post another pic of myself ;)


Well-Known Member
Ok now i'm visualizing a slightly greasy ,maybe funky smelling version of House sipping his coffee in his boxers making snickery remarks at the 2 pages prior to this post ;)

Maybe 4 shits and giggles i'll post another pic of myself ;)
greasy funky? lmao. oook. no. lol. i get out of the shower. and either have a towel on or my boxers. lol. drinking my coffee i really dont get dressed until i get off this thing. but if you see me here in the AM. chances are are mostly naked. wait..socks count right? lol

you say greasy and funky and i picture that guy off breaking bad in his under wear. no, im only 23. and im only 180lbs. sooo no fat greasy stinky nothing. the only thing thats funky is my bud. not my butt. lol.


Well-Known Member
AWWW Fdd still bitter over little old me becoming Mod HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

As if i would care what FDD thinks hahahahaha and Meta grow some balls, stop kissing FDD's it's pretty funny to watch, why bother u got ur free shit.

FDD u come and state ur opinion or view constantly but as soon as someone disagrees or gets more attention then u, u cry and pick at them on a personal level, see this is why i think everyone starting disliking u and the proper choice was made, still burns ur buttom doesn't it love. Either way bash me all u want, i still respect u as a fellow grower since ahem i am one ;-)

How or why would people respect u when ur goal is to make me feel unattractive, what kind of person would want to do that, i for one try and make people smile, if u don't like what i have to say or look like please keep ur narrow minded opinions of me to urself, if not u might not like what i and lots of others will have to say about u.

Seriously learn how to respect the people u Mod and maybe some might like u again ;) Comments like u felt the need to make only show how weak and jealous u are.

Funny how members have sent me pm's asking me to be nice 2 u because they felt bad about everyone not liking u, hahahaha u want people to pitty u over thinking ur cute and growing sweet plants hahahahaha whatever FDD i give up and i wont be so nice anymore, ur rude, funny how u think u can post whatever u want but everyone else must talk about growing , or wait do we need ur all mighty approval to open a tread? bongsmilie Go smoke a bowl ang get over urself, funny how i woke up to pm's of people telling me about ur rude comments, sorry love i got PLENTY of poeple who like me and enjoy my pix, I still can't believe u think it's needed to cause drama in a thread by making negative comments to get a reaction, no ATTENTION is all u want, that's why u poke at me, man u dsb and fab are all the same
Fuck off...I never had problmes with you, FDD, anyone...Except Urca ;)

He said I called you cute, I did not...I wasn't defending him, I wasn't saying I don't think you're cute...I was simply stating that I do not get sprung over girls I do not actually know...Man, an I thought you were pretty decent, but then you go and attack me? Seriously? You don't know me, leave me out of this shit!


Well-Known Member
WTF...I never said anyone was cute, FDD, I have a girlfriend whom I think is sexy, especially since she's actually here ...I don't really go for internet girlies...Don't drag me into this shit!

I simply will not stand for this slander!

What the hell, seriously April? If this is what you consider kissing ass, then you're fucked.