Controversial Bake Sale Highlights Racist College Policy

In my very humble opinion, I think the bake sale was awesome. They ended up giving away the cupcakes for free to EVERYBODY anyways, and still got their point across on a national level! Way to go!!!
Of course!! Those people were slaves and we need to do right by them by letting at least .00000001% of them succeed all the while we slowly turn the screws on the rest of them.

help me out here, nodrama.

i am as racist as they make 'em, right?

i just want to make sure everyone knows what a bigot i am.
help me out here, nodrama.

i am as racist as they make 'em, right?

i just want to make sure everyone knows what a bigot i am.

You are a racist and a bigot. Your own actions and words on this forum show it. You also abhor free speech. About time to start deleting my posts, isn't it?
Most likely? In what universe? You're going to have to back that up with statistics. You're trying to invalidate UB's post with an assumption? The only one falling on their face is you.

I'm not sure what part of that you need stats to back up. California has some of the highest tuitions for universities and colleges, I believe I said excluding the small percentage that get scholarships, and I'm pretty sure in the world I live in, poor kids don't get $120k student

Like I said, what part of that statement needs statistics. Do you need a stats to accept ALL common sense based conclusions? College is expensive, they don't give most kids free rides, hence kids going there are from families that can afford you need an abacus to do the math?

Try to think a little before you post in your haste to be a cheerleader for Buck...he doesn't really need your help...if that's what anyone would call it.
"i believe in looking at the totality of a candidate."

A person's skin color has zero relevance to a candidate's qualification. If it's income disparity you're looking for, go by actual income. There is no justifiable reason to bring race into this isssue.
hypothetically, If I owned a Vacuum sales business I would purposely hire black people to go work the predominately black neighborhoods and then use those same black salesmen to go to the predominately white neighborhoods and make white people feel guilty about past racism and slavery to sell more vacuums.

Does that make me racist? Cuz I would totally do that.
hypothetically, If I owned a Vacuum sales business I would purposely hire black people to go work the predominately black neighborhoods and then use those same black salesmen to go to the predominately white neighborhoods and make white people feel guilty about past racism and slavery to sell more vacuums.

Does that make me racist? Cuz I would totally do that.

Dont you think you would lose money paying off all those tickets they get for "driving while black" in the White Neighborhoods?