Stealth Speaker Grow - Short Stuff Super Cali Haze - CFL - SCROG


Active Member
Awesome!!! The next couple weeks are gonna be good ones!
Haha.. its going to be interesting seeing her buds mature.. im finally starting to stop the religious 15 min checkups! Every 30 min now! Lol.. j/k.. i usually only check on her now when i wake up and when shes wakes up :-) PM replied to..

Since the main cola is now the same height as the rest of the screen, im wondering if it might be a good idea to move the lights a bit closer... the r about 6" now..


New Member
Since the main cola is now the same height as the rest of the screen, im wondering if it might be a good idea to move the lights a bit closer... the r about 6" now..
Do it!! Get that light as close as you can without burning her.

im finally starting to stop the religious 15 min checkups! Every 30 min now! Lol.. j/k..
Dude if I didn't work all day I'd be chillin with mine too. Ohh btw u got mail.


Active Member
Do it!! Get that light as close as you can without burning her.

Dude if I didn't work all day I'd be chillin with mine too. Ohh btw u got mail.
Light has been moved down a bit.. they are about 3.5" from the tops of the colas.. they were actually only 5" before.. the main cola was 1/2" for a couple days and actually started touching and never burned so 3.5" should be no problem. doesn't get over 77F..


Well-Known Member
I enjoyed reading through the journal, because it's pretty much the same as what I hope to do!

Can't wait to see it finish out!


Active Member
I enjoyed reading through the journal, because it's pretty much the same as what I hope to do!

Can't wait to see it finish out!
thanks man.. post up your a link to your journal if your doing one.. always lookin to check out new grows ;)


Active Member
44 days old!! She got fed today. I used tap water which stayed out 24 hours before hand and was mixed with 1 tablespoon molasses to help with the left over chloramine.. (i read a post with detailed information showing how the sugars in molasses can neutralize the chloramine in just under an hour).. Next, Per Batman's instructions.. I mixed 1 teaspoon of tiger bloom to 1 gallon.. then i mixed in 1 tablespoon big bloom.. checked the ph.. right around 6.3..

I gave her about 32oz of water.. Here's some pics ;)



New Member
Startin to fill in fast! She's stinkin up ur place now isn't she?

Ur doing everything right. Just alternate that feed with a plain water/molasses feed, then nutes, then water/molasses and she'll be rock hard nugs in no time. Myself though wonders that since she's a haze how long she'll take to finish. I know Haze's usually take a while. Supposed to be real potent creepers though.


Active Member
Startin to fill in fast! She's stinkin up ur place now isn't she?

Ur doing everything right. Just alternate that feed with a plain water/molasses feed, then nutes, then water/molasses and she'll be rock hard nugs in no time. Myself though wonders that since she's a haze how long she'll take to finish. I know Haze's usually take a while. Supposed to be real potent creepers though.
:-) i will continue to follow the words of the wise... based on other cali haze auto grows, they finish anywhere from 80ish to 90ish days from seed...ive seen about 3.. none matchin the pheno i have... cant i just check her trichs and harvest at 50/50 color change..

Negative on the smell.. its been noted in other journals too that she doesnt smell much at all unless u disturb her :-)touch her stem and skunk fills the room.. squish her buds and its hashy/citrusy...dont think a filter will be needed for this girl.. just some febreeze or somethin later on :-)


Active Member
This girl does not like nutes! LOL she is very sensitive to the nutes as she is showing more signs of burning.. not as bad as last time but a few of the leaves are starting to burn..


Active Member
Question for batman.. so on some of the colas, the newer growth leaves are turning lime green and have white streaks through some of em.. cant pick it up on camera.. r the cfls too close perhaps?? Mostly concentrated at the buds in the middle of the screen.. the oustisde buds arent affected as much... is cannabis more sensitive to light when given nutes?


New Member
The only way the cfls are too close is if the surface area of the buds are getting too hot. during a warmer part of the day if u put ur finger near the top of the plant and it feels too warm it probably is, if not you're fine. I wouldn't be too concerned with the leaves at this point, as the buds fill in, they're gonna start to get pretty ugly. You really probably should check the temp though just to see if at a certain time of the day it gets too hot perhaps? I know buds too close to light get a bleached like look, but I've never seen that happen with CFL's.


Active Member
The only way the cfls are too close is if the surface area of the buds are getting too hot. during a warmer part of the day if u put ur finger near the top of the plant and it feels too warm it probably is, if not you're fine. I wouldn't be too concerned with the leaves at this point, as the buds fill in, they're gonna start to get pretty ugly. You really probably should check the temp though just to see if at a certain time of the day it gets too hot perhaps? I know buds too close to light get a bleached like look, but I've never seen that happen with CFL's.
thanks for respondin! ;) my hygrometer has a max and min temp and i reset it everyday to monitor it.. max temp is 79 and that's cause it just tends to spike for 2 seconds and drop for some reason every now and then.. majority of the time is 77F and below.. i think the lights were to close cause the bud right in the middle has brownish marks like its getting burned and it doesn't look like the nute burn i experienced a week ago.. i moved the lights back up to 5" from the tops just to be safe..


New Member
Hmm odd. I guess it must have got too warm at some point. I've done that myself once with an HID. Plant recovered fine tho.


Active Member
Hmm odd. I guess it must have got too warm at some point. I've done that myself once with an HID. Plant recovered fine tho.
yea i think the problem is where the hygrometer is set, its reading how hot it is 8" from the lights not 3" from the lights.. i checked the surface of the lights and they are at 84F.. she is still growing and hasn't shown any signs of looking sick like misshapen leaves, tips pointing up or down, drooping etc.. still looks very healthy just the leaves are a bit off in color at the top of some of the colas..


Active Member
ok well here she is at 46 days old ;) trichomes are alot more visible now. buds are fattening up..

Here's a picture of the bud that was in the middle of the screen affected most by the temperature or closeness of the cfl lights..
