A lot of these protest are at federal reserves and thats very promising. Libertarians really need to get out to these occupy movements because we can teach the people about liberty and the truth and make this movement more effective.
The corporate media are trying to make it about them, the unions are trying to make it about them, and as mentioned the media matters and moveon.org crap and even commies are trying to make it about them. What I am hearing on the alternative media and from people at the protest is that right now its purely grass roots its just these organizations are trying to make it about them.
The objectives of the protest are VERY simple actually, which makes it why its obvious to me that the corporate media and all these groups I named are simply trying to make it about them. The clear goals that would solve everyones frustrations can be summed up in 2 words. Corporatism and Militarism.
1) Stop the corporatism (Specific Examples: The Financial Crisis - The crooks, SuperPACS which as of 2010 allow unions and corporations to contribute unlimited money into politics - corporations now have more rights then people - Big problem)
2) Stop the Militarism (Examples: End the wars and start following the constitution)
These are humanitarian objectives I think everyone can agree on and solve a lot of our issues. There you go, the 99%.
Winter Woman, Your stories are all too common and yes its sad the police don't really give a rats ass, If you go to file a report even after being robbed by a gunman you will be greeted with a cup of water and a hotlamp while they interogate you and try to come up with something to charge YOU for, well it is there job you know, to charge people with crimes, its not to protect you, no matter how they see it as such, they are only mobile secretaries for the state who show up after the fact and then charge people with crimes.
Its experiences like this that molded me into the libertarian I have become. Its growing up in michigan for the past 30 years. I think all of us that 35 are this way in a sense, we are raised that the government instills fear in us and to the fear the police, if you remember we had columbine and this caused a constant police presence at our public school.
I was talking to murf about this a few hours ago, the liberals/democrats today just aren't humanitarian at all, they have wandered so far from the classic liberal, they are like a bunch of zombies. I am a left leaning libertarian myself and I have a very difficult time relating to the liberals at all, they are very distant from my views and I feel a better connection with so called conservatives, at least we share the same values and the principle of liberty.