My 2 cents on profit for caregivers

bob harris

Well-Known Member
So, once again, I'd ask that you guys show something that indicates a reasonable profit, for your knowledge, skill and efforts growing. I have no issues with care giver making a living..they should. But more that 60k for gardening 60 weeds?

Not the toughest crop to grow. 60 plants, in doors, no frost kill, no storm damage..far easier to control pests....easy grow compared to a real farmer.

I can make profit with a 12 plant grow. 60 would reduce my cost/per yield substantially due to economics of scale.

Got anything at all that logically places you as someone trying to make a fair living...rather than a dope dealer?

See, that's the problem with getting more lenient laws passed...Every time some one approaches you guys trying to set realistic guidelines, you go to" fuck accountability" we want the peace of mind From more lienient laws AND the ability to be un accountable.

Come on me me you are responsible enough to have more lenient laws... or just admit that you want to profiteer wildly from an illegal act.


Well-Known Member
I really think you're just looking for an argument or to feel like you're right. What people think is an honest income is going to change from person to person so how do you expect to get a concrete answer. Some people are happier with less money, some people need more.

I couldn't care less how much someone makes, $10,000? 1,000,000? It's all the same to me. If you have the drive to go out there and make that money than more power to you, you deserve it.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
I really think you're just looking for an argument or to feel like you're right. What people think is an honest income is going to change from person to person so how do you expect to get a concrete answer. Some people are happier with less money, some people need more.

I couldn't care less how much someone makes, $10,000? 1,000,000? It's all the same to me. If you have the drive to go out there and make that money than more power to you, you deserve it.

Couldn't agree more. If you have the drive to compete in a fair job market, playing by the will make a good living...however you define that.

If you think you should make more than 60k for a 20 hour a week job that doesn't require a set schedule and can be done from don't have much drive..just greed.

I'm simply asking how tending a small garden makes you worth those wages...and what's fair for that work.
Just like any other job or career.

That seems to be an impossible question for you guys to answer.

You are all saying that you are for legalization and rights. If cannabis were legal to grow, how would you Make a living competing with the influx of new growers?

Again, we are in a Forum for MEDICAL grows, discussing the advancement of more liberal laws.

All you guys got is to throw your hands in the air and run away?

I've shown what I can do on a small scale. I've submitted a model for a larger scale grow. Not one of you seems to be able to be able to logically debate the economic results of those scenarios.

I'm not "the man". But if I were, I'd be reading your posts and thinking "these guys have no clue" and I wouldn't be inclined to further you responsibilities by further liberalizing any laws.

I'm not looking for an argument...I'm simply asking for some logical explanation as to the worth of the growing profession.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
I have no jealousy for your big rigs. I have the capital and ability to grow on a large scale if I chose to.
Big just means you should have better cost efficiency per oz...and the ability to make reasonable profit on reasonable pricing.

With the economy of scale of that operation, you should be able to sell at 100 an oz easy..If you can't, your profiteering or have no clue of business management.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
Woah bud look at seizures in 2010 for mendocino county ca like 3,000,000 in cash ! THeN the assets and property seized ... You have no fucking clue . The war on drugs is all about keeping big pharma in control and natural meds down the cash flows from lobbyist in washinton to the border an coastal regions . It is all exmilatary running the show for the war on drugs... They buddy up and work a thousand hours a year then buy the seized assets for nothing and own pawn shops an mansions in Texas !!!
3 million is small money when factored against the cost of Government operations. Probably wouldn't pay for the DEA's budget on toilet paper.

And the war on drugs is about much more than cannabis. De criminalize cannabis and you still have meth, cocaine, heroin, and a host of other truly dangerous drugs to deal with.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
That's 325$ a qp bob read the whole post by that guy
Thats 2.90$ a gram no I can't make ends meet at .18$ per kilowatt hr that makes my meds cost 7$ per gram and raising
If its 325 a quarter pound, that is low. Sorry if I mis read that..we've been talking in oz's....

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
Bob you're whining about other people charging too much and then out of the other side of your mouth you're saying that if you don't make $60,000 a year you have no skills. Maybe you should pick a side and stay there instead of flip flopping constantly.
LOL called out!

bob harris

Well-Known Member
LOL called out!
Hardly called out..I've already posted an answer.

Unlike you...I've called you out on your thoughts of reasonable profit...even given you a business model to plug your numbers in, and you can't respond.

That my friend is called out.

Now if you would like to respond with an answer (like I do when "called out") please do. I'd enjoy the education.

If you can;t answer...just admit that what you'd like to be is a profiteering drug dealer.

You started a post about care giver income...justify your position. Or can't you?


Active Member
bob if your so convinced on your model then put it to work.grow 60 plant's and try to put your local caregiver's out of buisness with your low low pricing that you think is so fair.or just STFU and pay me.

Buddy Ganga

Active Member
It would cost me more paying for personal from any of these greedy bastards then it does to be growing for myself my wife and 2 patients.
During the peak of summer with several a/c units running with everything else I was in the $1000 a month rage total cost, now that it's cooled off I'm below $600 a month total cost.

All of which I make up for in by products of the plants as they mature. I even sell my used soil to gardeners as a pre seed mix for their outside veggies.


Well-Known Member
Couldn't agree more. If you have the drive to compete in a fair job market, playing by the will make a good living...however you define that.

If you think you should make more than 60k for a 20 hour a week job that doesn't require a set schedule and can be done from don't have much drive..just greed.

I'm simply asking how tending a small garden makes you worth those wages...and what's fair for that work.
Just like any other job or career.

That seems to be an impossible question for you guys to answer.

You are all saying that you are for legalization and rights. If cannabis were legal to grow, how would you Make a living competing with the influx of new growers?

Again, we are in a Forum for MEDICAL grows, discussing the advancement of more liberal laws.

All you guys got is to throw your hands in the air and run away?

I've shown what I can do on a small scale. I've submitted a model for a larger scale grow. Not one of you seems to be able to be able to logically debate the economic results of those scenarios.

I'm not "the man". But if I were, I'd be reading your posts and thinking "these guys have no clue" and I wouldn't be inclined to further you responsibilities by further liberalizing any laws.

I'm not looking for an argument...I'm simply asking for some logical explanation as to the worth of the growing profession.

60 plants is a small grow. maybe sum parts of the us its worth enough to make gud money off 60 plants. id say more like a couple hundread around here to really make it good. and man it is alot of work. if i could find a job that paid the same i would even work a harder job just so that i could leave my work at work.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
bob if your so convinced on your model then put it to work.grow 60 plant's and try to put your local caregiver's out of buisness with your low low pricing that you think is so fair.or just STFU and pay me.
It would be really easy to ramp up to 60 plants and have much lower pricing. That is not what were talking about. We are talking about legalized growing or the movement towards legalized growing.

We are talking about fair income for work and time.

Again..please share any logical, reasonable thought that you have on these topics, unless all you got is "STFU PAY ME"

bob harris

Well-Known Member
60 plants is a small grow. maybe sum parts of the us its worth enough to make gud money off 60 plants. id say more like a couple hundread around here to really make it good. and man it is alot of work. if i could find a job that paid the same i would even work a harder job just so that i could leave my work at work.
My model is based on Michigan economics..this IS a Michigan medical forum.....other parts of the country could vary. Especiall CA..they have had med cannabis the longest..therefore more growers and competition.


Well-Known Member
In mich I highly doubt that u get good buds for 325$A qp unless you are trading at that price with another grower. 325 I would not be able to make my electric bill.

Edit; I Want the same prices as I charge for chantrells I forage off my land . FAIR market value you probably haggle at the farmers market too ... What an asshole... 75000$ a year after taxes is a good living wage for the high cost areas of Cali and other populated areas. Fair market value is set by you . It is up to the patient to be on point growing there own meds since it's sooooo easy. ;) or finding a compassionate caregiver that has extra .... I only have extra cuz of the prices I charge to non cash strapped med users.
Things are tough all over the gap between the haves and the have nots is widening . This a way for a lowly dirt farmer to get ahead alittle by charging sliding scales to your med users I make the HAVEs pay fir the HAVENOTS.
Cannabis is worth way more than your mushrooms dude.. Hell, morels only go for $30 a lb on a slim year.. If you are getting $100+ an ounce for chanterelles I'll be spending more time in the woods.


Well-Known Member
It would cost me more paying for personal from any of these greedy bastards then it does to be growing for myself my wife and 2 patients.
During the peak of summer with several a/c units running with everything else I was in the $1000 a month rage total cost, now that it's cooled off I'm below $600 a month total cost.

All of which I make up for in by products of the plants as they mature. I even sell my used soil to gardeners as a pre seed mix for their outside veggies.
Jessis christ you guys amaze me with what you spend on grows to supply just a few patients. I could add another 600 and easily supply myself and 3 other patients and only be spending $150 a month on electric during the summer... I dont know how you guys do it. I would never grow max quantities as a lot of people do though.

Buddy Ganga

Active Member
My model is based on Michigan economics..this IS a Michigan medical forum.....other parts of the country could vary. Especiall CA..they have had med cannabis the longest..therefore more growers and competition.
Cost of living is much much higher and price of meds is lower out there. Apples and oranges man..

Buddy Ganga

Active Member
Jessis christ you guys amaze me with what you spend on grows to supply just a few patients. I could add another 600 and easily supply myself and 3 other patients and only be spending $150 a month on electric during the summer... I dont know how you guys do it. I would never grow max quantities as a lot of people do though.
I don't grow max count never found it necessary. Leaves me room for clones and mothers.
I don't think for what I run being under $600 a month in total costs for most of the year is a problem or all that costly.
Spent more then that monthly buying meds.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
Jessis christ you guys amaze me with what you spend on grows to supply just a few patients. I could add another 600 and easily supply myself and 3 other patients and only be spending $150 a month on electric during the summer... I dont know how you guys do it. I would never grow max quantities as a lot of people do though.

My electric runs more that 150 a month....but that's partly my choice. I run a but load of lighting, 1800 watts over 6 plants. but I do that becuase I grow High light loving Sativa..and add uvb lighting to maximize quality. I'm not looking for economic return (although, even with my high costs, I can achieve it)

I could grow "stuff that gets you high" or even top shelf Indica's for pain much less expensively. But I'm concentrating on meds for a specific medical condition (Parkinson's) and the chemicals that improve PD are thc/thcv, with thvc being the tricky part to produce.

Thcv requires Sativa genetics, high light and uvb. It's a little more tricky grow. Not necessarily harder, just requires providing proper genetics and conditions. it's also why I have samples tested...not for bragging rights, but to monitor results.

My 'overages" go to other patients with neurological very reasonable prices. 175-200 an oz.
That's pretty fair for true Medical grade Sativa.

In the "weed" market what I grow would be considered "connoisseur" quality. Not saying it would win the cannabis cup...but it would compete.