Why Are People Anti-Religious?

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The Jewish people can trace their entire ancestry all the way back to Adam and Eve; that is a fact and it is born out by DNA evidence. Also, DNA evidence points to one common ancestor in the not too distant past, certainly not over 10,000 years

Please tell me, when and where Adam and Eve were found?

You can't trace a persons DNA to non-existent DNA. Unless, it's some make-believe DNA. Oh yeah, that'll work.
@ mindphuk: Religion does harm people; I agree, and there are many more superstitions than truth, but that does not mean there is no truth. Truth is only revealed to those truly seeking enlightenment. My paradigm is the Bible, and it is all about faith. You can't have faith and evidence; they are dimetrically opposed. We don't make the rules; we follow them or we are lost.
Yet the truth you seek is embedded in this thing you call religion when in fact there is no evidence that there is ANY actual truth there. I seek truth by following the evidence to wherever it leads, even if that turns out to be an uncomfortable place that says life itself is an accidental byproduct of the universe and that when we die, our consciousness doesn't live on but evaporates with our body.
You say it hinders from learning good critical thinking skills. Maybe you need to bone up on your own critical thinking skills instead of believing lies and using your own lack of study as a crutch. The greatest, most brilliant men (and women) in history were believers and attributed their knowlege and wisdom to God.
If I attribute my knowledge to FSM does that make it true? The fact that there have been some very intelligent people that escaped the bounds of dogma and searched for truths without regard for consequences does not negate the fact that traditionally followers are taught to NOT question and to 'heed the words.' There is nothing inherent in religion that tells us to think for ourselves and be skeptical, even of religion itself. That you can point to a few notable exceptions in history doesn't change the fact for the other billions of people enslaved by faith and doctrine.

God gets to set His own standards of holiness; we don't dictate what those standards are. Not to single out gays, and lesbians but along with that, there are many things that are sinful. Women were treated as slaves until the law was given to Moses. God actually liberated women and set them on the same level as man.
No, there is no liberation of woman in the Xian or Hebrew bible. They are still treated as property and subjugated to men.
You are singling out gays and lesbians as sinful which is intolerance considering you cannot even demonstrate that a god exists, let alone that homosexuality is a sin. This is ignorance perpetuated by religion. It is dangerous and evil.
The Bible does not conflict with science. That being said, while the Bible contains gems of science, the Bible is not a science book. On the other, you are throwing in Islam with Judeo-Christian beliefs. The Bible does not condone murder nor allowing someone else to be murdered if you can prevent it.
Yet YHWH murdered many people, including innocents and asked for many more to be murdered in his name. Just look at Joshua's army after Jericho how they massacred everyone, including the children. This is a theme that is repeated ad nauseum. You cannot tell me that these stories have no influence and that people cannot justify similar murderous behavior as righteous if it is in the name of god. How about executing witches? The witch hunts in Europe decimated the population in some cities as much as the plague did. Xians want to excuse themselves from that because it's history yet there are witch executions taking place in Nigeria today being incited by evangelical pastors that are CHRISTIAN.

I am not throwing Islam in with Xian beliefs, you asked why some of us are anti-religious, not anti-Christian. That smacks of special pleading on your part.
Some of you want "proof" of God. The proof is everywhere but fools can not and will not be allowed to see it; that's the way it works. Only those that come to God with a true, seeking heart will find him; He will not be manipulated

"There is proof everywhere" is not proof. If there was "proof" everywhere there wouldn't be any atheists because there would be "proof" everywhere.

If there was "proof everywhere" why would anyone need to seek God out?

"He will not be manipulated" ...but you will be.
If saying "God doesn't exist" or "I don't believe in God" means that I'm pushing anti-religion on people than I guess taking a shit in a public toilet is forcing people to know what I ate this morning.

It's my right to say "Hey, God doesn't exist" just as it is your right to say "I love God". It's not "pushing" until someone starts saying "you should do this" or "you should do that" in reference to their non-religious or religious beliefs.

There's so much ignorance and stupidity in this post it's going to be hard to address everything.

Humanism is a philosophy, not a religion. Much like determinism and utilitarianism are philosophies, not religions. But everyone is entitled to their opinion even if they're wrong; so enjoy yourself.

"Stupid, non-truthful statements."

I believe you mean, "Stupid, false statements", stupid.

No, they didn't write anything down because they didn't have a spoken or written language. They spent most of their time scavenging for food, living short, cold, brutal lives. They definitely existed, we have fossils. Unless of course god put the fossils there to trick us into thinking we're 'enlightened', or some other nonsense.

This is just straight up wrong. If you spent 5 seconds typing in"oldest religion" on google, I wouldn't be wasting my time explaining this to you.

I was a Baptist. Went to church until I was able to figure out that god probably wasn't real, so about age 10.

The Torah was revealed to Moses at Mount Sinai about 1300BCE, Hinduism dates back past 5000BC, and there were Sumerian cultures that existed long before the Hindu cultures. For someone who spouts so much slander about other peoples knowledge; you don't know fuck all, bud.

I would love to see where you got this gem from. From www.carryonchristiansoldiers.com?

Let me try to wrap my head around this....

So Adam fucked Eve, they made a kid. Then he fucked his daughter (or his son fucked his Eve) to make more kids. Then Adam and Eve fucked their grand kids, who also fucked their parents at some point, to make even more kids. And let's not forget the fact that people apparently lived to be 900 years old back then, so Adam was probably fucking his great great great great great great granddaughter at some point. Seems so plausible! I always wondered where the jewish people came from, and now it all makes sense.

So now we have Jewish people (and statistically normal amount of mental disability, which is very strange considering you're suggesting they inbred for a generations and generations)

If critical thinking leads to better treatment of humans, and an overall increase in the quality of life, then fuck yeah critical thinking should totally usurp "god's commands". It's your blind faith that doesn't allow you to see how general happiness, and utility for everyone would be increased without your conviction to an old book of fairy tales.

Nope, wrong again.

Deuteronomy 22:28-29
King James Version (KJV)
28 If a man find a damsel that is a virgin, which is not betrothed, and lay hold on her, and lie with her, and they be found;

29 Then the man that lay with her shall give unto the damsel's father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife; because he hath humbled her, he may not put her away all his days.

So, if you rape an unengaged woman, you have to pay her father 50 sheckles - marry her - and never divorce her. Who in the fuck would make someone marry their rapist?

Answer: God

"Truly finding god", what an ambiguous and useless statement. Every Christian sect thinks they've "truly found god", you're no different, and you have the same amount of evidence to support your claims. Zero.

Slowly the agnostic and atheist population is growing. It's never been as acceptable to be an open atheist/agnostic as it is today, and I'm praying (lol) for a snowball effect.

Funny thing is, to the christians its horrible to.say we evolved from a common ancestor of apes, but its ok to say we come from a long line of incestuous daughter-cousin fuckers
'The Jewish people can trace their entire ancestry all the way back to Adam and Eve; that is a fact and it is born out by DNA evidence. Also, DNA evidence points to one common ancestor in the not too distant past, certainly not over 10,000 years'

no offense, but seriousley, that is the dumbest thing ive ever seen anyone type on this forum , where the heck did you get this information ? lol not over 10 000 years old ?
@ MJstudent: This is in the "Spirituality" forum so if you are so easily offended by anything spiritual I suggest you stay clear of here. So you think I'm "pushing religion"??? What about you pushing anti-religion, ever think that that is a religion too? Humanism is a religion and I don't want to hear it. If I said you were a fool for believing in aliens would that offend you? Well, that's your religion and I don't want to hear it; you're pushing your religion.

no im not offended because in my mind there isnt conclusive evidence that it was aliens so im not "pushing" anyhting on anyone, i didnt say there is proof but your too dumb to see it.

humanism isnt a religion.... a religion is....
religion:The belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, esp. a personal God or gods.

are humans super human? no they are regular human, are aliens super human? no they are life forms from another planet. in fact if you do some looking around you;ll learn that , steven hawking has said in quite a few speeches if you believe there is a god you are stupid. but hey im sure you have the credentials to be arguing with steven hawking eh?
He has also come out with in his new book, mathematical evidence that if there is a god, our universe was not created by one. However,it will probably take christians a few hundred years to come up with a better rebutal than ,"n uh-uh, thats not true! Some desert dwelling arab a few thousand years ago passed on through word of mouth a bunch of stories that were later written down that say different from mr hawkings, the professor of mathematics at cambridge university, the same post held by sir isaac newton. Thats wrong"
I guess its all how you look at things....for me religion has no place for a few reasons....ive sen the darkest side of life and people...after seeing things liek that you tend to think there is no god. I ask myself if there was then why is the world so fubar? Its all how you look at it, the good things in life could come from god or jus hard work or even luck. I guess its something to belive in for people.
this thread was not started for a debate; I'm not here to force my beliefs on anyone. I'm not a religious person and I don't force my beliefs on anyone. Telling or explaining is not "forcing" by any means, so Morgan lets not blow this out of proportion. The original intent here was to find out why people are so anti-religious and posting in a Spirituality forum. Doesn't that strike anyone else as odd?

This section is about more than spirituality of course.

"Philosophy is the study of general and fundamental problems, such as those connected with existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language. Philosophy is distinguished from other ways of addressing such problems by its critical, generally systematic approach and its reliance on rational argument."

This is exactly what you have been getting. So no, it doesn't seem odd to me. You pretending to be even-minded while demonstrating many biases and inconsistencies seems pretty odd.

"Atheism is nothing more than the noises reasonable people make in the presence of unjustified religious beliefs.”
― Sam Harris
This section is about more than spirituality of course.

"Philosophy is the study of general and fundamental problems, such as those connected with existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language. Philosophy is distinguished from other ways of addressing such problems by its critical, generally systematic approach and its reliance on rational argument."

This is exactly what you have been getting. So no, it doesn't seem odd to me. You pretending to be even-minded while demonstrating many biases and inconsistencies seems pretty odd.

"Atheism is nothing more than the noises reasonable people make in the presence of unjustified religious beliefs.”
― Sam Harris

Of course we are biased, the name of the thread asks why we dont like religions or the religious, so we answered. Of course.we are biased. That doesnt mean though that by answering your question we desire to have our oppinions debated. It was asked, so we answered. If our beliefs was all that was desired, why argue with us. This is an example of another reason we dont like the religious. LONG LIVE RELIGICIDE (as a religion of course...)
Great! I got some answers and as I said, I am not here to debate or argue but to observe. If I have given anyone anything, take it, if you didn't see anything you liked, no big deal, right? You all each have your opinion of things and each of them are different. Back to the original intent of the thread, I still don't understand why anti-religious people post in a "spiritual" forum. It's like a fat person offering you a diet plan, LOL.
I imagine there are as many answers to your question as there are posters. cn
Absolutely cannabineer. I always appreciate your very insightful input on everything, no matter what it is, and even if I don't agree completely I always see a lot of wisdom in your words.
Back to the original intent of the thread, I still don't understand why anti-religious people post in a "spiritual" forum. It's like a fat person offering you a diet plan, LOL.
Do you likewise wonder why Xians continually invade atheist discussion forums quoting bible verses? BTW, this subforum also is dedicated to philosophy.
Do you likewise wonder why Xians continually invade atheist discussion forums quoting bible verses? BTW, this subforum also is dedicated to philosophy.
That's great. No, I don't wonder why; they are religious. What part of I am not religious do you people not get? I was curious as to why there seemed to be almost exclusively anti-religious posts in a "spiritual" forum. I have my answer: hate.
Great! I got some answers and as I said, I am not here to debate or argue but to observe. If I have given anyone anything, take it, if you didn't see anything you liked, no big deal, right? You all each have your opinion of things and each of them are different. Back to the original intent of the thread, I still don't understand why anti-religious people post in a "spiritual" forum. It's like a fat person offering you a diet plan, LOL.

Good job getting us back on track, well done :-) Well, thats a good question I suppose. But like said befor, its not just spiritualism, which is not the same thing as religion like flour eggs and sugar are not the same thing as a cake, but also philosophy. Additionally, where are we to discuss our complaints about the religious aside from here? Im going to start posting in the advanced area because its for advanced thinkers ;-)
Good job getting us back on track, well done :-) Well, thats a good question I suppose. But like said befor, its not just spiritualism, which is not the same thing as religion like flour eggs and sugar are not the same thing as a cake, but also philosophy. Additionally, where are we to discuss our complaints about the religious aside from here? Im going to start posting in the advanced area because its for advanced thinkers ;-)

...could you tell us a bit about what the difference is between 'spiritualism' and 'religion'?
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