Insomniacs Unite!!!!


Well-Known Member
Facebook, the evil place where everyone you hate manages to find you and try to inject drama in your life. Oh, how many requests has this one ignored? Too many, methinks....yes, too many by far.
I don't use it...I don't use any of that kind of shit...I only come here...but I have a question.

...does anyone care to here the qeustion, it's simple...I just don't know shit about FB but had to use it for something...I already deleted my accout, I was only there 2 days....but I have a question.


Well-Known Member
The games are mostly dull or virus-ridden, I avoid them and use it to keep up with a few cross-country friends.


Well-Known Member's simple....if I sent someone a message, and then hit share...does that message go to all their friends or contacts or whatever?...the share thing is my question.


Well-Known Member's simple....if I sent someone a message, and then hit share...does that message go to all their friends or contacts or whatever?...the share thing is my question.
Depends, there are settings for that, and I forget which is default.


Well-Known Member
...well I had to rip into a family member...I said some really nasty shit...fucked their world up...called them out on several bullshit things they've said...I said shit that I want everyone they know to I hit share....after the 3rd message they deleted accounts already gone...but I was just hoping my revenge plan worked.
...and I want them to retaliate!'s war time baby!


Well-Known Member
I fucken hate talking to my friends.they write me then idk what to say then I have to reply.that's why I don't have a Facebook and only a riu


Well-Known Member
Me too. I set up an accout to fire back at someone, thinking hitting share would send it to their whole list, or contacts or whatever...then I deleted my shit. R.I.U is the only place I talk to anyobe online.


Well-Known Member
I made a small bong out of a one hitter and an OJ bottle, used some grape-blueberry vitamin water in it, times, times.