Scupra's first grow 4x4 grow tent 600w dual arc


Well-Known Member
I will have to check it out. I like soil because I love the taste of organic grown buds. I figured soil would also be easiest for a first time run


Well-Known Member
Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a bit. I ran into some trouble with a nitrogen deficiency recently and was kinda stressed haha.. Well there is a couple new things to mention. I was having a bit of a heat problem because since my last update I have them under the 600w lamp :) I now have my exhaust fan pulling hot air out through some ducting that leads out of the closet.. All fixed now lol glad it was pretty simple.

About a week ago my girls started to show a nitrogen deficiency and started to go a bit yellow so I watered with RO water that had 2.75ml of CalMag plus and 3ml of Roots Organic Buddha grow. Here are some pictures of how they are doing, let me know what you guys think of them. I did pick off some of the yellow leaves so they don't look as bad. Thanks for keeping posted!!



Well-Known Member
They look decent despite the minor problem,the second pic actually looks like too much nitrogen,one of the leafs is starting to hook......have you considered transplanting into a larger container.....probably be better than trying to feed..


Well-Known Member
I have my 3gal smart pots just sitting here waiting. I wasn't too sure on when I should move them into their bigger homes. They have been in the solo cups 12 days now.


Well-Known Member
I would transplant and just give plain ro water, me it looks like an issue with calcium and magnesium.....


Well-Known Member
I would transplant and just give plain ro water, me it looks like an issue with calcium and magnesium.....
So I enlisted my fiancé for some help and have all the smart pots filled with Roots Organic soil ready for the girls. I need to go get some water before I put them in. When you say plain RO water do you mean totally plain? RO water plus CalMag correct? Sorry just want to check.. I think using plain RO water for the first two weeks is what got me into my deficiency problem in the first place. Thanks again


Well-Known Member
Looks I meant plain ro water with no cal were using cal/mag currently right??Just not the first 2 weeks right?? could be they need more or had too much....too much calcium locks out magnesium.....the easiest way to fix would be the transplant into fresh soil.....the new soil will have enough calcium magnesium (and other nutrients) in it for it to fix the problem....the reason for using the plain ro water with no cal/mag is it had too much cal mag you are not adding more and it should resume normal growth again (because the fresh soil)....most of the damaged leaves might get some color back/but the really damaged tips will stay the same ish......start adding cal/mag the next watering or other other watering......add more or less next time depending on what you determine the problem is/was...


Well-Known Member
I didn't water with CalMag for about two weeks and that's when the leaves started to turn yellow and curl in a bit. Since then I watered once with CalMag and another time after that with CalMag and quarter strength Buddha grow.. After the nutes they perked up a bit and now today I am here talking to you. You think I will be OK not adding in any CalMag now? I'm at Walmart now getting some RO water and will be home shortly to finish the transplant. Just an fyi I have been only using 2.75ml of CalMag per gallon.


Well-Known Member
i would say the exact same things as jcdws602. when transplanting i like to use a beneficial like great white or zho from botanicare. this helps develop beneficial bacteria and fungus in the rhizoshpere which will make the organic process work. it will also helps plants overcome any stress from transplant and help spur root growth.


Well-Known Member
Yeah just try what I said if they need more cal mag it will be noticeable in time.....just give it a few days....the new soil is full of nutrients and should get them growing normal again.....


Well-Known Member
They are all in there pots now!! The roots were ALL OVER the soil in the solo cups geez.. I watered with pure RO and set them in there. They seem almost healthier actually. I'll let you guys know how it goes. Happy growing!!


Well-Known Member
They are all in there pots now!! The roots were ALL OVER the soil in the solo cups geez.. I watered with pure RO and set them in there. They seem almost healthier actually. I'll let you guys know how it goes. Happy growing!!
I'm sure they are! if they were rootbound it slows them down, plus the new soil should have some starter nutes that help them take off. And I would continue to use a light dose of the cal-mag if your going to be using RO water. If you were using tap you could skip it.