Don't eat a Turkey this Thursday and save the world!

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Turkeys are able to live harmoniously within their environment. They also have built in knowledge of nature that is born with them, not taught to them. This is true with most animals. In the movie he reviews how he has been living in the Florida forest for over twenty years as a naturalist and yet at 5 weeks old the turkeys knew more about the ecological system than he did after twenty years of direct experience, education and research. At 5 weeks old the Turkeys were teaching him about the forest he had been living in and studying for twenty years.

Dolphins on average have a haigher IQ than humans. One analogy often joked about in the biology world is that if dolphins had evolved opposable thumbs they would be shooting us from space by now.

We are one of the only species that has reverse evolved. We have evolved from a species capable of living harmoniously within its environment into one that lives opposed to its natural environment. We have waged ecological warfare against our own eco-system for the last few hundred years. We have reverse evolved and turned into a virus hell bent on destroying it's host in the name of temporary gain/ease.
That's another reason I became a vegan. Scientists are just jealous and don't want to admit in some ways animals are more intelligent. Instead they make excuses and call it instincts. During a natural disaster, even with all our technology, animals have a better chance at surviving. There's more to intelligence than human's type.


Well-Known Member
I only eat turbinado sugar, rarely, mostly honey. Even rarer is molasses. Lots of the time I use soy creamer and stevia in my green tea.
As a strict vegetarian, I find the holier-than-thou attitude displayed in this thread slightly off-putting.

In fact, I am a little embarrassed for you.

Why the lecture?

Sure, every meat-eater who buys into man-made-climate-change is making a fool of himself.

Why not just smile to yourself at the hilarious ignorance on their part and let it go at that; unless they come at you based on your diet?

I dislike the word 'vegan.' Too militant.

That's why I prefer 'strict vegetarian.'

FYI... honey is NOT vegan.

Honey is bee barf - an animal product.



Well-Known Member

Oh yeah, I rant because it's hard being a vegan and everyone laughs at your seitan turkey. I need somewhere to vent, otherwise I'd go crazy.
If you wish to call yourself a honey-eating Vegan, more power to you.

However, I smile inwardly at the hilarious incongruity.

I did not use the word 'ignorance' because now you know.

From your source:
If you want to go by the strict "rules" of Veganism, if there is such a thing then no, honey is not vegan.
But enough of that.

I understand venting.

I also understand that there is an appropriate time and place for it. This is neither.

If you are in a thread and a member who you knew was a meat-eater laid into you because you did not recycle or something; by all means, lay into them. Even then, you would be accussed of ramming your views down other members throats.

Being a vegetarian in a meat-eater's world is occasionally difficult, it becomes more so if you go out of your way to alienate them.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
I also understand that there is an appropriate time and place for it. This is neither.
I originally wanted this to be a thread about comparing global warming vs meat eating causing resource depletion. But when the first response is the turkey wants to be eaten, that really set me off.

I personally see no problems with egg and milk, ethically. My problem is the health concerns, like cholesterol, ph leaching of calcium from bones and a whole myriad of other issues. No animal died though.

Honey is one of the only sugar sources that doesn't go over 50% with fructose, sucrose or glucose. It's very well balanced compared to other syrups like maple and agave.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
I dont care about what you
look at
What concerns me is your constant defense of bigotry and racism
I defend animals who would eat me. I don't eat them too. Just like I'll continue to defend a racist's freedom for their choice, but in the case of humans as long as it's opinion only and they don't beat or murder them, etc. It doesn't mean I'm racist or condone it. Why's this so hard to get?


Active Member
We have this thing called trade. I trade goods/services for goods and services that I require. It allows me to
not have to do every single thing required for my survival...on my own.

But do I know HOW to grow produce? WTF do you think? Is this not a "gardening" forum?
I feel horrible for you.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
thanksgiving is fucking over!!! Shut the fuck up already!!!
You need to calm down. I nearly forgot about this thread until I saw posts after Thanksgiving. So I thought I'd respond. Also, if you don't like the thread, don't read or post. There are tons of threads with no responses and about 10 views. Eventually they slide off the front page.

Oh and aren't we the pot calling the kettle black, you have more posts about this than I do about veganism.
