3 of the 4 GOP front runners absolutely destroyed..one front runner remains -Ron Paul


Active Member
The problem with the republican candidates is that the country is moving away from the bible banging, hell fire, social conservative agenda. The republicans act as if somehow loud mouth evangelical christians get more than 1 vote each or something. If they focused more on the budget and fiscal policies they would be much more likely to get into office. I liked Ron Paul until I found out he was part of the John Birch Society idiot wackos.


New Member
Lol, hes not "part" of them, he has just spoken at some of their events that he was invited to...he has also spoken at tents in the middle of the rain at little league meetings...You can actually just go talk to him yourself really...can't do that with the other dudes..he was also once invited by the Borat Guy to his hotel room where the borat dude tried to seduce him and Ron Paul ran out of the room.


And the bible bangers...or "social conservatives" are the people that got bush elected cause they actually voted, they accounted for around 33% of bush's votes...Id say that is significant.


New Member
Duke probably has it right if you want to look at the big picture of how this is going to play out...but Sunday or Monday..They are going to have to at least say something...I think hes pretty much right they will just ignore it and talk about other things for awhile and then start endorsing the Murdoch/Corporate Tea parties next pick...Its really going to have to be Newt at this point..

but you know...Newt has a very rocky background...and hes been through this before..I don't really know how seriously he can be taken..

I don't know...It seems like they have nearly exhausted all of their resources...and with two months to go this could be devastating for the corporate world. Lets just say I try to stay optimistic that we the people crush the corporate oligarchy like a paper fucking plane.

A lot of republicans even despise Newt because they know his true colors, he wasn't even invited to a lot of debates and straw polls. The social conservatives HATE HIM. I really don't think he has much of a chance, again, the conservative sheeples preachers have already de-nounced newt officially. In the minds of many republican's newt is a traitor and an embarrassment to their party.

I think this really divides the republicans between basically santorum and newt and it sends most tea party people the way of Ron Paul.

But you know...The main argument was that Herman Cain can beat obama...and to argue that Santorum or Newt can get liberal votes is very foolish...Ron Paul is the only one that can get independent and democrat votes and beat Obama period.


Well-Known Member
Is Glenn beck, Rush Limbaugh, and Sean Hannity going to break down into some sorta pseudo emotional monologue tomorrow and say something like "Newts the only one thats talking sense" ?

...I think probably so...

I don't know how many people are going to buy that though after the bad things they have said about Newt in the past...oh well....We will see*sigh*...

Keep us updated if you guys catch any of the republican/corporate-tea-party talking heads tomorrow...

I think Palin and the others are also left with no choice but Ron Paul because of what they have said about Mr Gingrich of the Newt World Reich...We will see...things are really going to change because of the cain drop out..

Really I think a lot of you don't understand this because you haven't been in the unfortante circumstance of listening to Hannity/Rush/Beck everyday with no other choice (its the only stations I get and its always on when I am driving to/from work).....

but ....These People...Corporate Republican/Tea-Party Propaganda masters....Have been cheer leading for Herman Cain every single day for MONTHS ON END - Spending their entire show talking about Herman Cain...So again...I don't think you guys understand the magnitude of this...They have all talked shit about Newt and Mitt this whole time and praised the hell out of Cain...These are the Conservative prophets that are followed blindly by the sheeple....and now...what the hell are they going to do?
I watch/listen to fox news all the time and you are dead wrong.

Ron Paul doesnt have a chance(period)


New Member
I watch/listen to fox news all the time and you are dead wrong.

Ron Paul doesnt have a chance(period)
Gee I wonder why you think that? Maybe cause you "watch/listen to fox news all the time"...Their could be some sort of connection there. Is that why you paired those two sentences together? I think we could of inferred the former from simply reading the later, save your "breathe" next time.


New Member
he left his wife when she was in the hospital with cancer and he wants us executed for marijuana..enough said really.


New Member
Never thought Id say this but I think dukeanthony might be on to something..This is basically just a suicide plan to let obama win now..

Too bad all the "conservative" globalist corporate republicrats sellout puppets fucked up ....now we gotta deal with their plan B, the "democratic" globalist corporate republicrat sellout puppet Obama for 4 more years....Good fucking going Herman Cain, Rick Perry, and Mitt romney! Now we have to listen to the other side of the fake argument, the democrat one that puts us all to sleep! At least give us some drama damnit!


New Member
Your probably right..as long as obama has goldman sachs and jp morgan he will even beat jesus christ even without fox, without goldman sachs obama would lose most of his cabinet and staff!

This 'Roads are more busy' theory, I haven't noticed lol...every town is different...the Federal government doesn't really effect that...especially not obama king emperor himself..

Besides...should you be pointing out how busy roads would be a sign that we need more roads? lol


Active Member
This is basically just a suicide plan to let obama win now..
Just like the last election when he became pres. A woman, a mean old man, or a charismatic African American.
This year it will be BHO or Paul.

For some reason I don't think Barrack will let him win. He will probably fake an alien attack and then we will need him as our president. Or fake a natural disaster and save the day. It wouldn't surprise me if someone killed Ron Paul either. They will probably haul him off to Guantanamo for being aganst the government lol


Well-Known Member
you are on a websight dedicated to people who smoke cannabis. im sure your views wont set well with many on this websight. maybe you should try drinkitup.org, im sure you would get more supporters there. fuck yea cannabis should be legalized. the more you talk, the more people realize how full of shit you are, the more people actually look up and research ron paul, and see for themselves which candidate is best suited to take part in changing our country. maybe your fear of change has something to do with your stance in politics.

go drink another beer
But you don't search for a growing website unless you are interested. The first 30 pages of a Google "Ron Paul" search Dose not even include 1 RIU link.


New Member
Ryan, that was his response to something dukeanthony said which was deleted so its a little confusing, just in case you didn't notice. I believe he said, "People that smoke pot are stupid" or something...


Well-Known Member
The admin of hermancainforums.com is now endorsing Ron Paul and inviting all supporters to post there :)
How is he an admin with 380 posts anyways the dedication thread is full of positives for Paul.. All the Cain supporters said they will vote Ron Paul because Cain also believed that the citizens should come before the government and corporations.


Well-Known Member
i simply shared it from my FB feed. Could simply be a ploy to make money depending on how he has it set up. Either way, it's all over FB right now.
well the moderator from a major ronpaul forum bridged the two websites so maybe that could of helped.


Well-Known Member
this poll was done by rasmussen, whose polling is quite accurate and consistent. they have a track record of this. they are a reliable organization from which to get information.

their most recent poll from only a few days ago, with a more than ample set of 1000 LIKELY voters (not just random drunks or registered voters) shows newt out in front by 21 points.

perhaps you could point out when newt "committed suicide" as i follow the news quite regularly and have not heard a peep about this or even any large gaffes in the last few days since this poll was conducted.

by the way, ron paul got his normal 8%, which is exactly where he has been THE ENTIRE TIME.

come back to reality.

Nancy Pelosi Came out and called newt out she has a 1000 pages of evidence from a a house investigation... Newt Replied so defensively



New Member

Is Ron Paul Positioned To Become The Republican Leader Of The 2012 Race For The Presidency?

Olberman "I Think Ron Paul is destined to win the republican nomination at this point, what do you think?"

Some random Elf " I don't think so, it will be rick santorum or perry or romney or newt"(paraphrasing)


Lawrence O'Donnell