Anonymous Video... DISCUSS!


Well-Known Member

Weird video... lol Kinda cool, kinda cheesy... I kind of want some crazy shit to go down... lol


New Member
Dis is interesting, but the question is, can we trust these fuck tards for anything? We don't even know who they are. Ascension is going to happen, who is going to be the rebels? Are you willing to give your life for your freedom? Maybe you should claim Anonymous too, I've already answered these questions my self. Its in my best interests, to do what I'm going to do.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Wow, what a surprise. Will they back down like they did with Zetas? I guess they didn't actually back down but they sure did come across as pussies.


Well-Known Member
all anybody can do now is get prepared with maps weapons(not laughing at the vets now are we) you need a plan


Active Member
Dis is interesting, but the question is, can we trust these fuck tards for anything? We don't even know who they are. Ascension is going to happen, who is going to be the rebels? Are you willing to give your life for your freedom? Maybe you should claim Anonymous too, I've already answered these questions my self. Its in my best interests, to do what I'm going to do.

thump easy

Well-Known Member
it might be the anti crist he will win are hearts bring the nations together n fuck us..... lets see i happends watch the news since 2004 so i dont know whats going on out their...:joint::joint::joint:


We have one good thing going for us and that is that we the people are a bigger army. In fact if we all get the right supplies to defend ourselves, then we are the biggest army in the world. Now all we lack is a riches leader. No corporation can afford to have all its employees walk out.


Well-Known Member
We have one good thing going for us and that is that we the people are a bigger army. In fact if we all get the right supplies to defend ourselves, then we are the biggest army in the world. Now all we lack is a riches leader. No corporation can afford to have all its employees walk out.
You as an employee(if you are), can you afford to walk out?


Well-Known Member
dude chinas ground infantry alone could take out 75 % of any resistance if they wanted to imagine if that country went up in arms we would be a small ant army to them
We have one good thing going for us and that is that we the people are a bigger army. In fact if we all get the right supplies to defend ourselves, then we are the biggest army in the world. Now all we lack is a riches leader. No corporation can afford to have all its employees walk out.


Well-Known Member
or dont forget korea that has 8,691,500 active amy personel thats not even including reserves


Ursus marijanus
dude chinas ground infantry alone could take out 75 % of any resistance if they wanted to imagine if that country went up in arms we would be a small ant army to them
Only on their own territory. The logistics of moving and running an army at a distance is immense. It broke Napoleon and Hitler. If China had serious designs on our half-acre (and also assuming we didn't duke it out with the big bombs) we could do real harm to their supply lines. The USA is, at the moment, the king when it comes to wiping out planes and ships. cn


Well-Known Member
oh technologicaly yes unstopable but remember if the asian countries put aside their shit and shook hands like korea south and north japan guam vietnam etc we all are fuked cause they combine they got the means to move them and the means now plus lets not forget the spooky secret stuff they all (countries) have lol
Only on their own territory. The logistics of moving and running an army at a distance is immense. It broke Napoleon and Hitler. If China had serious designs on our half-acre (and also assuming we didn't duke it out with the big bombs) we could do real harm to their supply lines. The USA is, at the moment, the king when it comes to wiping out planes and ships. cn


Well-Known Member
it broke napolean and hitler cause look at it they didnt have the tech we got now untracble subs etc planes going so fast people cant fly them but you know it would come down to THE BOMB so were all fuked anyways
Only on their own territory. The logistics of moving and running an army at a distance is immense. It broke Napoleon and Hitler. If China had serious designs on our half-acre (and also assuming we didn't duke it out with the big bombs) we could do real harm to their supply lines. The USA is, at the moment, the king when it comes to wiping out planes and ships. cn


I am a huge fan of the Anonymous overall message - I think my favorite part is what others are afraid of 'we don't know who they are'. To me, that is security of the end result rather than the people involved - Look at many of us who grow in non-legal areas, we are ( to a certain degree ) 'anonymous' on this site and yet most of us provide honest, intelligent and thought out information and discuss resolutions with others. I have heard a lot of people talking about these same rules being applied to this 'movement' - people are upset, for a lot of different reasons, but I have a feeling that people have been feeling this way for a while, and they are expecting this to be a real solution to their problems. On the opposite side - I think this is the final culmination - the festering that has finally reached the surface. If we can all talk about the issues, then we can all come to a resolution that is best for everyone. This isn't the answer, but rather the vehicle to aide us in getting to the answer. Just my opinion of course.

True story - China's 'Land army' is larger than our entire population - men, women, children, civilian and military combined. If we are talking a numbers game, they win hands down.
As well, having a lot of heart and ambition ( US citizens ) does not mean that you are able to survive a battle. When I was in the Marine Corps and saw how long and how much training ( a bit of heart and ambition too haha ) it took and how many of us still were making pretty serious mistakes when the adrenalin started pumping ( freezing up, not hitting targets, forgetting to use hand signals, etc ) I can only imagine the couch potato fighting force trying to 'defend the home land'. Hell - these big companies are getting even more powerful, Monsanto officially OWNS Blackwater and if it was between hired mercenaries or American civilians, you know what side my bet is going on.

Long story short - I think it is great that we are all talking about the issues, but hopefully we all can agree that a lot more work has to be done. What are all of your thoughts on what has been going on the past couple years in relation to this?

Semper Fi


Well-Known Member
i couldnt have sais it beetr good post +rep
I am a huge fan of the Anonymous overall message - I think my favorite part is what others are afraid of 'we don't know who they are'. To me, that is security of the end result rather than the people involved - Look at many of us who grow in non-legal areas, we are ( to a certain degree ) 'anonymous' on this site and yet most of us provide honest, intelligent and thought out information and discuss resolutions with others. I have heard a lot of people talking about these same rules being applied to this 'movement' - people are upset, for a lot of different reasons, but I have a feeling that people have been feeling this way for a while, and they are expecting this to be a real solution to their problems. On the opposite side - I think this is the final culmination - the festering that has finally reached the surface. If we can all talk about the issues, then we can all come to a resolution that is best for everyone. This isn't the answer, but rather the vehicle to aide us in getting to the answer. Just my opinion of course.

True story - China's 'Land army' is larger than our entire population - men, women, children, civilian and military combined. If we are talking a numbers game, they win hands down.
As well, having a lot of heart and ambition ( US citizens ) does not mean that you are able to survive a battle. When I was in the Marine Corps and saw how long and how much training ( a bit of heart and ambition too haha ) it took and how many of us still were making pretty serious mistakes when the adrenalin started pumping ( freezing up, not hitting targets, forgetting to use hand signals, etc ) I can only imagine the couch potato fighting force trying to 'defend the home land'. Hell - these big companies are getting even more powerful, Monsanto officially OWNS Blackwater and if it was between hired mercenaries or American civilians, you know what side my bet is going on.

Long story short - I think it is great that we are all talking about the issues, but hopefully we all can agree that a lot more work has to be done. What are all of your thoughts on what has been going on the past couple years in relation to this?

Semper Fi


RIU Bulldog
I'm a little verklempt.....
Talk amongst yaaselves...I'll give you a topic;
The jellybean isn't made of jelly, nor is it a bean. DISCUSS.

EDIT: Sorry lol...
I didn't realize this was a serious thread till after I posted haha

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
First find me a mexican jumping bean.

First thought is that the video jut seems like a dramatised version of the rest of the news stories alredy out there saying this. I do like anonymous, except for one thing, like with the occupy protests, after raising the awareness, they don't really seem to be achieving anything, what's the next step guys? Come on, you've been on the scene long enough to pull off something juicy as is always suggested.