12/12 cfl First Grow ever!


Active Member
Tik did you find a scope? And do you guys know how to get pics in an album here? I'm having a hell of a time


Well-Known Member
Yes I found one today at another radio shack. I also purchased a grow tent from amazon today. 62x36x20. I'll mess around with the album and see what I can get for you.


Active Member
Sweet on the tent.. I've been looking at one that's 22dx36wx63h. It would fit perfectly in my closet and give me 3x the space


Well-Known Member
So did you look at your trichs?? Huh, huh?? Pretty cool right?
Oh yeeeeessss, It is an awesome little scope man. I saw a couple brown trichs on mine! Its awesome.

Hey, on the album go through these steps. I'm sure you did this but try again. Go to the community tab at the top of the RIU page between calanders and Forum actions.
Go to Albums. On the top right side of the screen it will say Create New Album. It will then ask you to create a title and description. Choose whether it will be a public, private, or used for a profile picture. Click save changes.
Next you will come to a page where the links blend in with the page skins. On the top right side again look for a link that says "upload pictures" (it's hard to see) if you have pictues on RIU. If they are on your computer look for the link on the top right that says "Add Files". It will ask if you want them from computer or from URL. From computer just go to your picture folder and choose your pictures and them click upload pictures once you have all the pics you want. I apologize I am not sure how to link URL photos.


Well-Known Member
unless ur doing it in a middle of a bedrrom u dont need a tent like if u got a walk in cupboard in your house using that the helecopters ARE NOT gunna pik up 1 x 600 light belive me my area the copters are over every nite even shing light on me one night thinking i was ther culprit but nope safe

and the price u p[aid for them bulbs and multiple hangers ect why dident u just but a dual spec 250 cfl? 20-30 uk and much more wirth it and they will plug into your ballast hood NOT the ballast supply tho just plug the hood into the wall


Well-Known Member
Hey UKRG, thanks for stopping by. I got the tent so that I could move my grow operation to my dusty basement out of my spare bedroom. The wifey getting a little tifted about all the grow stuff I have in there. I also might have people over night in March or April and just want to get everything out of there cleaned up and with no trace of what was going on. I'll be finished with the big girl and will finish the little Cali Orange in the tent in the basement. I also have some Juicy Friut germing an will grow those in the basement also.

Hey Jaag, they will be on 18/6 for a couple of weeks. :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Hey check my little plant out and see if you can tell if these are girl parts, or am i tripping?

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Well-Known Member
Hey UKRG, thanks for stopping by. I got the tent so that I could move my grow operation to my dusty basement out of my spare bedroom. The wifey getting a little tifted about all the grow stuff I have in there. I also might have people over night in March or April and just want to get everything out of there cleaned up and with no trace of what was going on. I'll be finished with the big girl and will finish the little Cali Orange in the tent in the basement. I also have some Juicy Friut germing an will grow those in the basement also.

Hey Jaag, they will be on 18/6 for a couple of weeks. :eyesmoke:
yeh i just started germination juicy fruit and another 42 seeds :)
30 araura inidcas and 12 g12 and dinafems gunna be awsome!

and im doing a 2 plant grow 1x moby dick and 1 x northern lights x bigbud

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
I've always wondered why people buy tents. I mean, wherever you are going to put the tent, why not just put the plants there without the tent? Anybody you don't want to see the grow you aren't going to show the tent either, so what does it accomplish? Seems to me it just makes heat and air circulation problems worse.

Try a real microscope by getting a used school scope on ebay. I recently got a Tasco like new for $15. It blows those little plastic things away!


Active Member
tik im excited to see what the new ladies are gonna look like and as far as sexing that plant its still a little hard to tell... give about one more week and it should be very noticeable... warped you get those pics up yet? lol dont leave me hangin...


Well-Known Member
Yeah my grow tent was not for stealth purposes. I wanted to move my grow to the basement and wanted to keep it as clean as possible. I got it all set up and it is sweeeet. It makes my little lights seem super bright. I put a set of shelves i had in there so I have a top area about 2 ft for germinating and vegging. Then I have a bottom area about 3ft for flowering. I can have to completely different light cycles in the same tent, it is awesome. Check it out.


Planet Zion

hi yeah i use cotton wool. i have a method that which germinates my seeds within 24 hours. first i dampen te cotton wool in a container then push the flatter side into the damp wool cover for a few hours then i remove the damp wool and replace with a slightly dry cotton wool place seeds on it and leave lid off allowihg dry air to expand the seedling out or its shell quicker wnr place in a dark areaol.


Well-Known Member
Jagg how long does it usually take for your seeds to germ that far out of the shell. I've had these going for a week already and only one has even cracked.


Well-Known Member
hey check out my little plant i'm wondering why my leaves are curling under like this. I watered on monday with 1/2 strength nutes and nothing since. The soil is still moist but not wet. I use a moisture meter it is reading about in the middle range. I think the leaves are maybe still to thin to support their weight maybe, i'm not sure whats going on. Any help would be appreciated.
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