The Fox Farm Soil + DWC Humbolt Perpetual


Well-Known Member
I personally would just seperate the plants to half yours and half his. That will create less tension and better narrow down the problem. Dads are always pain in the ass some have too much pride heh. I am sorry but I do think your dwc plants have spider mites that is where I am seeing the yellow spots. Your plants look more like they are lacking something rather than lock up. I am curious why are you putting so much calmag? I don't ususally put more than 2.5 ml of calmag, but try to keep the grow or bloom more higher than you would put the calmag for example in my grow I put in 5ml of bloom 1ml of grow, 2.5 ml of protekt, and 1 to 2 ml of calmag, that is what I do during flowering. Have the root rotten plants roots changed color yet? Again I wouldn't use Hygrozyme to fix the slime only as a preventive.


Well-Known Member
You do not need any new advice, you need to go back and read this whole thread. all your answers are here.


Well-Known Member
Not sure if others have said, it might be the hygrozyme thats messing you up. I had some healthy plants, and after I added it, things started to go south. When i cleared the res out of hygrozyme they started up just fine again. Try a control bucket to see if things change.


Active Member
I personally would just seperate the plants to half yours and half his. That will create less tension and better narrow down the problem. Dads are always pain in the ass some have too much pride heh. I am sorry but I do think your dwc plants have spider mites that is where I am seeing the yellow spots. Your plants look more like they are lacking something rather than lock up. I am curious why are you putting so much calmag? I don't ususally put more than 2.5 ml of calmag, but try to keep the grow or bloom more higher than you would put the calmag for example in my grow I put in 5ml of bloom 1ml of grow, 2.5 ml of protekt, and 1 to 2 ml of calmag, that is what I do during flowering. Have the root rotten plants roots changed color yet? Again I wouldn't use Hygrozyme to fix the slime only as a preventive.

I use RO water so I have to I am told.

I probably do but it's not a big issue. I can control them ASAP. To be honest they probably just got there today, don't think you will see them in any pics before page 4.

Well I had them 15 pile of crap ones, i threw like 4 of them away so far.. but I flushed them with h2o2 one day then ran straight ph well water and aquashielf for the past 2 days. I see new roots and all kinds of good shit but these plants are just a pain I am just putting them in soil and budding them out. I'm just worried about the 10 I have now and the 5 that I hope that will be fixed tomorrow, but don't know what they want.

Roots aren't that great on these 5 and they haven't grown an inch in like 4 weeks. They're in sledgehammer right now so I'm either putting straight water or something like 500ppm IDK lmao.

It's just that he's been growing soil for 2 years and we had a idea of trying hydro and yeah idk I think he's just too paranoid and need to let the plant grow but he keeps saying they're sick and something needs to be done etc.



Active Member
Not sure if others have said, it might be the hygrozyme thats messing you up. I had some healthy plants, and after I added it, things started to go south. When i cleared the res out of hygrozyme they started up just fine again. Try a control bucket to see if things change.

No... Look.. I started them 15 plants with a buddy who said he would teach me how to get a half pound a plant. he mixed in just regular botanicare shit and 4 weeks later there's slime everywhere. we get rid of the slime problem and then it just came back like a week ago so I went 2 hours straight h2o2 solution and 2 hours straight hygrozyme and it fixed right up.

That is why I added 10mL hygrozyme - so it wouldn't come back again. I never used it before last week.

Could that be why my 10 plants turned purple everywhere? Pretty sure the purple started the day after I put 10ml hygrozyme in each bucket. I thought it was normal but i'm being told different.


Active Member
Oh and they look like shit because he added 20ml calmag, you only see the problem still cause there hasn't been any new growth since then. They've looked like that for the past 4 weeks.


Active Member
When you see defiency like yellowing of the plants DO NOT FLUSH you are just making it worse. You need to add more Nitrogen and Calmag to effectively stop the yellowing. The only time you need to flush is when you over nute them like when the leaves turn dark bluish/purpleish with burn tips. Other wise keep it simple follow the KISS method.
By the way I did what U said and look at it now.

DWC to me:

ph: 5.8
water temp: 68 (Fahrenheit) (your water temps are key to success)
ambient temp: 78-80ish
re: 50ish flower higher during veg
bubbles in water: you want LOTS OF BUBBLES (add more air stones)

i personally find that over feeding in dwc is the issue... feed more grow more... not really... i run my botanicare at 1/2 strength... i check water temps every day when i check the ph, i adjust both and leave the system alone...

i suggest if you are going to be doing your grow the way you are... follow the lucas formula (so you just top off the water)... your grow requires so much work.. you would be much better suited to a RDWC with that many buckets, but you still need to keep your water temps down... which seems to be your issues above... i read most of the thread, but never read what you water temps are at... as stated... try to keep it between 60-70.

if i were you id go with a dwc system using large coolers maybe 3-5 plants in each, and one of those pumps running 4-6 air stones... lucas formula... and put the coolers on dollies you can buy at home depot so you can move the plants around the room, this will give you access to the back side plants to check for bugs and other issues...

good luck

check out some of the current dwc guys and how they do it...


Well-Known Member
Not sure if others have said, it might be the hygrozyme thats messing you up. I had some healthy plants, and after I added it, things started to go south. When i cleared the res out of hygrozyme they started up just fine again. Try a control bucket to see if things change.
I told him to quit with the hygrozyme. that stuff is junk


Active Member
DWC to me:

ph: 5.8
water temp: 68 (Fahrenheit) (your water temps are key to success)
ambient temp: 78-80ish
re: 50ish flower higher during veg
bubbles in water: you want LOTS OF BUBBLES (add more air stones)

i personally find that over feeding in dwc is the issue... feed more grow more... not really... i run my botanicare at 1/2 strength... i check water temps every day when i check the ph, i adjust both and leave the system alone...

i suggest if you are going to be doing your grow the way you are... follow the lucas formula (so you just top off the water)... your grow requires so much work.. you would be much better suited to a RDWC with that many buckets, but you still need to keep your water temps down... which seems to be your issues above... i read most of the thread, but never read what you water temps are at... as stated... try to keep it between 60-70.

if i were you id go with a dwc system using large coolers maybe 3-5 plants in each, and one of those pumps running 4-6 air stones... lucas formula... and put the coolers on dollies you can buy at home depot so you can move the plants around the room, this will give you access to the back side plants to check for bugs and other issues...

good luck

check out some of the current dwc guys and how they do it...
Thanks for the reply. My res temps are less than 65 ever since I had my first slime problem. I'm running my humboldt at half strength now, so hope they all come back and grow well..


Active Member
I told him to quit with the hygrozyme. that stuff is junk
I was never using the hygrozyme to begin with.. I dumped it in a few days ago because I'm sick of getting slime. What else you suggest I use to prevent slime? How about I just dump h2o2 in my buckets every 4 days, would that be good enough?


Well-Known Member
Zone is the only product I recommend for DWC roots. use it if you get over 70 degrees in the rez.
Use just the basic nutes, and a little tap water.
Skip the cal mag, hygrozyme, sledge hammer, aquasheild, h2o2, PK boost, beastie bloom, or anything else you've picked up.
Use just the basic nutes. your rez should be clear. run low ppm.

I see you have some starts in rockwool blocks. did you condition these blocks as required? if not you will doom those girls too.


Active Member
Zone is the only product I recommend for DWC roots. use it if you get over 70 degrees in the rez.
Use just the basic nutes, and a little tap water.
Skip the cal mag, hygrozyme, sledge hammer, aquasheild, h2o2, PK boost, beastie bloom, or anything else you've picked up.
Use just the basic nutes. your rez should be clear. run low ppm.

I see you have some starts in rockwool blocks. did you condition these blocks as required? if not you will doom those girls too.
Condition those blocks as required? What do you mean?

I put those 7 clones in buckets today using only my 3 part humboldt nutes and calmag. I use calmag cause I'm using RO water so yeah.. They are like 280 ppm.. I think that's kinda high so I was going to take some water out and add some well water tomorrow to lower the ppm.. Is that cool?



Active Member
So what I got right now is:

5 Plants like 8 weeks old running straight ph'd h2o2 water until tomorrow, then going put just 7ml grow, 5ml micro, 3ml bloom, and 5ml calmag to get around 500ppm.

10 plants 2 weeks old: ppm's around 350

7 plants 1 day old: ppms 280 (oh no?)

^^ used 3 gallons of water and nutrient schedule said 2.5ml grow, micro, and bloom. so I added 5ml of each instead of the 7.5 I was supposed to and still hit 280.. plus 5ml calmag too.


Active Member
I do what the video says but I don't flush with water first. Maybe that was an issue. I'll run my rockwool cubes through water a day before I use them from now on I guess.