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ok from the top lol. yeah i got this one free but if i think its better than the nova gear im currently using the money wont matter. like u said quality. i dont mind paying if the quality is there. if i can get the same quality with something cheaper then i will definitely go there. and i gotta say i love the nova series so far it is really awesome.

and yeah i got the xl in my pack so i will be using that as for pgr's i will be trying them in the future but it didnt come in the free pack so im not doing it this grow plus if i dont use it this round it will give me a better idea of the difference when i do use it u know.

what do u mean alternate the additives? i have a different feed schedule as in i dont follow one. i use my tds meter to read the plant and give her exactly what she wants. she tells me how much to feed her so there is no risk of burn there and as far as additives go i will just take the recommended amounts and divide them by 10 to start with which should give me a ppm of 100 instead of 1000ppm in my experience even 400ppm in a week old seedling is a death sentence. so i will start on 100ppm and if she wants more she will tell me when shes ready and i will go from there.

oh and yeah on the chart it says grow a + b 2ml per liter so is that 2mls of each or 1 ml of each (im leaning towards 2mls of each)
oh and for the record it is no where near as concentrated as flora nova, i use 1ml a liter and that puts me over 1200ppm and its just a 1 part formula

hydro all the way, soil is just too slow indoor. and i use r/o water so i will be adding a small amount of dr repair through the whole cycle aswell to avoid any cal mag deficiencies etc

did i miss anything. thanks for your help man. if u think of anything else please let me know thanks


Well-Known Member
ok from the top lol. yeah i got this one free but if i think its better than the nova gear im currently using the money wont matter. like u said quality. i dont mind paying if the quality is there. if i can get the same quality with something cheaper then i will definitely go there. and i gotta say i love the nova series so far it is really awesome.

and yeah i got the xl in my pack so i will be using that as for pgr's i will be trying them in the future but it didnt come in the free pack so im not doing it this grow plus if i dont use it this round it will give me a better idea of the difference when i do use it u know.

what do u mean alternate the additives? i have a different feed schedule as in i dont follow one. i use my tds meter to read the plant and give her exactly what she wants. she tells me how much to feed her so there is no risk of burn there and as far as additives go i will just take the recommended amounts and divide them by 10 to start with which should give me a ppm of 100 instead of 1000ppm in my experience even 400ppm in a week old seedling is a death sentence. so i will start on 100ppm and if she wants more she will tell me when shes ready and i will go from there.

oh and yeah on the chart it says grow a + b 2ml per liter so is that 2mls of each or 1 ml of each (im leaning towards 2mls of each)
oh and for the record it is no where near as concentrated as flora nova, i use 1ml a liter and that puts me over 1200ppm and its just a 1 part formula

hydro all the way, soil is just too slow indoor. and i use r/o water so i will be adding a small amount of dr repair through the whole cycle aswell to avoid any cal mag deficiencies etc

did i miss anything. thanks for your help man. if u think of anything else please let me know thanks
good idea, seeing difference with PGR,

yes 2ml of each a+b each is in its separate category, most seedlings or clones burn at start from shock, its usually not from nutes. my first grow i gave my clone full strentgth and full line of additives, and had no issues whatsoever.

i alternate between giving it B1 boost, then sometimes i'll go a zyme 1 week or vise versa, just to see a difference, to see what gives a visual difference... i find B1 boost is incredible, makes very green growth, thick leaves like lettuce!

RO water, good man, i use tap water here, but we have decent tap water

when you come to flowering, DO NOT use potash and swell together, and flush well inbetween, they slightly react and form a build up of alkaline salts....

but if you follow their feed chart you should be fine, did i miss anything?


Well-Known Member
you wont get cal or mag deficiencies with grow a+b, they dont state, but they have everything they need in those 2 bottles, when used in combination with additives you are giving extra for carbs and so forth


Well-Known Member
im not entirely sure about that. when using r/o water it is extremely common to get a calcium deficiency even with the most balanced nutes. tap water has plenty of calcium in it so u will probably never see it but for r/o a cal mag supplement is highly recommended and im pretty sure dr repair will do the trick.


Well-Known Member
im not entirely sure about that. when using r/o water it is extremely common to get a calcium deficiency even with the most balanced nutes. tap water has plenty of calcium in it so u will probably never see it but for r/o a cal mag supplement is highly recommended and im pretty sure dr repair will do the trick.
good point thanku for pointing that out :) i would love to use RO water see if there is much difference


Well-Known Member
honestly unless your water is really bad it probably doesnt make much difference at all. i think i could get away with it where i am but i forked out for the r/o filter so i just use it. its a major pain though takes about 15 20 mins to make 10 liters and i bought the fastest one i could find


Well-Known Member
no im not sure what u mean by the question? i just fill the res and the rest just magically happens through the magic of waterfarming. its like a dwc but it has a air driven drip ring. hard to explain if you havnt seen one in action.


Well-Known Member
no im not sure what u mean by the question? i just fill the res and the rest just magically happens through the magic of waterfarming. its like a dwc but it has a air driven drip ring. hard to explain if you havnt seen one in action.

sorry man, i meant like recirculating or watnot, im not up with dwc what is that? i use a feed ring aswell, about 1 inch under my perlite, cause my pump is a bit too powerful, i recirculate and feed every 2 hrs 15 minutes on


Well-Known Member

so the plant sits in a net pot at the top filled with hydroton, could easily be perlite if you preferred, the roots hang down into the botom pot just like dwc, the bottom pot is your res. ther is a air column up one side air is blown in at the base and the bubles aerate the res and the bubbles carry water up the column and into the drip ring so it drips down through the net pot and then drips back into the res aerating the res some more. it creates alot of d/o. plus because most d/o in your water is in the very surface because oxygen naturally rises. the bubbles only pic up that surface water and carry it to the top and feed that high d/o water to all the roots in the net pot. growth is extremely fast because of all the d/o.

thats what they say anyway but i reckon dwc is pretty well just as good if not exactly the same


Well-Known Member
dwc is the same thing as above but with no drip ring just an airstone in the res.
wow soo many ways,, i got an airstone in my res, but yeah my res is separate , i'm just confused at how u drain and flush, at the moment my way still seems sooo simple, let mine recirculate for the week, tip it all out, fresh water flush, the top up with fresh water and nutes, ..