Ron paul is STILL working with white supremacist groups!


Well-Known Member
No politician is a saint. RP is simply better for the country, and a much better man than any of the alternatives.
my wife's uterus overwhelmingly disagrees with you.

he wants more "personal liberty" for my wife by having the state tell her what decisions she can make.


desert dude

Well-Known Member
my wife's uterus overwhelmingly disagrees with you.

he wants more "personal liberty" for my wife by having the state tell her what decisions she can make.

RP wants the states to assume their rights and responsibilities, and the feds to abide by the law. Scary concept for a liberal, I understand, but that is what the law says and it is what made America great.


Active Member
yep, the ron paul newsletters are just a myth. to deluded believers, no amount of evidence will suffice. it doesn't matter that he defended the newsletters during his 1996 congressional run as his own writing. that is just silliness. the newsletters are a myth, a lie.

not really surprising that he follows up the newsletter fiasco by working with, coordinating with, and organizing with white supremacists. nothing to see here, just move on.

oh, and by the way, he said this as he kicked off his 2012 campaign...

Ron Paul Says He Would Have Voted Against Civil Rights Act
Again you're backing his defense of the letter, with essentially another letter. Words on paper can be written by anyone. If there is a video of him defending the letters, then I'll agree he wrote the letters.

Repealing the Civil Rights Act and not supporting it's creation are entirely different. Notice how you're very own article says that Ron Paul objects the Civil Rights Acts, but nowhere does it mention anything regarding Ron Paul repealing the Act. This is because he does not want to repeal it.

If you understand the intention behind his objection to the civil rights acts, you would clearly understand that it's of no reinforcement to your belief of him as a racist. His intention is that of protecting individual freedom, not strengthening discrimination. This is where your flawed logic comes into play, pushing the belief that because he would have voted against the Civil Rights Acts, it somehow accredits him to being a racist. That type of mentality is almost as crazy as that of a racist's...


Well-Known Member
RP wants the states to assume their rights and responsibilities, and the feds to abide by the law. Scary concept for a liberal, I understand, but that is what the law says and it is what made America great.
ignore the 14th amendment? not very american.

you know that "states rights" as ronald uses it is more or less code speak, right? please tell me that you are not so dumb as to not recognize the existence of coded speech.


Active Member
my wife's uterus overwhelmingly disagrees with you.

he wants more "personal liberty" for my wife by having the state tell her what decisions she can make.


LOL ..... i mean really LOL!

You think Ron Paul is going to try and stop baby killing? He said he personally disagrees with it, but on more than one occasion has made it clear that he, in no way, feels that his personal feelings on a matter like that should be pushing upon any individual person. and the idea of a national ban under Paul is ludicrous, he is all for not sticking the governments nose in where its not wanted.

i think you expecting him to agree with you every point, but thats not what he is trying to do. He is not afraid to admit that we are all different and we all have different opinions, his point is that just because he feels differently than you doesn't make you or him wrong.

and honestly if you think you are 100% right about everything then i think ALL the rest of us will disagree with you. Why can you not accept someone being different as long as they don't wish to impose there beliefs on you?

I think you might need a lesson in tolerance of diversity. just because i'm not black doesn't make me racist....


Well-Known Member
...personally, im never , ever, voting again.

not under the current system anyway.

its absolutely pointless unless my views would agree with big business :)

doesnt matter anyway what politician is in charge.

anytime the populace is pissed off enough at the government, things change. (semi, somewhat, usually with a bit of misdirection, but if enough people want it, things change.there is no stopping the masses (beyond big lie´s and empty promises)

rest of the time, its just Business as usual.


Well-Known Member
Again you're backing his defense of the letter, with essentially another letter. Words on paper can be written by anyone. If there is a video of him defending the letters, then I'll agree he wrote the letters.

Repealing the Civil Rights Act and not supporting it's creation are entirely different. Notice how you're very own article says that Ron Paul objects the Civil Rights Acts, but nowhere does it mention anything regarding Ron Paul repealing the Act. This is because he does not want to repeal it.

If you understand the intention behind his objection to the civil rights acts, you would clearly understand that it's of no reinforcement to your belief of him as a racist. His intention is that of protecting individual freedom, not strengthening discrimination. This is where your flawed logic comes into play, pushing the belief that because he would have voted against the Civil Rights Acts, it somehow accredits him to being a racist. That type of mentality is almost as crazy as that of a racist's...

only a half a dozen separate newspapers covered it in 1996. he said it himself in an interview. he defended the newsletters as his writings. then he said someone else wrote them. then he said he had no idea about anything.

i'm pretty sure the old racist has alzheimer's as well.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
ignore the 14th amendment? not very american.

you know that "states rights" as ronald uses it is more or less code speak, right? please tell me that you are not so dumb as to not recognize the existence of coded speech.
Yeah, and only you have the decoder ring. Tell us all what "states rights" means.


Well-Known Member
...the idea of a national ban under Paul is ludicrous, he is all for not sticking the governments nose in where its not wanted.
if the old racist gets to pick the next SCOTUS pick or two, who do you think he is going to pick? :dunce:

...just because we are not black doesn't make us racist....
where did i ever intimate anything like that?

all i ever did was talk about how ronald profits from racist newsletters, coordinate with white supremacists, and the like.

and for your edification, if paul had his way states would get to decide on my wife's personal liberty with respect to her personal health care decisions. that just OOZES freedom and personal liberty :dunce:


Active Member
i think the same thing when you paul worshippers just brush off decades of overt racism as a "myth".
Likewise, I think the same when people like you brush off his display of good character and overtly spoken anti-racist remarks, as a "myth".

Where are all the sources of racism he stands by? I can't seem to find them... Oh, that "newsletter" right? Give me a break.


New Member

only a half a dozen separate newspapers covered it in 1996. he said it himself in an interview. he defended the newsletters as his writings. then he said someone else wrote them. then he said he had no idea about anything.

i'm pretty sure the old racist has alzheimer's as well.
How are you capable of navigating Vbulletin if your this retarded? not falling for it.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
ignore the 14th amendment? not very american.

you know that "states rights" as ronald uses it is more or less code speak, right? please tell me that you are not so dumb as to not recognize the existence of coded speech.
You have stumped me with the reference to the 14th. What makes you think RP would not abide by it?


Well-Known Member
Likewise, I think the same when people like you brush off his display of good character and overtly spoken anti-racist remarks, as a "myth".

Where are all the sources of racism he stands by? I can't seem to find them... Oh, that "newsletter" right? Give me a break.
you'd rather trust what a politician says in public rather than what he tries to get away with when he thinks no one is looking?

yeah, keep trying to write off the newsletters as a myth. he defended them as his writing. now we know he actively works with white supremacists.



This thread was so full of fail I had to make an account after 4 years of not posting here. Ron can't control who supports him or why. Ron is in no way a racist and any claims about him being one have vague evidence at best. This was all the rage on the internet in 2008 when Don Black of Stormfront donated a whopping 200 dollars to his campaign and had his picture taken with him at a public event that anyone could attend. After reading through all of these emails I conclude that this Kelso guy and his followers had a plan to "infiltrate" Ron Paul's movement and hopefully win over some white people to their cause. According to people active in Southern California and Chicago politics these guys mentioned by him as being #2 men of Paul in these states have never been heard of by people actually involved with his organization and the best evidence they provide is that Kelso is photographed standing 10ft away from Ron at an event while Ron speaks to a supporter with his back turned. Worst conspiracy theory ever and if anyone believes this shit I've got some beach front property for sale in Arizona you might be interested in. Reading their own "evidence" I come to the conclusion these guys have a very vague connection to Ron and on their own site this douche and his wife (Sigrid) state that they never got to speak directly with Paul or had a conference call with him or his campaign. You fail hard and do so at the expense of your own movement you idiot. Enjoy voting for Obama again and having your liberties taken away.

Your own signature is proof that nobody should listen to you. Obama hasn't done shit for cannabis in this country like he promised and he continues Bush's policies in the Middle East when he said he wouldn't. You are dick riding hard.


Well-Known Member
How are you capable of navigating Vbulletin if your this retarded? not falling for it.
you'll never believe anything that makes ronald the paul look bad in any way, so i don't really care what you think.

i predicted on page #1 that you'd still defend the guy if he worked with white supremacist neo-nazis.


Well-Known Member
You have stumped me with the reference to the 14th. What makes you think RP would not abide by it?
hr 7955, among others.

Prohibits the expenditure of Federal funds to any organization which presents male or female homosexuality as an acceptable alternative life style or which suggest that it can be an acceptable life style.