FIWH TOLD YA MAKE BUBBLE BRO!!! you'll lose ya mind for a few weeks moyt!! no mould carrys over in bubble iv'e done it twice now... do it fiwh invest bro... freeze that trim why waste?
fiwh, Bucks right, id use a 220 micron bubble bag, ( this is where i got my set from .... - Check sellers store they have single bags or kits at good price for good quality ) however, reality is you only need 1 220 micron bag, dont do the stupid bullshit way of sitting there with a mixer, ice and water for 20 mins, fuck that, its messy and takes too long, simply goto Supagas or BOC gases ( take a small esky ) and for $9 buy 1 scoop of dry ice ( if they ask what its for say your camping its for the esky, dry ice's temp is about -80c, if you put in esky, drop a tea towel over it and fill esky with ice, it wont melt for about 4-5 days ). Now, get your mouldy bud/rotting bud, bust it up with your hands or give it a rough chop, drop in bubble bag, do about 2handfuls of chopped trim/bud, now drop in 6 pellets of dry ice, shake it around a bit and let it sit for 1 minute, now over a glass table/picture, gently shake the bubble bag over it, dont keep shaking in the saem spot move around so the second you see a color change you stop shaking. Scrap up all your triches and compress into a block, Booyah !! you got some quality hash.
trich's are in effect full of resin, an oil, water and oils dont mix, so, the dry ice freezes the trim and the trichs fall off and through the bubble bag.