George bush...


New Member
The question was: "Really? What lies?"

Med's response was: "Looney left wing liberals. Is that all you've got. You must be a fucking Idiot to even consider supporting Bush after all he's done to fuck the country. If you are at all for freedom, you must take issue with his flagrant abuses of our liberties, If not, then there is no use in conversing with you. For you are so brainwashed that nothing would ever change your retarded mind. I'm pretty convinced that you're stuck on stupid."

Translation for Med's response: "Oh shit, he's presenting me with logic ... I'd better get into my diversional, personal attack mode, so I can side step the question." :roll:


And my dear redd, what do you call the above post if not an attack. You cast aspersions with a blind eye, but take great affront when attacked. you are so predictable. Any time, any place.


Well-Known Member
Well, then, Fuck all right wing bullshit, fuck war, Fuck corporational rule, fuck repukes, and a whole lot more of fucks to the right. I don't like Nazi dictators anymore than commie dictators and all that nonsense that you and Vi preach is destined to lead us to one or the other. Pay your fucking taxes and quit bitching, geeze you right wing nazis are so fucking predictable.
You didn't answer my question but thats okay, I knew you wouldn't.

(how is voting democrat voting for freedom btw)

Pay your fucking taxes and quit bitching
So let me get this straight, I should blindly pay my taxes, regardless of what they will go toward, regardless of how high they rise, and do it with a smile. Socialism at its worst.


New Member
And my dear redd, what do you call the above post if not an attack. You cast aspersions with a blind eye, but take great affront when attacked. you are so predictable. Any time, any place.
Well my "dear" Med ... that wasn't a personal attack at all. I'm just pointing out once again how you try to deflect the debate with personal attacks. Why you would confuse that with a personal attack is beyond me. And by the way ... that Mister Redd to you. :mrgreen:

And you weren't clear in your above post what you meant by "Any time, any place. Care to elaborate"




New Member
You didn't answer my question but thats okay, I knew you wouldn't.

(how is voting democrat voting for freedom btw)

So let me get this straight, I should blindly pay my taxes, regardless of what they will go toward, regardless of how high they rise, and do it with a smile. Socialism at its worst.
There is no such thing as voting for freedom and you know it. All you vote for is someones rhetoric concerning freedom that usually turns out to be more of the same plutocratic bullshit. Yes, you should pay your taxes just like me. I don't get to vote on whether I want my taxes to go towards war or education, why should you? If I could say where the taxes went, there would be no more war, no more pork spending, a military budget that was for defense, not offense. The infrastructure and the American people would be taken care of first before any corporate welfare were allowed, yeah, it would be nice if we could vote on where our taxes were spent, but we cant, so pay up and shut up.


Well-Known Member
There is no such thing as voting for freedom and you know it. All you vote for is someones rhetoric concerning freedom that usually turns out to be more of the same plutocratic bullshit. Yes, you should pay your taxes just like me. I don't get to vote on whether I want my taxes to go towards war or education, why should you? If I could say where the taxes went, there would be no more war, no more pork spending, a military budget that was for defense, not offense. The infrastructure and the American people would be taken care of first before any corporate welfare were allowed, yeah, it would be nice if we could vote on where our taxes were spent, but we cant, so pay up and shut up.
Actually, we, the people of our state, elect officials to represent us in deciding on how our country is ran, and that includes what to do with our taxes.

Can you guess what it is? I'll give you a hint, its democrat controlled.


New Member
Actually, we, the people of our state, elect officials to represent us in deciding on how our country is ran, and that includes what to do with our taxes.

Can you guess what it is? I'll give you a hint, its democrat controlled.
Have you completely lost your mind (what's left of it)? this government is run by and controlled by elites and corporations. Before anyone can get to a position of electability, they have sold their soul to the company store. You are living in a dreamworld if you believe this is anything resembling a democracy. example: 67% of the American people want the US out of Iraq. Are we out? 78% are against Bush, yet no-one will call for impeachment. Democracy my ass!


New Member
Have you completely lost your mind (what's left of it)? this government is run by and controlled by elites and corporations. Before anyone can get to a position of electability, they have sold their soul to the company store. You are living in a dreamworld if you believe this is anything resembling a democracy. example: 67% of the American people want the US out of Iraq. Are we out? 78% are against Bush, yet no-one will call for impeachment. Democracy my ass!
1. If 67% of the American people want us out of Iraq, then those 67% should show up at the polls and vote their representatives out of office. That's Democracy in action.

2. If what you say is true, that 78% are against Bush, what does that have to do with impeachment?



New Member
1. If 67% of the American people want us out of Iraq, then those 67% should show up at the polls and vote their representatives out of office. That's Democracy in action.

2. If what you say is true, that 78% are against Bush, what does that have to do with impeachment?

You are just arguing for arguements sake and I'm bored, goodbye.


Well-Known Member
Have you completely lost your mind (what's left of it)? this government is run by and controlled by elites and corporations. Before anyone can get to a position of electability, they have sold their soul to the company store. You are living in a dreamworld if you believe this is anything resembling a democracy. example: 67% of the American people want the US out of Iraq. Are we out? 78% are against Bush, yet no-one will call for impeachment. Democracy my ass!
If you believe your officials are corrupt then elect new ones! Its your fault you keep re-electing your elitist and corporate puppets.

67% of people are retarded and have no idea the consequence of the action of the U.S. leaving Iraq in its current form. Even democrats realize this as well but they play to the public's whim in effort to gain popularity.

78% allegedly people are against Bush, fine, hes gone in a few months. You cannot impeach someone because you do not like them, sorry cry-babies. He has broke no law, that is why there is not an impeachment.

Go write your congressmen, find out when the next election is and make some attempt to publicly support who you would believe do a better job and not just sit here and bitch and believe its the corporations ruling this country giving you an excuse to do nothing.


Well-Known Member
Are you blind to the fact that the Republicans controlled the House, and the Democrats had a one seat majority in the Senate?
and yet the resolution to use military force in iraq passed by a 3 to 1 margin. it would seem that republicans aren't the only war mongers to be found in congress.


New Member
You are just arguing for arguements sake and I'm bored, goodbye.
Sorry Med ... all I'm trying to do is to get you to stand by your statements.

You continue to make outlandish statements. Are we not allowed to challenge those statements?



Well-Known Member
these are for all your patriots out there... not that theres anything wrong with being patriotic, but another thing with being ignorant.

i dare you to watch these and then see what you have to say about bush and the government.

start watching this one @ 40 mins..Zeitgeist - The Movie

Ring of Power - Parts 1-5 -
Ring of Power - Parts 6-10 -

The Money Masters - Part 1 of 2
The Money Masters - Part 2 of 2
Man weed I've seen you post all these at a few dozen times :P


Well-Known Member
Man weed I've seen you post all these at a few dozen times :P
i guess im just a big spammer :D ahahah

no but for real, i think everyone and their grandmother should watch these movies. so the people can be enlightened to the past and present truth(JMHO) and possible the future.

im going to keep throwing these links around because it seems like the most honest info i have ever come across(JMHO).

shows how much we are being kept in the dark, meanwhile they are taking aprox 1/3 of the working class's checks away from them. AND KILLING OUR OWN PPL FOR THE SAKE OF LIBERATING IRAQ. LMAO

"it was the terrorists living in caves who organized the 911 attacks." what about building 7? nothing hit that and it collapses perfectly.

watch the movies ppl and decide for yourself.


New Member
Oh god your turning into GrowRebel. I guess deep down all liberals are the same..
If you mean we are for people not corporations, you may be right. If you mean liberals care about their fellow human beings, not just Money, you may be right. If you mean we care about our planet and the pollution that is destroying it, you may be right. If you mean we care about our soldiers that are dying in a faraway land for no good reason, you may be right. If you mean that we care about rebuilding this great country's infrastructure as opposed to waring for corporate interests, you may be right. If you mean we liberals are about common sense, you may be right. The notion that war and poverty is a good thing is held by the right wing of the country, the power elites. I'm pretty sure you fit into this category or else you're just a wannabee.