Aussie Growers Thread


Active Member
Hey there...just lobbed into this site....interested if anyone has had any success with buying seeds from os?
Looking to get another rig up
Schmuck, hope your doing well, sorry if this sounds scarcastic but every week someone new asks the same question, mate, try using the "search" button, there is endless topics on seed buying, to give you a quick run down, these are the most trustworthy sites that ship to Oz;

Attitude Seeds - My preference is these guys

Planetskunk - Have bought from before and recieved but packaging was shite

Seedsman - My second preference as you dont pay VAT tax, cheaper than Attitude but not the same range as Attitude

There you have it, i wouldnt trust any other seedbanks, they are not on commercial level therefore you have no legs to stand on if it fails.

Good luck, next time, use the search button, typical aussie slacker lol !


Active Member
G'day my names Kog, im a convicted criminal.. LOL

I'm a believer that in lifes long journey, you'll eventually fuck up !! ROFLMAO

epic, what a fuckin old school nimbin champion.

Worth watching








yo Haze thanks for the tip....already bought from form a couple of others..if it works out I'll give em a plug....there's so damn many seed banks out there and they seem to come and go.....
thanks again!


Active Member
yo Haze thanks for the tip....already bought from form a couple of others..if it works out I'll give em a plug....there's so damn many seed banks out there and they seem to come and go.....
thanks again!
Exactly, you stated it "they come and go" find the large commercial seedbanks like the ones i stated, might pay a touch more, but theve been around for a long time and aint going anywhere, youll be fine.

the seedman

Active Member
[420]Haze;7083693 said:
Schmuck, hope your doing well, sorry if this sounds scarcastic but every week someone new asks the same question, mate, try using the "search" button, there is endless topics on seed buying, to give you a quick run down, these are the most trustworthy sites that ship to Oz;

Attitude Seeds - My preference is these guys

Planetskunk - Have bought from before and recieved but packaging was shite

Seedsman - My second preference as you dont pay VAT tax, cheaper than Attitude but not the same range as Attitude

There you have it, i wouldnt trust any other seedbanks, they are not on commercial level therefore you have no legs to stand on if it fails.

Good luck, next time, use the search button, typical aussie slacker lol !

the most reliable seed bank, in my op, is herbies,

ive lost orders from plannet skunk, and the tude but herbies always delivers,


Active Member


Well-Known Member
[420]Haze;7082827 said:
Hey flow, little bit of advice champ, remove that netting asap, replace it with a 15mm PVC Pipe frame with twine strung real tight across it with smaller square sizes, trust me it helps massively with training, those flimsy nets give no support what so ever, they are waste of money, i removed mine in my scrog and replaced as per below ;

This is after i changed it, that cheap netting was drooping and sagging like an african tribes womens tits.

The end result is some big fat ass frosty cola's mate !!!

flow, make sure you veg it long enough, fill your net completely and once its full, give it another week so the tips and grow shoots can get a little bit of height, youll get some stretch in flower but you want longer cola's than i had, i kept training mine into flower and fimmed it like a bitch. let the tops comming above the net get about 4-6 inches then flower man, watch the cola carpet form, your grow should yeild easy 1 pound if you do what i said, we got just over 1 p dried and cured. good luck man, keep us updated.

mate, thanx for the info, but i use exactly what i use for a reason. the netting is fine in my application, i pull it nice and tight, and my first layer of netting is just for training mate, i cut that away soon then i put a new layer, have a good read of my thread mate, and maybe include a post in there, as i have a hard time keeping track of this flatout moving thread!
My first grow i yielded 1.5 lb from 1 plant, so i think i'm on the right track, but thanx anyway!

the seedman

Active Member
[420]Haze;7083979 said:
what state you in seedman ???? and with Attitude, do you chose guaranteed delivery ??? ive nover lost an order from Attitude, ever, i always get the guaranteed delivery. Planetskunk, well, i can understand due to packaging.

yep i ordered it with a t shirt, and it still got confiscated,

they resending, but taking a while,

herbies is like a week, later your seeds turn up,

in WA

'ome Grown

Well-Known Member
I disagree a lot with dry ice hash...

why not bubble hash?

we are here for quality not quantity.

If you graded the dry ice hash afterwards with some dry sift screens, then that is different...but I don't see the point of just doing a 220 bag extraction with dry ice.

Just my opinion, and I am patient enough to mix trim with ice and water and run it through 8 bags (I mix it all up in a big esky with a false bottom - bigger batch size, same size bags)

What do you guys think?

'ome Grown

Well-Known Member
I like herbies a lot. I have only ordered from herbies though (have ordered from sannies and attitude, however, that was only a week ago - so won't have anything for another 1-2 weeks imo).

Can't go wrong with herbies...however, get them to price match other websites, as they are sometimes more expensive. Same price, better delivery :)


Active Member
I disagree a lot with dry ice hash...

why not bubble hash?

we are here for quality not quantity.

If you graded the dry ice hash afterwards with some dry sift screens, then that is different...but I don't see the point of just doing a 220 bag extraction with dry ice.

Just my opinion, and I am patient enough to mix trim with ice and water and run it through 8 bags (I mix it all up in a big esky with a false bottom - bigger batch size, same size bags)

What do you guys think?
the dry ice thing just looks quicker,easier and less still waiting for this last fucking bag to drain through


Active Member
I disagree a lot with dry ice hash...

why not bubble hash?

we are here for quality not quantity.

If you graded the dry ice hash afterwards with some dry sift screens, then that is different...but I don't see the point of just doing a 220 bag extraction with dry ice.

Just my opinion, and I am patient enough to mix trim with ice and water and run it through 8 bags (I mix it all up in a big esky with a false bottom - bigger batch size, same size bags)

What do you guys think?
ive run both water/ice & dry ice, the overall quality is better from the dry ice if done correctly, the bubble bags are time consuming, messy and for the quality & qauntity you get based on time and effort spent is pointless once you do the dry ice method. if you dont like the idea of using 220 use your 160, first time we ever did dry ice we used 72, it just didnt allow the trichs to fall, 220 ensures it comes out easy without smashing and squeezing the trich heads. Mate, the extreme temp seperates the oils from the matter, do one run yourself and then compare.


Well-Known Member
mmm well i cant comment heaps i enjoyed bubble more... but in saying that my trim was wet.. used a 220... but was told wet was fine.. considering minus 110c i really enjoyed just playing with the dry ice dropping it in the toilet and shit LOL froze the toilet rock solid in 10mins lol


Active Member
Haveing not heard from Tbag for nearly a week now I was starting to feel for the guy,had we hurt his feelings? was he hanging from the rafters by .....,well,lets face it ............a rubber band would hold his weight?
Is he sniffling in a corner somewhere??Bitching to mum about all the hayters??

So I took his picture down from my avatar

I felt beter about myself

then i went and read some of his posts again.......

what a dick....

Quote:you think i dont know how to make my own nutes shit im way beyond that .....way beyond using nute charts way beyond probally your comprehension.....

'ome Grown

Well-Known Member
will do.

what parameters should I have for dry ice?

I will do a side by side...same trim...half and one set bubble bags and one set dry ice 220 bag.

My expectations are that the bubble hash will be better since it is graded...but if you say, as an experienced grower and smoker, that there isn't much difference...then I will definitely do one run of dry ice for my own experience. Cheers.

'ome Grown

Well-Known Member
Unfortunately, Tbags brain is at the level of a kid in year 3...he needs to put people down to feel good about himself and he lies very very obviously.

He will bounce back, I am sure his care taker has him on some meds.