Is this right? just checkin, need professional help

CIMG9505.jpgi have a 100 watt equivalant cfl bulb, and it is placed 1 foot above my sprouts.... question is can you tell me outta all of these plants which ones are fucked up? im a guerilla grower by nature with everything with indoors is new to me, so pick and choose the fucked up ones and btw can i pull the shells off? and can i let these grow up inside for 2 weeks and then move them outdoors?



First off, You can move the CFL a bit closer to those bad boys. You also want to put a humidity dome over them and keep them moist. Now you could try taking the shells off, I've never seen anything like this before though. I believe the plant my find a way to shed it naturally but if not you should take it off and try and save your babies. Just be very very gentle.


Active Member
i would say you fucked yourself when planting more then 1 per cup light might be too close remember that stage they are growing roots not leaves or bud might also wanna think about more light as cfls are kinda weak lighting alone i'm still new myself so waite for a professional


Active Member
So the good news first and than for the critique. All of those seedlings look perfectly fine at this stage.

Now for the bad news

1st) You never want to have seedlings in the same pot. That is an absolute no no.
2nd) If its 100 watt equivalent, that means nothing. You need actual wattage not equivalent.
3rd) Typically you want to have 100 actual wattage for one plant and an additonal 50 actual watts for each plant beyond that so three plants = 100+50+50= 200 actual wattage.
4th) For cfls you want the light to be about 2-4 inches from the plant, so it definitely needs to be closer.
what will go wrong if i have them in the same pot? if you dont mind explaining i really wanna know, i hate having to restart cuz somethin so small messed it all up


Active Member
what will go wrong if i have them in the same pot? if you dont mind explaining i really wanna know, i hate having to restart cuz somethin so small messed it all up
The roots will entangle and when you go to transplant it will be nearly impossible to separate them. When they do entangle you are exposing yourself to numerous other problems. One being the plants will not grow very tall at all, and you may be more prone to nutrient burn. It isnt too late to transfer these into their own pots but you have to be extremely careful in doing so. Ill find the link for a good transplant guide to try and make it easy.
-Thats for stretching plants but you can use it for your condition as well

Hope that helps
That Guy
thanks very much dude for savin my shit, cuz i used to plant them in little groups of four outdoors and they grew fine, im definately gonna post pics of the seperate pots later.. and is i t good if they germinated in 6 hours and are growing by the hour?? too fast or too slow?


Active Member
thanks very much dude for savin my shit, cuz i used to plant them in little groups of four outdoors and they grew fine, im definately gonna post pics of the seperate pots later.. and is i t good if they germinated in 6 hours and are growing by the hour?? too fast or too slow?
Every seed is different, but if they are growing quickly thats certainly a good thing. No need to worry about solid growth :eyesmoke:
haha i got the bitch rigged to my light switch and every time someone knocks on my door i just flip a switch.... off goes the fan and light, so no need to open the loud ass closet slidin door and flip several switches to turn it all off....


Well-Known Member
haha i got the bitch rigged to my light switch and every time someone knocks on my door i just flip a switch.... off goes the fan and light, so no need to open the loud ass closet slidin door and flip several switches to turn it all off....
I'm doing a cab grow in my closet, there's a dead mans switch on the closet door and a toggle switch to bypass it when while I'm home, I also set up a deer cam connected to the same dm switch which i have set to take pics every 2 seconds while there's motion, talk about security.

Now about your "crop" it will probably be unsuccessful, but don't be discouraged, it took me a few times to get it right, my first attempt was a hand full of seeds thrown in a pot with a fl tube about 18" that was a food away from my shit lol. next time move your lights closer and get more of them.