Aussie Growers Thread

Supa smoka

Well-Known Member
I have used soil indoors before it worked pretty good.. A mate uses soil indoor and gets good results. Bit slower though

the seedman

Active Member
When I said soil, I meant indoor as in pots...and only feeding water or compost teas etc...

i do both, both have benefits,

i make a pretty good mix, with perlite, potting mix, sheep shit and a little chook

soil is reliable, and guarenteed results,

and hydro, is even greater results as long as you get it right, all the way through

Supa smoka

Well-Known Member
He seems to get big and really dense as fuck nugs with every strain he does.. I havent gone into it as much just tried it and it was ok but not as good as coco and perlite

the seedman

Active Member
anyone interested in joining the Perth weed growers club? P.W.G.C

i wanna start a weed club, where we have a piss up once a month or something, n get smashed.

to make weed more social, instead of underground

only serious weed growers allowed, no noobs

we could have prizes of seed, the piss up, that the club would order in, online n stuff for its members

the seedman

Active Member
If i was in perth i would
yeah, i know all you guys are in vic and nsw, i was just putting it out there

but perth is by nature closed off to the great weed culture like nimbin byron bay, n stuff,

we got no weed culture at all over here, so, i thought Perth needed, like a upto date, club, on weed or something

i was just thinking if everone puts in #$40.00 bucks, and there was 7/8 people or so, n partners, we could go out n get a keg at some place different each month, and perhaps take part in our own mini, Perth Cannabis Cup, comparisons outside somewhere,

'ome Grown

Well-Known Member
I'm going to mix up some super soil but use vegan options for the blood meal etc. One batch should last me the whole year. I just let it cook for a month or two and go from there. With Subcool's Super Soil (which is used as a concentrate) one only has to add water (and a little bit of sugars just after half way through budding). The super soil can be used as a top dressing as well. Just sounds quite simple imo, and that is how I like to keep em.

DJ short reckons soil is best, so does subcool. As I will be growing both their genetics I will run with soil. As for which is better, soil or hydro. Hydro, done correctly can beat soil, from what I have seen. But as for ease of use and consistent quality (high quality) - I'm sold on soil.

The cap

Well-Known Member
Hey Guys.. How goes it..??
With my fan in room (Oscillating floor type) should it be on ONLY when the lights come on?? Or keep it running 24/7..??