First Grow

Grow Express24

Well-Known Member
So I just woke up the plants and the humidifier seems to have steamed through survival blankets and now it has spots where it is clear. Is this bad or will things go back to normal???

Grow Express24

Well-Known Member
The survival blankets and you can definately tell the previous owners were smokers so no pictures sorry not of that wall it needs to be cleaned first. Also one of plants that I topped has three tops cause the stem grew back so will it be ok if I get 6 tops or is that too much for the plant???

Grow Express24

Well-Known Member
Just transplanted all of my babies to their new permanent homes I might wait to post pics due to the fact that almost all of them have drooped but still debating it. I also got a few more lights in there as well.


Well-Known Member
Lol I do the same when mine probs, put up a pic tomorrow when you feel better about how they look :). What kind of lights did you put in?

Grow Express24

Well-Known Member
This is what they looked like right after transplant


This is this morning they doing a little bit better but a couple didn't really take well to the transplant I think I might lose them



Well-Known Member
When you transplanted, did you make sure to give the plants a real generous watering? It might just be me but the soil doesn't look that wet, just kind of moist. You really want to heavily water transplanted plants. If you didn't....I think that you could still do it and save them, but then again I am not sure if would just add stress to already stressed out plants! I would ask in the plant problem area and see if it's too late to give them a good watering to help with them acclimating.


Well-Known Member
Just water them good and pull the lights back for a bit and they will bounce back. The only way to really lose a plant is through pests and really fucked up watering Either too much or too little.

Grow Express24

Well-Known Member
When you transplanted, did you make sure to give the plants a real generous watering? It might just be me but the soil doesn't look that wet, just kind of moist. You really want to heavily water transplanted plants. If you didn't....I think that you could still do it and save them, but then again I am not sure if would just add stress to already stressed out plants! I would ask in the plant problem area and see if it's too late to give them a good watering to help with them acclimating.

They got a very generous watering. They got a total of 3 gallons when I transplanted them so hopefully when they wake up later they will be ok or at least coming back to health

Grow Express24

Well-Known Member
Just water them good and pull the lights back for a bit and they will bounce back. The only way to really lose a plant is through pests and really fucked up watering Either too much or too little.
I will pull the lights back once I wake them up thanks for the input Cali and Bumps


Well-Known Member
Ah ok, then they are probably just droopy from the shock + watering. Hopefully they'll be looking better in a day or two, maybe even after you turn the lights on :)

Grow Express24

Well-Known Member
Ah ok, then they are probably just droopy from the shock + watering. Hopefully they'll be looking better in a day or two, maybe even after you turn the lights on :)
Thats what I'm hoping for cause even though I don't need this much weed it would definately be nice to have know what I mean

Grow Express24

Well-Known Member
Thanks for all your input you have helped a lot along the way. You bumps and Cali have all helped me alot and I want to say thanks

Grow Express24

Well-Known Member
The plants look like they are coming back to life so I don't think I'm going to lose any of them hopefully but we shall see what happens within the next couple of days. The ones that continue to get worse I think I'm going to get rid of even though I don't want to.


Active Member
Loving watching your thread :)! Yeah transplanting surprised me the first grow..they got shocked and I thought I killed the gals! Took 2-3 days and they got happier :)

Be patient and best of luck