I'm so so so sorry..


Well-Known Member
.. that I made a thread to ask noob questions. I know it's annoying but I'm gonna attempt my first guerilla grow and I have a poop load of questions already and I'm sure there's more to come. Ahhh I'm so excited :bigjoint:

Also, if any new growers have any questions that don't require their own thread, feel free to ask away in here because I'll probably want to know the same answer :).

Alright so first question.. When ordering from attitude the FAQ says that the post man will deliver it to your door and if you're not there the package will be delivered to your closest main post office.. Don't they just put it in your mailbox?

And since I'm barely gonna order some seeds, they could arrive as late as late june. So should I even order the seeds and take my chances of having seeds but not being able to grow them because I started too late in the year?

Thanks guys.


Well-Known Member
Oh this is a big one.. can somebody make me a list of everything I'll need for a guerilla grow? From shovel to specified brand of nutes, I'd like to make sure I have everything when my little seeds arrive.


Well-Known Member
When I order from Attitude the postman puts the package directly in my mailbox. I always order a tshirt with it for stealth and haven't had an issue yet.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
When I order from Attitude the postman puts the package directly in my mailbox. I always order a tshirt with it for stealth and haven't had an issue yet.
same here. i find the tshirt option plenty stealthy and i always get my stuff. and the shirt is usually ok, just some random shirt. about the guerrilla stuff, that's not my area, but there's a thread for that. >> https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/399274-guerrilla-guide.html

about june being too late, that's pushing it to start planting, but the further south you are the longer the grow season in general. just make sure to get a strain that will be finished by your typical first frost.


Well-Known Member
.. that I made a thread to ask noob questions. I know it's annoying but I'm gonna attempt my first guerilla grow and I have a poop load of questions already and I'm sure there's more to come. Ahhh I'm so excited :bigjoint:

And since I'm barely gonna order some seeds, they could arrive as late as late june. So should I even order the seeds and take my chances of having seeds but not being able to grow them because I started too late in the year?

Thanks guys.

Well I live in Ontario Canada ansd june is way too late to put seeds in ... unless they are autos. Most growers I know start seeds in april and put them out last week in May. I don't know of any early finishing seeds now, other then an auto, that will finish in time here .. not sure where you live.

As for what you need .. I use a foldup shovel, a water container , a bag of doghair, jobes plant spikes ( I only visit the site once more before harvest) , and my seeds/clones,cut down the weeds /ect. in a 2 foot circle, dig a hole about 1 foot wide - 1 1/2 ft deep , mix in some water absorbing crystals with the dirt, plant my seed/clone, place fert spikes on all 4 sides of the plant .. about 18" away, water when done, spread out the dog hair around the planting in about a 5 foot circle, rub any bushes/trees with it. Works for me Heph, only seem to lose plants to those 2 legged pests.

happy growin

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
Oh this is a big one.. can somebody make me a list of everything I'll need for a guerilla grow? From shovel to specified brand of nutes, I'd like to make sure I have everything when my little seeds arrive.
Did you check the free grow video thread? There was a really good vid on the subject and it's free on youtube, not sure if it's still up they took some of those vids down already.


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking you've missed the boat on outdoor grow unless you have clones ready to go or live close to the equator. Under optimum indoor condition, lets say you got your seeds on May 30th, first 2 weeks they will of popped and have their first true set of leaves, if you do throw them outdoors by July 1 their going to be small and have a much smaller root mass than if started in March, this means they will suffer more from weather conditions like heat, drought, wind rain ect... I would hate to see you spend time and effort for something that may not be what you were looking for.


Ursus marijanus
I guess the one thing I can contribute is this: Heph, how seasoned an outdoor gardener are you? If you don't mind being patient, select your spot and grow something there that should test site suitability and give you hands-on experience ... like tomatoes or corn. Their soil and care requirements are quite close to the target's. You're really checking the spot's goodness for growing, and you're testing the site's stealth (from man and deer) without doing anything that could lead to "Imperial entanglements" ... there's so much in my mind to recommend this approach. It does demand patience of you however, since that first grow will be weedless and you're effectively making this a two-year project.

Imo the really big factor in growing outdoors isn't skill at growing, but risk management. An outdoor grow is not private but it's still a sort of trespass (excepting registered med users growing on their own land in local&State compliance, of course) , so security would be my overriding concern. Decide ahead of time how to tell if the site has been "discovered", have the wisdom to abandon it "as is" and the fortitude to simply walk away without looking back. Keep all your tools and supplies at a second secure hideout ... not home, not the grow. Think ALL the risk factors through (surveillance by unknown others? A way to surveil for yourself while staying hidden? Deer? Bears? Rippers? Competitors with more ammo than humor? Leaving a trail as you come&go? That all-important thing that neither you nor I thought about?); have a plan for each of them, and be able to just walk away. You're exposing yourself to a lot of risks ... but they can be reduced if you can walk away and never look back if even one thing has tickled your suspicions. If you are counting on this grow yielding, that's dangerous. Just my 2¢ ... cn


Well-Known Member
Hey neer, I found a wonderful spot that nobody would go to. I got brush and made a natural barrier so my spot wouldn't be detected unless you climbed over the giant rocks and crawled under the weridly bent trees.. Humans are not a concern. However, those pesky deer might give me a problem. I don't think my natural barrier would hold those guys off. I don't want to put any kind of "fence" around my plants because that could give away the spot. Would pissing around the area keep them away? lol I doubt it.

And since money isn't a concern (not trying to sound like a douche lol) I don't mind practicing with marijuana seeds rather than tomatoes.. I have grown lettuce, carrots, chinese plums, and and orange tree outside though.. So I would say I'm somewhat experienced. I've never grown tomatoes though. Do any of the plants that I've grown match the care requirements needed to grow cannabis?

And trust me neer.. I'm a paranoid guy, I'll run away and never look back :).


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking you've missed the boat on outdoor grow unless you have clones ready to go or live close to the equator. Under optimum indoor condition, lets say you got your seeds on May 30th, first 2 weeks they will of popped and have their first true set of leaves, if you do throw them outdoors by July 1 their going to be small and have a much smaller root mass than if started in March, this means they will suffer more from weather conditions like heat, drought, wind rain ect... I would hate to see you spend time and effort for something that may not be what you were looking for.
The latest my seeds will ariive is late june like june 20th. I live in Texas though, so wouldn't I be in the clear?
These are the average monthly temperatures in Texas

  • MONTH: High / Low
  • JAN: 60 / 39
  • FEB: 64 / 43
  • MARCH: 72 / 50
  • APRIL: 79 / 58
  • MAY: 85 / 65
  • JUNE: 91 / 72
  • JULY: 95 / 74
  • AUG: 96 / 74
  • SEPT: 90 / 69
  • OCT: 81 / 59
  • NOV: 70 / 49
  • DEC: 63 / 42
How hot does it have to be for plants to grow outdoors?


It has more to do with sunrise/sunset than heat. You realize cannabis is a short-day plant, right? It begins to flower with the shortening of the day.