I'm so so so sorry..


Well-Known Member
When I was younger and didn't know marijuana was so complicated to grow, I put a seed in a cup, watered it, and set it by my window for 3 hours a day. It broke through the soil and grew about 5 inches within 1-2 weeks. So my new question is, can't I just use the same logic but give the baby plant about 8 (or how whatever amount of hours it needs) hours of light instead of my past 3 and let it grow inside until I put it outside. I was also thinking I can use a 5 gallon bucket, poke some holes in the bottom, germinate my seed and let it grow a little bit inside, put them outside in the ground and when it rains (I doubt it will here in texas) or to protect them from animals, I can put the bucket over them.

And how many inches tall should they be before I move them outside?


Well-Known Member
I agree. Plenty of time left to grow. My son is in Texas and says the biggest problem outdoors is the sun being so strong frying plants. He has his so they only get 5 or 6 hours of sun a day. Lot's of water for those babies. As far as the deer Home Depot deer repellent. It's coyote piss and deer hate it. Just remember to reapply after a good rain. Good luck!
That's what I was thinking. I think I still have enough time.. but I don't know crap either lol. I'll be sure to get that deer repellent.


Well-Known Member
:-P pretty sure you know what your doin Heph ...

I think growing became complicated when the "bibles" came came out and the sheeple started to follow.
Then they started to swear by what they read and if it wasn't what was in the "bibles" or agree with what they read somewhere ... it doesn't work etc.
But to each their own .. I'll just watch my plants

happy growin


Active Member
When I was younger and didn't know marijuana was so complicated to grow, I put a seed in a cup, watered it, and set it by my window for 3 hours a day. It broke through the soil and grew about 5 inches within 1-2 weeks. So my new question is, can't I just use the same logic but give the baby plant about 8 (or how whatever amount of hours it needs) hours of light instead of my past 3 and let it grow inside until I put it outside. I was also thinking I can use a 5 gallon bucket, poke some holes in the bottom, germinate my seed and let it grow a little bit inside, put them outside in the ground and when it rains (I doubt it will here in texas) or to protect them from animals, I can put the bucket over them.

And how many inches tall should they be before I move them outside?
A 5gl bucket is fine but, down there I would put them right in the ground. When you use buckets outdoors you have to water twice as often. Make a batch of super soil and drop em' in. Lot's of water when transplanting. You could get away with an 8in plant I would think to put out. Also, if you can have your dog piss around the area where your planting for critter control. I'd water twice a week down there,either at night or early morning. Good luck man! And thanks for the rep.


Active Member
Hey Reppin... I'm no pro, but stayed at a holiday inn or two

I'd kick that light back to 18-6 for awhile. 24-0 was fine for a wake up though :weed: Let the plant grow up into the light (close-to-touching is okay) and you'll have lots of tight nodes in no time. I used a 2 bulb 48" T5 (pink+blue) first time this year.. let the babies grow up & into...and I was SHOCKED. This Old Dawg got one killer new trick from RIU this year!

I am assuming you are using soil (or a good airy & tame mix hopefully) and if so, avoid over watering. A great easy technique was mentioned in another post... take a container of the same size and same soil mix dry & get a feel for the weight. When your babies in their containers feel about that same weight, it's time to water. Be very gentle with nute feed dosage until after they are well established.

Good luck, welcome aboard, and happy farming.
Sweet thanks, I thought so too just had to be sure. :clap:
The T5 Bulb will help it feminize right due to the blue light? Good shit, bro.
I actually started it in dirt.. -.- lol I know.. But I am going to add a soil mixture to the ground where I'm going to transplant it, It may shock it for awhile unfortunately with a soil change.
What soil mix should I get for veg? I'm thinking Black Gold for when its flowering. Since it has guano and all that good stuff. (will that shock it again if I change to this at flowering?) But for vegging what would be good?

Thanks again, glad to be welcome. lol :leaf:

Edit: Would it be okay to start in black gold at veg?


Active Member
I'm going to be also starting a garden nearby it to obscure view, as well as score some home grown veggies. haha :D
Anyway the point I'm getting to is, What's good for preventing pests in the area around all my plants, vegetable and herbal? Since that's one of my main worries with an outdoor grow.:?


Well-Known Member
I'm going to be also starting a garden nearby it to obscure view, as well as score some home grown veggies. haha :D
Anyway the point I'm getting to is, What's good for preventing pests in the area around all my plants, vegetable and herbal? Since that's one of my main worries with an outdoor grow.:?
Hey dude, not trying to be a dick or anything but I think it's a bad idea to draw more attention to your spot by having a garden near it.. And I personally think you should pick a different spot if it has the slightest possibility of being spotted. I've been uprgarding my spot and it's starting to look badass. I've been hiking all over the damn place dragging dead brush and fallen trees to my spot to make a natural fence/wall.. I think you should do the same.To get to my spot you would have to climb some big rocks (which automatically counts out most hikers) then you have to duck and dodge thorny brush and crawl under some sideways trees. You should pick a spot that nobody would want to go to.. Damn dude I'm excited about growing outdoors, I'll be learning right beside you.


Active Member
Hey dude, not trying to be a dick or anything but I think it's a bad idea to draw more attention to your spot by having a garden near it.. And I personally think you should pick a different spot if it has the slightest possibility of being spotted. I've been uprgarding my spot and it's starting to look badass. I've been hiking all over the damn place dragging dead brush and fallen trees to my spot to make a natural fence/wall.. I think you should do the same.To get to my spot you would have to climb some big rocks (which automatically counts out most hikers) then you have to duck and dodge thorny brush and crawl under some sideways trees. You should pick a spot that nobody would want to go to.. Damn dude I'm excited about growing outdoors, I'll be learning right beside you.
No offense taken, good lookin' out. It may draw some unwanted attention, so I'll have to start taking some nature walks. Hopefully I find a good spot, yours sounds legit! lol. I'm definitely going to have to put some time into prepping a nice area for the grow.

Here's to hopin' for a good grow, or at least to enjoy the learning experience. Cheers bongsmilie


Here's some advice:

Bring a goddamn change of clothes with you. On your way out you don't want to look like what you are. Simple.

Do it in one day. Sunrise to sunset. Take your time, be thorough, but get out before dark and don't go back until it's time to pull.

The rest is for weed growers. If you're a weed grower you don't need any other advise. Know the habitat, know the plant, know the native soil. Use your brain.


Well-Known Member
Here's some advice:

Bring a goddamn change of clothes with you. On your way out you don't want to look like what you are. Simple.

Do it in one day. Sunrise to sunset. Take your time, be thorough, but get out before dark and don't go back until it's time to pull.

The rest is for weed growers. If you're a weed grower you don't need any other advise. Know the habitat, know the plant, know the native soil. Use your brain.
Alright, so don't take adcice from you.. go it. LOL I doubt you grow tasty nugs if you think advice isn't necessary.


Active Member
I have to at least partially with Heph on that one. The more love you show your plants, could be reciprocated in harvest haha. :)


Active Member
I think once we put up some pics and ask more advanced questions, people will respond more to our call of help lol.

Whoo.. 19 more days max till the seeds arrive :).
Yea but i'm not too far along no need for pics yet. first leaf set is looking good so far though. :D

would black gold would be fine for veg & flowering outdoors?
what nutes to get for veg and flowering?
^ my questions lol.

Sweet, what strand or strands?


Well-Known Member
Yea but i'm not too far along no need for pics yet. first leaf set is looking good so far though. :D

would black gold would be fine for veg & flowering outdoors?
what nutes to get for veg and flowering?
^ my questions lol.

Sweet, what strand or strands?
2 swiss cheese (which are supposed to be wonderful outdoor plants and are mold resistant).. I heard they're poisinous to cats and some of the sap can irritate your skin after I ordered them, so I may regret that lol. 1 AK48... ahhhhhh I'm gonna love that plant.. it should help my insomnia. And with my order they gave me a free auto northern light blue. :) :).. 18 more days.. and it's still sunny and hot as fuck outside.

I was wondering, are auto plants good to grow outside? If so, I think I would have more than enough time to grow the northern light blue.

Brother Numsi

Well-Known Member
You might want to see if you can select a t-shirt via email or when you next order...I would classify the one they sent me as....lame LOL. The T-shirt option is good and ended up in my mail box. Good luck!