I'm so so so sorry..


Well-Known Member
I got anxious and decided to carefully search for the seed.. I found the seed with with a fucked up black stem. The seed was still on and there was no gowth progress. I put the seed back in but I think it's safe to say I should just toss them out. :( :( :( :(


Well-Known Member
If you have an alright anti virus, you could try torrenting some books on growing?

Just remember that books aren't a real 'do everything I do' type guide, its more a rule of the thumb kind of thing.
Grow how you want and have your own trial and error is my advice, to find out what type of growing suits you.


Active Member
Hep! That's so sad bro!

MG was a bad idea! you should of gotten Black Gold or fox farms if available. D:

What now? Getting more beans? have any you didnt try right away?


Well-Known Member
Hep! That's so sad bro!

MG was a bad idea! you should of gotten Black Gold or fox farms if available. D:

What now? Getting more beans? have any you didnt try right away?
I know.. fuck mg. I've never used it before and haven't had any problem with germinated seeds emerging.

Nah.. It's like how parents that lost a kid don't have a kid right away. I'm kinda in the dumps about this whole thing. My next attempt will be an indoor grow in a month or two when I can have extra money to put into my grow.. Fuck being cheap. Lesson learned.


Well-Known Member
.. that I made a thread to ask noob questions. I know it's annoying but I'm gonna attempt my first guerilla grow and I have a poop load of questions already and I'm sure there's more to come. Ahhh I'm so excited :bigjoint:

Also, if any new growers have any questions that don't require their own thread, feel free to ask away in here because I'll probably want to know the same answer :).

Alright so first question.. When ordering from attitude the FAQ says that the post man will deliver it to your door and if you're not there the package will be delivered to your closest main post office.. Don't they just put it in your mailbox?

And since I'm barely gonna order some seeds, they could arrive as late as late june. So should I even order the seeds and take my chances of having seeds but not being able to grow them because I started too late in the year?

Thanks guys.
Depends on your mail person I think, but mine sometimes leaves mine in the box, and once or twice has dropped them off at the post office...no big deal either way...


Well-Known Member
So Hepheastus r u a real blacksmith? Sorry just screwin witcha, does anyone else know ur name is the name a Greek God, namely the god of crafts and shit like that. That is pretty kool.


Well-Known Member
Damn, Hep! That really sucks, I'm sorry that had to happen. We've all done stupid shit to kill seeds and plants, just part of the learning curve. You'll read and learn this year and be ready to get your girls out early next year. Keep your chin up ;)


Well-Known Member
Not sure what part of texas you are in but i also live in texas and it has been over a 100 degrees everyday around here so you better pick a strain that can take the heat it is for.


Well-Known Member
Damn lol. What a ultimate failure to use mg. I've sprouted seeds by just using regular dirt from outside. It's the 5th day in soil (after germinating) and none of them have emerged. Fuck.. I guess I'll just order some more seeds and have an indoor grow next month.
Did you use MG seedling soil or regular MG soil? because the regular soil contains like 21-7-14 npk ratio which would result in a dead seedling lol. MG seedling soil is like 0.7-0.2-0.4 NPK. MG seedling soil is great to start plants with because it contains rooting hormones. A plant in MG seedling soil with grow twice as fast as a seedling in regular organic soil (for instance fox farm light warrior), the roots will also be 3 times as grown in. I have seen this countless times because I can not always afford Fox Farm Light warrior and I usually go with MG seedling soil when I cant afford it. You can get it at Home depot.


Well-Known Member
Not sure what part of texas you are in but i also live in texas and it has been over a 100 degrees everyday around here so you better pick a strain that can take the heat it is for.
Pretty much all indica/sativa strains will do fine in this weather as long as they are labeled outdoor.

ALL mexican strains will do perfect in that weather and also mostly all afghan strains will do good in that weather.

But seriously almost all plants that you can get online that are labeled outdoor will do FINE in temps around 100. last year I had a sour diesel clone in 102 degree weather, I am also positive we hit our record high of like 104-109 that summer... Obviously if an indoor clone survives outdoors almost all plants will, but of course you want to minimize stress so you get the best yield possible.