PROOF that GOD Exists......


Well-Known Member
Since, to me you don't seem to have to have my views stated correctly at all, but are warpping them in a religious sense to suit your religious seeming , fact less belief system,. And since you are also, persecuting and attempting to belittle me personally, then maybe you should butt out. I don't accept your pansy label of "trolling."
You started the name calling. I was condescending maybe. Frustrated that you were refusing sources and laughing at me. "Midget minded" I believe it was. Goldy Locks I believe it was?


Well-Known Member
Since, to me you don't seem to have to have my views stated correctly at all, but are warpping them in a religious sense to suit your religious seeming , fact less belief system,. And since you are also, persecuting and attempting to belittle me personally, then maybe you should butt out. I don't accept your pansy label of "trolling."
And I used your own quotes. If I stated them incorrectly, edit your posts please.


Well-Known Member
The study was led by Jacqui Woolley, a psychologist at the University of Texas and published in a paper titled Developmental Changes in the Use of Supernatural Explanations for Unusual Events and published in the Journal of Cognition and Culture. It was reported by Tom Rees inEpiphenom. He includes the graphic at right which does a good job of summarizing the findings. [click to enlarge]So it's clear that although we might like supernatural or magic explanations when we are young, they don't come to mind naturally - we have to learn to do that.

An opinion paper is proof? No wonder you held back. :)


Active Member
I URGE you all to please go to youtube and type in "nde". There is PROOF what happens to us when we die. Go to youtube and type in "nde" which stands for Near Death Experiences and watch and listen to the hundreds of stories from people who have had heart attacks, cancer, car accidents, shot, stabbed, and listen to their stories of what happened to them. There are videos from people all over the world and their experiences ALL coincide with each other. You will see proof that God and Jesus are real, Angels are real, and Hell is real. Everyone needs to check it out seriously...

And these experiences are not all just from Christians, there are stories from atheists, muslims, every type of person walking this earth. Go to youtube and type in "nde"[/QUOTE ]Isa 7:14 Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son,and shall call his name Immanuel. even biblically speaking there was no one called jesus foretold in the scriptures:fire:


Well-Known Member
OOOOOHH I get it. You look at science as opinion. You're right, I'm wrong. Science and blind university studies are opinion. Got it. You make sense to me now!
Man are you lost. Of course, science is only opinion. Any participant in the process, not you, knows this. I think it may be that Atheists, big A, are the fearful ones. They cling to science as a God.

BTW, this "study" that was written as a "paper", was not double blind, at all.

"So they read these stories and then asked the listener how the event could be explained."

Yep, despite your borrowing my words and worse, there still, is no proof. You can wave you hands and push out your chest, but the "claim" you found was my suggestion to counter your insistance that you had evidence to the contrary, I think I have made a better support of my positions, vis a vis, yours, but they are not claims. This is not a right-fight. I just wanted to see your so-called proof.


Well-Known Member
I URGE you all to please go to youtube and type in "nde". There is PROOF what happens to us when we die. Go to youtube and type in "nde" which stands for Near Death Experiences and watch and listen to the hundreds of stories from people who have had heart attacks, cancer, car accidents, shot, stabbed, and listen to their stories of what happened to them. There are videos from people all over the world and their experiences ALL coincide with each other. You will see proof that God and Jesus are real, Angels are real, and Hell is real. Everyone needs to check it out seriously...

And these experiences are not all just from Christians, there are stories from atheists, muslims, every type of person walking this earth. Go to youtube and type in "nde"[/QUOTE ]Isa 7:14 Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son,and shall call his name Immanuel. even biblically speaking there was no one called jesus foretold in the scriptures:fire:
This has been discussed to some detail earlier in this thread. If I saw someone levitate in mid air, turn into a bright light, and vanish, My first instinct would not be to get on my knees or bow. I would collect readings on the phenomenon and explain it using Physics.


Well-Known Member
Man are you lost. Of course, science is only opinion. Any participant in the process, not you, knows this. I think it may that Atheists, big A, are the fearful ones. They cling to science as a God. And this "study" that was written as a "paper, was not double blind, at all.

"So they read these stories and then asked the listener how the event could be explained."
Definition of SCIENCE By Merriam Webster

: the state of knowing : knowledge as distinguished fromignorance or misunderstanding

a : a department of systematized knowledge as an object of study <the science of theology>b : something (as a sport or technique) that may be studied or learned like systematized knowledge <have it down to ascience>

a : knowledge or a system of knowledge covering general truths or the operation of general laws especially as obtained and tested through scientific methodb : such knowledge or such a system of knowledge concerned with the physical world and its phenomena :natural science

: a system or method reconciling practical ends with scientificlaws <cooking is both a science and an art>

capitalized : christian science

See science defined for English-language learners »

See science defined for kids »

Examples of SCIENCE

  • The program encourages students to pursue a career inscience.
  • a list of terms commonly used in science
  • a new branch of science
  • advances in science and technology
  • Students are required to take two sciences.
  • students majoring in a science
  • The Malay tapir, the largest of the world's four tapir species, remained largely invisible to science until recently. The other three species of these odd, endearing animals all live in South America. &#8212;Anthony King, New York Times, 2 June 2009

Definition of OPINION by Merriam Webster

a : a view, judgment, or appraisal formed in the mind about a particular matterb : approval, esteem

a : belief stronger than impression and less strong than positive knowledgeb : a generally held view

a : a formal expression of judgment or advice by an expertb : the formal expression (as by a judge, court, or referee) of the legal reasons and principles upon which a legal decision is based

&#8212; opin·ioned adjective

See opinion defined for English-language learners »

See opinion defined for kids »

Examples of OPINION

  • We asked for their opinions about the new stadium.
  • In my opinion, it's the best car on the market.
  • The article discusses two recent Supreme Court opinions.

Stop arguing with me and argue with Merriam Webster! It is some people opinions that America is #1. Just saying. Please stop. I understand where you're coming from. You have stated your position on Science. We have nothing left to debate. Thank you for the exchange of ideas. It was interesting studying your philosophy. Stay positive.


New Member
Are there people out there that actually believe in GOD??? Maybe aliens...but GOD?

Wake up this is a cannabis site.


Well-Known Member
And you know what else is slippery horseshit your propose? I'm not claiming anything. Certainly I don't claim All Atheist anything.
These are the low debate techniques of mental midgets.
Man are you lost. Of course, science is only opinion. Any participant in the process, not you, knows this. I think it may be that Atheists, big A, are the fearful ones. They cling to science as a God.

BTW, this "study" that was written as a "paper", was not double blind, at all.

"So they read these stories and then asked the listener how the event could be explained."

Yep, despite your borrowing my words and worse, there still, is no proof. You can wave you hands and push out your chest, but the "claim" you found was my suggestion to counter your insistance that you had evidence to the contrary, I think I have made a better support of my positions, vis a vis, yours, but they are not claims. This is not a right-fight. I just wanted to see your so-called proof.
Horseshit, proposing you claim anything, let alone "All Atheists anything".


Well-Known Member
P.S. If your upset about the sig, just ask me and I'll remove it. I'm not on this sight to make anyone feel attacked or mocked. I apologized once before.


Well-Known Member
How about it? I need an Objective observation. Could others read over my posts and tell me if I misrepresented Doer's quotes? Did I chop them up so they were out of context? Did I edit them to serve me more effectively?


Well-Known Member
P.S. If your upset about the sig, just ask me and I'll remove it. I'm not on this sight to make anyone feel attacked or mocked. I apologized once before.
You snipped it to try to be-little, big boy. You know that. We all know that. You preach your religion.

And seem a bit confused about definition vs reality.


Well-Known Member
How about it? I need an Objective observation. Could others read over my posts and tell me if I misrepresented Doer's quotes? Did I chop them up so they were out of context? Did I edit them to serve me more effectively?
If you are going to continue the conversation, the goal should be to find common ground so you can identify the point at which your views diverge.

I've come to understand that when Doer says Atheist (big A), he means science-bent fascist. I am not sure fascism would be acceptable no matter the ideology behind it, so it does seem to be a bit of a red herring. Speaking genuinely, I would be interested in seeing a specific real world example of the big A atheists.


Well-Known Member
You snipped it to try to be-little, big boy. You know that. We all know that. You preach your religion.

And seem a bit confused about definition vs reality.
I took out the rest of the quote, but what did the rest of the quote say? Just kidding? I'm not saying Atheism is a religion? You CLEARLY stated Atheism was a religion. Do you retract that statement?


Well-Known Member
That's right. And our views diverge on this point of proof. Wild emphasis does not make it proof, nor sarcasm nor belittlement.

And the false premise, that I feel attacked, if incorrect. These are charged topics and I found someone who was making un-supported statements in a condescending and intimidating way. I challenged that. I expected the venom, but not the schoolyard bully. We just can't ever really be sure of the emotion maturity directions of the conversation.

The submission was made, I commented, more insults. IAC, we cannot prove or dis-prove the subject, so we can discuss it without rancor. When I see rancor, I turn to that subject.