Newbie grower

Have a lemon kush plant growing about 8 wks now...
its about a foot and a half tall... I am using miracle grow and water and of course sun light... I started 12/12..
When can I expect to see any flowering ... What do I need to do?


Active Member
If you have changed the lights over to 12/12 , you should begin to at least see some sites after 3 week odd.

Make sure no light leaks etc.


Well-Known Member
mine showd after 3 days (fist few white hairs)

now 10 days in all the tops have nice small bud sites ... and I did only Veg for 6 weeks or so ..

but in generel .. they schould show with in them fist 2 weeks of flowering .. but make sure its COMPLETLY dark at night time (no light leakes)

Ooh yea and Jman is right .. use a littel time to search yourself .. atlest get the basic in order (you would also have a much better chance to understand them answer you get)

google "how to grow weed" and a lot of guides and stuff pop. up ..

try this one .. very usefull:

if your not willing to read em/use the time .. you might aswell send them seeds to us so we can grow em for ya ;)


Well-Known Member
Have a lemon kush plant growing about 8 wks now...
its about a foot and a half tall... I am using miracle grow and water and of course sun light... I started 12/12..
When can I expect to see any flowering ... What do I need to do?
How many times are you going to post this ?
People have answered your Q in new members when you asked it 3 times there.