I was just pouring through my notebook, several years ago I tried working with a Blue strain,( Marge Simpsons hair). I tried three times to create a population of clones, At the point of abandoning the cloneing projuect, I tried one more time. And found some success, 18 of 20 clone cuts. Hears the supprize, and my notes don't say why I did it this way but here goes. For some reason I used jiffy pots, I don't ever use these because the high acidity. And my notes don't leave any clue to why I tried them. Also I switched up from my regular clonex to rootone, and also explains why there is a bottle of it on my shelf now. I've used this long ago with decent return on offspring. Everything seems to be the same technich wise, 45 deg cut with sterile knife, followed by a slicing cut with scalpel 1/4 inch up from that, tip the leaves, rootone, then jiffy pot. There is mention that in week two I top dressed the j-p, with rootone at watering. It also mentioned it took 4 weeks for roots to form enough to plant. And leaves where looking necrotic. All recovered and 18 where bloomed. Hope this gives a little insight, I've never, to my memory gave much thought to this group until now, mabey some strains won't clone unless in slightly acidic mediam?
Also duder we emplor you not to shut this down some of us are interested, I don't think there is many growers growing the strains you are growing, and this is quickly becoming a great guide for those of us who are interested in trying some bomb seeds. So keep up the good work!!!!!!!!!!!