2nd Coming Article Offers Clear Proof


Well-Known Member
...it's the words we're using. The tones we're using. That's my opinion.
The only thing you can do is try to treat everyone like you'd expect to be treated in the same situation.

Edit: Although, I do see where you are coming from. Just because we have such vastly differing beliefs, doesn't mean we have to get quite so insulting. Though in special cases, outrage is warranted.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
The only thing you can do is try to treat everyone like you'd expect to be treated in the same situation.

Edit: Although, I do see where you are coming from. Just because we have such vastly differing beliefs, doesn't mean we have to get quite so insulting. Though in special cases, outrage is warranted.
...thanks. And, well, sure it can be warranted at times, in both lanes.

It's bad for the liver, though - it has to filter the heat in the blood :)


Well-Known Member
I'm afraid anything posted in a public forum is susceptible to criticism.
Ok, but im asking you, as a personal favor, to please stop giving me a hard time. I want to be able to post and have discussions without being persecuted for my beliefs, especially not by a mod. Im not shouting insults or making personal attacks here.


Well-Known Member

I was actually going to make a reply about how this forum is pretty civil and tolerant of beliefs.lol.

Maybe I've been a member of the wrong spirituality forums? Both parties here seem more respectable.(believe it or not).

I'm a theist,and I enjoy discussing my belief with anyone.Though I haven't discussed it here as much as I'd like.(hopefully that'll change)

I can appreciate someone,anyone for that matter,questioning my belief.It challenges me at times to explain it,but most of the time it reminds me of why I feel the way I do.

The way I see it is;If God put this belief inside me,he must have also given me the strength to defend it.

A theist should always be ready to be challenged on their beliefs(no matter how harsh)and welcome the challenge.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member

I was actually going to make a reply about how this forum is pretty civil and tolerant of beliefs.lol.

Maybe I've been a member of the wrong spirituality forums? Both parties here seem more respectable.(believe it or not).

I'm a theist,and I enjoy discussing my belief with anyone.Though I haven't discussed it here as much as I'd like.(hopefully that'll change)

I can appreciate someone,anyone for that matter,questioning my belief.It challenges me at times to explain it,but most of the time it reminds me of why I feel the way I do.

The way I see it is;If God put this belief inside me,he must have also given me the strength to defend it.

A theist should always be ready to be challenged on their beliefs(no matter how harsh)and welcome the challenge.
Its more than just questions dude. Its interrogation and requests for impossible tasks like proving god exists. They ask for shit that cant be done and they know it, then try and make you feel stupid because your religion cant be proven by science. Its ignorant and extremely offensive.


Well-Known Member
Ok, but im asking you, as a personal favor, to please stop giving me a hard time. I want to be able to post and have discussions without being persecuted for my beliefs, especially not by a mod. Im not shouting insults or making personal attacks here.
What do you define as 'giving you a hard time'? Is going through the logistics of the existence of bigfoot 'giving you a hard time'?


Well-Known Member
I can appreciate someone,anyone for that matter,questioning my belief.It challenges me at times to explain it,but most of the time it reminds me of why I feel the way I do.
Exactly! The only time I think people would feel a sense of persecution would be if they express beliefs that they cannot defend and the cognitive dissonance is breaking through. If you don't want a belief or opinion questioned, just don't post it. Anything I post here is free to be criticized by anyone because I am confident I can defend my position against ANY criticism or argument. If I can't defend it, I have to wonder if it is as solid of a belief as I first thought. I then might change my position because someone demonstrated I am holding indefensible beliefs. This applies whether it is politics, science, religion or marijuana growing.


Well-Known Member
Its more than just questions dude. Its interrogation and requests for impossible tasks like proving god exists. They ask for shit that cant be done and they know it, then try and make you feel stupid because your religion cant be proven by science. Its ignorant and extremely offensive.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. -Carl Sagan

That which can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence. -Christopher Hitchens


Well-Known Member
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. -Carl Sagan

That which can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence. -Christopher Hitchens
Ok, I get it man. But I believe in which no evidence can be provided. You have made your point. You go too far.


Well-Known Member
Its more than just questions dude. Its interrogation and requests for impossible tasks like proving god exists. They ask for shit that cant be done and they know it, then try and make you feel stupid because your religion cant be proven by science. Its ignorant and extremely offensive.
So it's ignorant and offensive when you're asked questions? I must be confused.


Well-Known Member
Its more than just questions dude. Its interrogation and requests for impossible tasks like proving god exists. They ask for shit that cant be done and they know it, then try and make you feel stupid because your religion cant be proven by science. Its ignorant and extremely offensive.
I understand.My post was not aimed at you or anyone in particular.

Seems like you've already proven that God exists to the one person that matters.Right?

Of course their gonna ask for proof.They should.They're skeptics.lol.We should demand proof ourselves for our beliefs.(insert Buddha.lol)

These offensive remarks and impossible tasks you mention are laughable,at best.Trust me,blow'em off.You should have all the proof you'll ever need to believe.

The atheist here have reasons to doubt.They've obviously done their homework.


Well-Known Member
Dude, be serious. Everytime somebody posts something about god do you really have to respond? Dont you get tired of it? We get it, you believe in logic and what you can prove etc etc, but some of us like myself dont. Its disrespectful to question everybody on their belief system. It creates an uncomfortable atmosphere.
"They sort of play the hurt feelings card at every opportunity, and faced with a choice of, well, am I gonna be rude or am I going to articulate this criticism? I mean, am I going to articulate it, or am I just gonna button my lip?"

"And in fact, what fascinates me is that a lot of the tricks are … they have their counterparts with con artists. They use the very same forms of non-argument, the very same non sequiturs, and they make, for instance, a virtue out of trust. And as soon as you start exhibiting any suspicion of the con man who is about … gets all hurt on you, plays the hurt feelings card, and reminds you how wonderful taking it on faith is. I mean, there aren’t any new tricks, these tricks have evolved over thousands of years." --Daniel Dennett

Because its not right to make everyone second guess themselves every time they post something. You make your point heard, ok thats fair. But to continue questioning people when they have clearly made it known that they disagree with you is disrespectful. To put it plainly, you take it too far. And not just you, this goes for the other ppl that lurk in the SSP section just lusting for an opportunity to spread their anti god "wisdom". I understand how you feel on the subject, and I hope I have made it clear how I feel. Why cant it be left at that?
"In fact. I think all people ought to be offended, at least in their deepest integrity by, say, the religious proposition that without a supernatural, celestial dictatorship, we wouldn’t know right from wrong. If the offensiveness charge is to be allowed in general, then I think we’re (atheists) entitled to claim that much, without being self-pitying, or representing ourselves as an oppressed minority. I’d like to add also that that I agree that there is no way in which the charge against us can be completely avoided, because what we say does offend the core, very core, of any serious religious person."

--Christopher Hitchens

Ok, but im asking you, as a personal favor, to please stop giving me a hard time. I want to be able to post and have discussions without being persecuted for my beliefs, especially not by a mod. Im not shouting insults or making personal attacks here.
Special pleading is a formal logical fallacy where a participant demands special considerations for a particular premise of theirs. Usually this is because in order for their argument to work, they need to provide some way to get out of a logical inconsistency.