

Well-Known Member
When you remove the topmost growth on a branching plant that spot will regrow 2 tops to replace the you can top a plant, the plant now has 2 stalk, then you can top each of those and then you get 4 from those 2 and you can keep doing it on and on and on and on as much as you want, as long as you give time to heal in between...any branching plant...easy...just take out the top, and it will regrow 2...easiest gardening technique can't get it wrong...unless you top it at the dirt


Active Member
u can top when u have atleast 5 nodes. thats when i first top. but i chop at the 3rd node up. and its exactly what it sounds like.
the plant has hormons that go to the top of the plant first then focus on everything else on the plant. these are called auxins.
so if u cut the top off, these auxins now focus on the next hightest point of plant. so ur 2 side braches now become the head. hope that makes sense.


Well-Known Member
I top the first time at the 3rd node, back to the first..then when those 2 stalks are established I top them...


Well-Known Member
Okay so let me get this straight.....I should should pinch the top of the 3rd node or 5th considering that how many i think i have. also how much time does it take for the plant to regenerate from being topped.


Well-Known Member
Watch youtube. And yes you should cut, pinching can cause rotting or mold on the top. I would suggest the FIM technique over topping tho.


Active Member
The make the same yeild.. I dont know WTF Kaender is talking about.. Fimming and topping are the exact same thing, One is just less stressful.. And Ive never heard pinching causing any problems.. I may not know what im talking about, but imo that guy doent have a fucking clue..


Well-Known Member
Like I said on your other thread, FIM. Just make sure you watch some videos and do it the right way.


Well-Known Member
The make the same yeild.. I dont know WTF Kaender is talking about.. Fimming and topping are the exact same thing, One is just less stressful.. And Ive never heard pinching causing any problems.. I may not know what im talking about, but imo that guy doent have a fucking clue..
Please go somewhere with your terrible growing advice. Fimming and topping are not the exact same thing. Topping is cutting off the entire top growth, FIMming is cutting off about 30% of the top growth. Pinching causes problems because its not accurate at all.


Active Member
Omg.. This troll is calling me on giving bad advice.. Fiming and topping do the exact same thing to the plant.. it Causes it to stop growing vertically and branch out, fimming/pinching is just less stressful.. How is it inaccurate to pinch.. instead of cutting the stem below the top node.. You pull off the the newest smallest leaf set.. And you should fim and supercrop.. If not stick to Fimming