BC's Pineapple Cinderella-99 Seed Run


Well-Known Member
1st clone ever was Querkle! All this Querkle talk and pics lately...Ill have to get Querkle again and not fuck her up, this time!


Well-Known Member
post 53

respect to the gardener as a gardener (i thought you were just a grower like me -wrong)
respect to the propagator and photogrepher
nice job
nice product
nice pics
nice merger of talents


Well-Known Member
ill let u know at the end of the 12 plants chopped what the weight of each one was. and total dry weight. should be a few weeks before the last one is chopped tho. so ill post as i go in the cutting. that one i chopped was i believe 126 grams wet. the next will be even bigger i believe. more of a sativa pheno. the one in post 53 still has about 5 days left i believe.