Time To Get Rid of Concealed Carry Bans?


Well-Known Member
I don't claim to know what would happen if we banned guns but our history leads me to believe the consequences would be ugly.
Oh, we know exactly what would happen.

Over the two years following England's ban, the use of handguns in crimes rose by 40 percent. Why? The study's authors found that "existing laws are targeting legitimate users...rather than criminals"
Over a decade later, the results are in: the ban is a disaster. From 1998 through 2005, the number of deaths and injuries from handguns skyrocketed 340 percent.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Wait a minute - you can't argue that 12 would have been killed had there been laws disallowing that guy from obtaining firearms. I presume he bought them all lawfully.
"Gun violence" is down. A lot.

"Single-victim gun killings have dropped more than 40 percent since 1980, according to 2010 FBI crime data. But the total number of people dying in attacks that claimed four or more victims has climbed from an average of 161 a year in the 1980s to 163 between 2006 and 2008, according to FBI statistics."


The number of mass shooting holds more or less steady:

"As to the mass shooting "explosion," Klein points to data from Northeastern University criminologist James Alan Fox (best-remembered for predicting the rise of "super predators" in the 1990s that turned out to be wrong) on mass shootings. Far from showing a gigantic rise in the number of incidents and victims over time, what you see is a pretty tightly constricted range of shootings and victims over time. Or as Ron Dicker of the Huffington Post notes over a slightly different time span, "The total number of people dying in attacks that claimed four or more victims has climbed from an average of 161 a year in the 1980s to 163 between 2006 and 2008, according to FBI statistics." Any gun death is a tragedy but a change of two in averages over a 20-year-plus time frame can't be characterized in any way as explosive.



Well-Known Member
Who the fuck invents, produces and sells millions of a tablet and/or laptops and doesn't include a forward delete key. Fucking Apple. I won't even go into how ridiculous it is not having Flash enabled now that Jobs is planted in the ground. I love/hate this damn thing.


Well-Known Member
Dude, seems you've been busted on a lot of lies!
What's this about you being married to a black woman?
Never said i married a black woman
and If i did marry a black woman
Why would you have a problem with that?

Let's get going with that proof I said a community organizer is a bad thing!
Post #28

Two-thirds of likely voters say the weak economy is Washington’s fault, and more blame President Obama than anybody else, according to a new poll for The Hill.
It found that 66 percent believe paltry job growth and slow economic recovery is the result of bad policy. Thirty-four percent say Obama is the most to blame, followed by 23 percent who say Congress is the culprit. Twenty percent point the finger at Wall Street, and 18 percent cite former President George W. Bush.

The results highlight the reelection challenge Obama faces amid dissatisfaction with his first-term performance on the economy.


time for change
What did anyone expect from a community organizer?

right here


Well-Known Member
Who the fuck invents, produces and sells millions of a tablet and/or laptops and doesn't include a forward delete key. Fucking Apple. I won't even go into how ridiculous it is not having Flash enabled now that Jobs is planted in the ground. I love/hate this damn thing.
Are you raging on your apple product or just being sarcastic and making threads with as much useful information as Chesus?:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Do you have a problem with Obama being a community organizer?

What can you say that is bad about being a community organizer?
Other than the reality that most of them are race baiting, class warfare rhetoric spewing, LIBERAL douchebags that are either true believers in the suicidal, progressive agenda bullshit YOU believe in OR they are opportunistic scumbags ginning up fervor and support for their future political ambitions.

Which one is Obama? Why, he's the grand poobah. He fits like a condom into both categories.

Do I get to be called a communityorganizerist now?


Well-Known Member
I have to apologize. Dukey didn't lie and say his wife was black. He lied and said she was a "non-white". This happened in a heated exchange where he was claiming the high ground through this fabrication. This happened shortly before being thrown off RIU for being under 18. Got married at 16 did ya?

I still say that's one helluva impressive 5 year work history for an 18 year old.


Well-Known Member
I have to apologize. Dukey didn't lie and say his wife was black. He lied and said she was a "non-white". This happened in a heated exchange where he was claiming the high ground through this fabrication. This happened shortly before being thrown off RIU for being under 18. Got married at 16 did ya?

I still say that's one helluva impressive 5 year work history for an 18 year old.

I will let my asian wife know to check off caucasion when it asks for her ethnicity from now on


New Member
I will let my asian wife know to check off caucasion when it asks for her ethnicity from now on
Just because you have a lot of experience lying, it doesn't make you good at it.
Tell her rots a ruck finding "caucasion" to check off, it's right next to Asion! LMAO