Putting Spider Mites on the Streets

Oh we're already there. His grow is pathetic compared to mine, and I always thought his were sick looking, and as it turns out, its because they are. All along the way this guys followed or tried to follow the way I do things, but he insists on cutting corners on some of the most important things there are, like the kind of soil he uses and the kind of lights he uses. Will they work? sure, but just not the best, and your going to literally reap what you sew in this hobby thats a fact.
For real. My eyes have been on this screen for so long sometimes, it's just crazy. But that closet is blooming with 8 or more fat colas, so it might wind up being worth it in the end. First time could have been very different without rollitup and all the knowledge growers share


fuck me as ive said just buy yourself sum plant vitilaty and spray da bastard plants !! Apply 2nd application 3 days later and jov done fuck keep messin around and buyin diffrent shit that knock em down ill put money on it if u used pv u would nt use any other shit ever again and yes u can get in america if you ship it from the uk;-) dont know if there is retailers in us but its worth its weight in gold and a 250ml bottle will last 5 grows easily enough!!

Have yet to find where you can buy in the US or ship to US!!


Well-Known Member
He has a brand new 400 watt MH and HPS rig with a Lumatek ballast, glass covered easy cool hood,Yo-yo's, timer and all brand new still in the box I already have my eye on. :)
Although I like the spirit of your enthusiasm it would be proper to help him 1 more tim...

OH Fuck it if he aint any smarter now before he started then convince him to give you
his equipment and in return you will give him back = amount of herb ONE TIME ONLY.:cool:


Well-Known Member
Although I like the spirit of your enthusiasm it would be proper to help him 1 more tim...

OH Fuck it if he aint any smarter now before he started then convince him to give you
his equipment and in return you will give him back = amount of herb ONE TIME ONLY.:cool:
I know what your thinking, and him being my buddy I've caved to this already I think. Like now, I'm finding out about spider mites. Knock on wood I dont have the damned things, he does. I mentioned to him once in passing about Neem oil and he goes out and buys it and just sprays the shit out of everything with it and still has them. I could go on and tell him about some other products he might want to try, but see again, who's doing the work here?
I figured if he cares enough about his hobby I'll see HIM but some of the effort into managing it right?
Doesnt mean I wont help him though, and I probably will I'm just sayin.........

Like I said here or somewhere else theres 2 people on the planet I told about what I do and I deeply regret them both. One was him, with me never expecting in a million years that he would half ass follow me into it, and the other is a niece who is like a stray cat that I cant get rid of now. I have to feed her buds all the time or I'm a no good prick. Every time I open my door, she's standing there like Neuman on Seinfeld.


Active Member
Well I grow for personal reason. I have 2 grow rooms. One I built into the garage another that is a grow lab. Well one of my plants got spider mites. When i figured out what it was I was 1 week into flower. Well I vegg for 2 months and I got this as a start. well i didnt give up and u are right they never go away. But have u ever seen a dead spider mite through a 100x microscope. They are a dead trichome. Now u can bitch and cry about it, but I have seen Tommy Chong smoke a cockroach. Well the plant is Afghan, I first starting fighting it by spraying soapy water on it at night. I bombed the garage with Pyrethium. I sprayed with H2o2. Wat i found to really keep them at bay was a pyrethium spray. I can spray it on directly and does not effect the plant. There is nothing wrong with the bud, they live on leaves and those leaves have to be big enough to support them. I have been researching them and fighting them for 2 months. They do not live on the bud, so when u harvest trim all leaves off. I have a 100x micro and observe them everyday. Dont hate me. I grow for personal. It ends up taking me 5 and half months from begining to end for me. I get 6-8 oz off each plant. I have a 600w hps and a 400w hps and a 250 halide. Considering the time we all spend in it, it is wat it is. Get a big Microscope.


Active Member
I know what your thinking, and him being my buddy I've caved to this already I think. Like now, I'm finding out about spider mites. Knock on wood I dont have the damned things, he does. I mentioned to him once in passing about Neem oil and he goes out and buys it and just sprays the shit out of everything with it and still has them. I could go on and tell him about some other products he might want to try, but see again, who's doing the work here?
I figured if he cares enough about his hobby I'll see HIM but some of the effort into managing it right?
Doesnt mean I wont help him though, and I probably will I'm just sayin.........

Like I said here or somewhere else theres 2 people on the planet I told about what I do and I deeply regret them both. One was him, with me never expecting in a million years that he would half ass follow me into it, and the other is a niece who is like a stray cat that I cant get rid of now. I have to feed her buds all the time or I'm a no good prick. Every time I open my door, she's standing there like Neuman on Seinfeld.

I am originally from Chicago (cold climate) and never had spider mites or even heard of them. I think they are most common in warmer climates. Not saying they don't have them, just they aren't that much of an issue; never heard anyone talk about those bastards! Anyway, fast forward, last year, I helped a dispensary out that I grow for, when he had another grower going to get busted, so that guy took all his equipment and left all the plants (to die or ???) and simply disappeared. The dispensary owner asked me if I could handle any of the 198+ plants that were in their 2nd week of bloom. I told him no problem and he brought over 44 plants that I could fit in between the rows of my plants already well into bloom. I figured they'd at least, survive but weren't directly under my light tracks. They'd get the overlap from the adjacent rows. Well, one morning, I go out to see my loves when low and behold, I got them, and big time. It never dawned on me to check the plants first; figured the guy was a pro and this wasn't in the cards. Because I was dumb and didn't quarantine them or even look at them, the mites got a foothold and migrated to each and every one of my plants! Fuck what a mess. Now I had a fight on my hands. The short of it is that I have become somewhat of an expert in their eradication. I mean, I tried everything I could in the pursuit of their demise. I DID THIS WHILE KEEPING MY GENETICS ALIVE so that the future could happen and I didn't loose everything. I couldn't afford more seeds and liked what I was already growing having established nice strains and their propagation through cuttings. What I found out is that every chemical concoction I could find all had the same facts associated with them. That is, passed on immunity and resistance to these chemicals. Point in fact is that the mites pass this immunity on to the eggs/young and you basically have to be chasing them with new chemicals each different treatment. They do not desire the buds and I believe the insect repellant concept of the chemicals in the buds is effective.
I found a simple and inexpensive concoction that is taken from old school remedies (found here too) that is basically Habanero Peppers, Garlic, Tobacco and a bit of Olive Oil. For some reason, this doesn't fall into the passed on immunity category, costs little to produce and only takes a few hours to formulate enough to use on a medium sized grow operation (<50 plants) for several weeks of constant spraying. i now even use it as a preventative spray. I also found that an atomizing mist sprayer (+/- $250.00) works wonders in effectively getting every square centimeter f plant surface because as we all know, it's the places you miss that they keep alive in. Another effective technique is to use a cellulose sponge strip wrapped around the stem base, above grade 1" or more,
stops their migration from an other plant; obviously one cannot let adjacent leaves touch each other, they migrate this way too. No fans (air moves them nicely, that's natures' way). The pepper concoction doesn't harm the plants, in fact, they seem to like it. The Spider Mite plunges his/her little snout into the leaf to extract the essential sugars from photosynthesis. This leaves the spot we see, as well as i diminishes that area from further production. Repeated sticks into the leaf forms those lovely spotted patterns that are the sure fire way to tell if you got them, but too late. They basically suck the life blood from the plant causing a complete slow down to stop in growth and ultimately lead to the plant's death. Mites "migrate" that is they crawl, so anything one can do to thwart this, will help indeed! The pepper spray is the bomb! Be careful when spraying, you can get a real "hot shot" from handling it and the fine mist gets into your eyes as well...


Well-Known Member
Like I said here or somewhere else theres 2 people on the planet I told about what I do and I deeply regret them both. One was him, with me never expecting in a million years that he would half ass follow me into it, and the other is a niece who is like a stray cat that I cant get rid of now. I have to feed her buds all the time or I'm a no good prick. Every time I open my door, she's standing there like Neuman on Seinfeld.
^ This makes me so glad that I never told anyone. They all think I have the greatest hook up.


Well-Known Member
The pepper spray is the bomb! Be careful when spraying, you can get a real "hot shot" from handling it and the fine mist gets into your eyes as well...
I find your remedy here interresting. Can you be a little more specific on how you make the mixture, what goes into it and how much, to make say, a gallon jug of it that can be put into a spray bottle? Like I say, I dont have them myself, but I have a feeling I should be making war plans anyways since I've come into contact with one who IS infected, so I should start to gather some weapons of mass destruction with which to do battle with them.
Except for the issue of no fans ( I have to have those to prevent bud rot since my grow room is in my old city basement) your method looks to be worth a try.


Well-Known Member
He won't last long at this. I would just sit back and wait for him to sell his hardware cheap.
Well.....sure enough :) I got a call yesterday informing me of the availability of a certain brand new Lumatek 400 watt dimable balast, bulbs, and a brand new glass hinged hood for sale, all of it brand new never out of the box :)