250w HPS Club And Help Guide


Well-Known Member
LOL @ hettyman

@ The2TimEr, that is very nice looking.. Any supplemental lighting, and it looks as though you trimmed alot of you fan leaves, if so do you find it better?
Thanks dude, i just start under a 250w MH, switching to HPS when ready, she is an autoflower and is being chopped this week. THe fans have been used and died off on their own.


Active Member
Thanks dude, i just start under a 250w MH, switching to HPS when ready, she is an autoflower and is being chopped this week. THe fans have been used and died off on their own.
Great thanks. Seeing the taller plants makes me feel better, mine did not cooperate after going to the HPS and stretched like mad, makes me nervous about the lower growth.


Well-Known Member
So I thought I was gonna chop Kaya in half but instead I got side tracked by these.


They have the chance of being herms or they could be the start of new calyxes. I guess i'll find out in a few days. Their on two of the feminized B-52s.

Here is Jamaican Bud, it's in a little pot so I don't expect it to get big.


Here is Kaya Gold, she's a fucking beast and really unmanageable. I like her vigor but next time I try this strain i'm only doing it when I have only 2 plants.


These are the weird looking B-52s


This is my normal looking B-52


I'm thinking I need some feed back on the weird ones. I have it in my head that this is the start of them turning hermy but since i've never seen a herm in real life they could be normal calyx's forming.

Thoughts, feelings and opinions?



Active Member
I'm having the same problem with my mazar super cropping makes it a little better. I will def be hacking some of the lower growth off before i put her into flower im not trying to have any popcorn nugs at all.


Active Member
I'm having the same problem with my mazar super cropping makes it a little better. I will def be hacking some of the lower growth off before i put her into flower im not trying to have any popcorn nugs at all.
I have a bunch of little ones, was peaking through this morn checking for bugs and seeing little branches everywhere with little buds at the top... Going to keep an eye on them and decide what to do at harvest. Read all the guides and videos on making hash, just seems like alot of work and I am lazy lol.


Active Member
I have a bunch of little ones, was peaking through this morn checking for bugs and seeing little branches everywhere with little buds at the top... Going to keep an eye on them and decide what to do at harvest. Read all the guides and videos on making hash, just seems like alot of work and I am lazy lol.
I don't feel like making hash honestly i don't think i will have enough trim to justify buying bags and spending hours for a little ball of it.


Well-Known Member
Hey Guys and gals, just thought i would pop in here and say hello, since i mostly am growing in my tent with my 250 HPS. :D

Here is a pic of lower branches on 'Missing' strain from EVA seeds, nice and Sugary, just the way we like it..


Check out my Strain Report on 'Missing' if you would like to see how it ended up and what i Harvested etc.

Besides that i been making Water hash with my Trimmings all Day. LOL

I'm sure you all will see me around here more often, if you are gentle with me that is, imma Noob. :weed:


Well-Known Member
So I thought I was gonna chop Kaya in half but instead I got side tracked by these.

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They have the chance of being herms or they could be the start of new calyxes. I guess i'll find out in a few days. Their on two of the feminized B-52s.

Hmmmmnnn, Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but pics 1 and 4 looks like Calyx turning Hermies, whatch out for Bannanas sprouting from them in a day or so. :sad:

Hope, the rest do well, seems more and more genetics these days are Hermie Vulnerable.


Active Member
I told myself that I was going to wait till mid Oct and some cool weather to start my next grow. Well that is almost 9 weeks I could play around with and experiment I thought. So I was out at my buddy's and while looking through his clones we find one girl with no label. Trying to figure out by size which strain it came from was near impossible so I figured what the hell. MYSTERY GROW TIME!

On top of that another buddy stumbled on a outdoor grow while fishing early this spring and took some cuttings home with him to grow out. This plant is definitely a hybrid, showing some sativa branching structure with indica looking budsets. The smell and smoke is really sweet and fuely so it maybe a diesel strain of some sort. So even better DOUBLE MYSTERY GROW!

Got both transplanted to hempy's a couple days ago and they both seem to be responding well. The bigger clone (I think this may be the same blueberry I grew last grow, looks real similar) is eating itself a bit as it throws roots trying to find food, but they look pretty good.

I am going to veg under cfl's only to minimize the heat and let these girls stretch. I am using 4 42w cfl's, they say equivalent to 250w regular bulbs each not sure about that. I hope this is enough light to veg my screen full, I dont want to fire up the 250w, since the heat will require more fans blowing air and will limit my growth.

I will throw some pics up later.
Personally I like the 23-26w cfls the most. They make more lumens per watt than the 42s. They also don't get as hot, so you can put them closer to the plants. Because they're so much smaller, you can place several bulbs in odd positions to get light to the entire plant. They also come in several different shades/colors so you could really mix the spectrum up if you wanted to. And they are sold in boxes of 3,5,6,8. You get it. I only ever see the 42s sold individually. I also feel less suspicious buying a bunch of normal light bulbs that can be used around the house, versus a surplus off very large light bulbs. 23w rocks.


Active Member
Kalebaiden, picture one looks like pollen sacs to me. Take one off and open it up. If it is a pollen sac it will probably already have yellow pollen dust in it.


Well-Known Member
So I took off several of the strange nodes from the lower branches and cut them open, there's signs of prenatal leaf structures and pistils. I've had male plants before but I could clearly identify them as males, now these ones are screwing up my whole idea of what I do and do not know. Who the fuck invented 'Feminized seeds" anyways. I'd like to kick them in the dink.


Well-Known Member
Personally I like the 23-26w cfls the most. They make more lumens per watt than the 42s. They also don't get as hot, so you can put them closer to the plants. Because they're so much smaller, you can place several bulbs in odd positions to get light to the entire plant. They also come in several different shades/colors so you could really mix the spectrum up if you wanted to. And they are sold in boxes of 3,5,6,8. You get it. I only ever see the 42s sold individually. I also feel less suspicious buying a bunch of normal light bulbs that can be used around the house, versus a surplus off very large light bulbs. 23w rocks.
Mother Nature is cooperating with me right now and temps are only going to reach highs of 79-81, with nighttime lows in the 50's!!! :bigjoint: This has allowed me to fire up the 250 MH bulb for the first time ever. When I first set up my grow I was so anxious to get everything fired up, I didn't really look into my equipment too much and didn't realize until halfway through my first grow that my ballast could do both. It is also dimmable to 175 or 150w, and has a setting for "Super Lumens".

Does anyone have any experience with the lumatek digital ballasts with super lumen? Will this make my 250 bulb brighter and would it be worth running or will it just burn the bulb out quicker?


Well-Known Member
yeah kale those r def male sacs in pic 1.just take them off any check to see if they elsewhere on the plant.you can still end up with some sensimilla.


Well-Known Member
over we r still getting straight heat.the past 2weeks over 102 hitting 112 a couple times.and the low is ~82. going outside at 5am and start sweating dang.and those upper 100's w high humidity sux.


Well-Known Member
So without hessitation, I chopped two plants down. The weird ones are gone now. I don't even want to risk having males around.


Active Member
Mother Nature is cooperating with me right now and temps are only going to reach highs of 79-81, with nighttime lows in the 50's!!! :bigjoint: This has allowed me to fire up the 250 MH bulb for the first time ever. When I first set up my grow I was so anxious to get everything fired up, I didn't really look into my equipment too much and didn't realize until halfway through my first grow that my ballast could do both. It is also dimmable to 175 or 150w, and has a setting for "Super Lumens".

Does anyone have any experience with the lumatek digital ballasts with super lumen? Will this make my 250 bulb brighter and would it be worth running or will it just burn the bulb out quicker?
We must be in the same part of the country. Your weather reports mimic mine all the time haha. When it gets too hot you could always turn the 250 down to 150 and stick with the hid lamps. 150 mh is probably better than some cfls. I bet you could get a 150 super close to the plants too.


Active Member
over we r still getting straight heat.the past 2weeks over 102 hitting 112 a couple times.and the low is ~82. going outside at 5am and start sweating dang.and those upper 100's w high humidity sux.
Oh wow I'm sorry to hear about that heat that's not good.:o