Doer..again wtf are you talking about..wish you were local so I could buy ya a beer and explain things to you.. I don't have time to type pages and pages..Coln Powell was so sickened by the Gop..he resigned ..he was physically ill over being lied to and passing that bullshit onto the people..I believe nothing these scumbag pols say.. None of the dirt these fucks do surprises me...Iraq was all about oil from day and still is, and you say "it takes the bold to run the show" wrong..the show is just being run by the greediest and wealthiest scumbags on the planet..not sure how you could sleep at night ..knowing tens of thousands of people will die or be maimed so rich guys can get richer.
I see that you don't anything about the Colin Powell story, except press mash. Is that mental laziness? Good keep it up.
It servers our purpose.
It's funny that you insist you need to explain it to me. You're post say, "wtf are you taking about?" You are not grasping what I telling you. I know your stance as well, if not better than you do. I could defend it better and and I can oppose.
I do oppose it. I'm telling you these opinions are painted on you by the press. Why not consider what I'm saying?
You just want to insist in pat Leftist formula and talking points. I could probably have you waving your hands and calling me names if I so desire. These debate point of yours are kindergarten. The US and myself, have you and yours exactly where we want your opinions for our global dis-information campaign. Talk like this bring the tangos under our guns. They think we are so weak and ripe to bring down, then we kill em. Thanks for playing. Is it dawning yet?
Are you clear, about my point, now? It takes the bold to run the show. Wimps cry about tens of thousand of people and fat cats, because they can't think it through.
Liberalism is a religion in that you just parrot Karl Marx and don't even know it.
You don't know, in detail, the broad scope of the history of Blood Rule, Yoiu don't even understand what you are saying.
So, you are not discussing. You are preaching. You ignore my points. You talk like you can educate me. That funny. I read more in a day than you read in a week. I don't take the press for my taking points. So, if all you can do is preach and try to convert, I'm done.
Follow Marxist theory while we actualize a safer world or get your shit together and become rich, like us.