possible rip! help!!!!

uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
im growing a plant across the road from my house on an abandon property... and i access that property by going through another propety for about 20 seconds lol, he came by today sayed he smelled pot plants across the road and is going to rip them out... so this is the plant View attachment 2307349 its my best one it is a female purple kush... and i want to move it cant risk loosing her. she is in ground as you can see so what should i do to take her out of hole into bigger pot? and hope for the best? or should i leave her in her spot.. she woould probably hermie if i tried to dig her out dont you guys think?


Well-Known Member
its hard to move a rooted plant from the ground without seriously hurting it. Maybe if its ripe enough you could pull it and make hash from it. Otherwise smoke some premo bud would be ur other option.


Well-Known Member
im growing a plant across the road from my house on an abandon property... and i access that property by going through another propety for about 20 seconds lol, he came by today sayed he smelled pot plants across the road and is going to rip them out... so this is the plant View attachment 2307349 its my best one it is a female purple kush... and i want to move it cant risk loosing her. she is in ground as you can see so what should i do to take her out of hole into bigger pot? and hope for the best? or should i leave her in her spot.. she woould probably hermie if i tried to dig her out dont you guys think?
Can't tell, your link is bad, but if you can dig far enough around it, I have moved Hydrangea, and Roses before and put them into new holes with no issues.
Just go an extra foot past where you think the rootball extends to, and a couple feet deep. wrap in damp burlap bag or damp cloth for the move to protect the roots from dragging on the ground or anything.

uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
it hasnt even startin budding yet man! just pistles. i could dig down around the hole, its in loose sunshine mix4 and i bet i could pull it out slowly and hopefully not damage roots, going to put it into a 5 gallon put or something.. help please this is urgent


Well-Known Member
im growing a plant across the road from my house on an abandon property... and i access that property by going through another propety for about 20 seconds lol, he came by today sayed he smelled pot plants across the road and is going to rip them out... so this is the plant View attachment 2307349 its my best one it is a female purple kush... and i want to move it cant risk loosing her. she is in ground as you can see so what should i do to take her out of hole into bigger pot? and hope for the best? or should i leave her in her spot.. she woould probably hermie if i tried to dig her out dont you guys think?
Can't tell, your link is bad, but if you can dig far enough around it, I have moved Hydrangea, and Roses before and put them into new holes with no issues.
Just go an extra foot past where you think the rootball extends to, and a couple feet deep. wrap in damp burlap bag or damp cloth for the move to protect the roots from dragging on the ground or anything.
Worst case scenario, if it starts to die, then you could do the hash or butter thing with her.


Active Member
wow its not even that large ...
Its in good soil. Just dig her up and move her.


Well-Known Member
1. That thing smells?

2. What alternative do you have? Try and pot it or lose it all together...

Dig out as much material around it as possible and pop it into a 5 gal pail.

uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
yeah this should be pretty easy thanks guys. going to be sketchy carrying her back across the road hahah.. but yes i will push the spade down around the whole hole..lol and wiggle her n shit i will be as gently as possible hah into a 5g pot alright.


Well-Known Member
There is no way in hell your neighbor smelled that plant. I'm sure he just watched you go in there and discovered it.

stoned cockatoo

New Member
I say you have been seen by this man entering his property and you were followed now your busted.

I doubt he found that plant using smell when it ain't even flowering yet.

uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
he lives in town.. im ten mins from town... here she is now back on my property, she was drooping before i transplanted her so i watred her a full milkjug after transplant.IMG451.jpg hope shes back perkin up tmrw..


Well-Known Member
1. That thing smells?

2. What alternative do you have? Try and pot it or lose it all together...

Dig out as much material around it as possible and pop it into a 5 gal pail.
that the same thing I thought when I saw it.. granted I have had some smell but none that size.. I am betting he saw they were there or you passing thru and either wanted to warn you about then since he may not care or see if you knew who was growing on someone elses property