anyone else kid themselves about the whole legalization game?


Well-Known Member
i blame alcohol and cigarettes

guzzling rot, inhaling a chemical cocktail... bound to influence a person's perspective on what they are consuming

they have proven they don't give a fuck about what goes down their gullet

and constant ethanol abuse, by its nature, further reinforces this mentality

100% agreed with both your posts.


Active Member
I am talking from someone who is not an American. Most people outside of america perceive the system to be a joke, and to be tarnishing the notion of cannabis for medical purposes. Medical marijuana cards should not be given out because anyone who fancies some pot just walks into a doctors and sais they have trouble sleeping or have some recurring headaches. It seems to most outside of the states, all US mmj has shown is that it actually has nothing to do with anything medical, just a legal way to get some weed and make a pocketful of money. You just need look at dispensary prices or caregiver prices to know that it's medical "need" is not at the top of their priorities.

I don't know that much about the ins and outs of medical cannabis in the US, but having watched that weed program with the hippy bloke, it appears that the state earns tax money on the pot being sold, in this day and age it's been shown that governing bodies will do anything in order to pul in some more tax money. That is just a side thought though.
You seem to have some biased in this opinion and seeing as you have already admitted to having minimal knowledge on the subject at hand I would advise using caution posting your opinions because people like me will most certainly call you out on it. The entire "medicinal" portion is a clear way for us to help educate previous generations through experience so they cannot argue. Our parents dealt with literal brainwashing on the subject of marijuana at the hands of the government and are proving in some cases to be very stubborn even with scientific evidence and research statistics. The majority of people worldwide claiming to use medicinally are not using it for life threatening ailments mainly headaches, depression, anxiety and many more non life threatening medical problems. Education is what needs to take place and less of these rumors such as your comments about our country tarnishing cannabis's reputation. And in regards to your pricing issue I agree that it is a business at the moment, but again with legalization comes the fall of prices. Its day 1 economics supply and demand. I think the real problem is people pretending cannabis is some miracle drug because its not. It does have some medicinal value but in a very small percentage of people. (most people are just full of shit and have a problem admitting it) I on the other hand enjoy smoking because its relaxing just like the majority. If we have to pretend to have headaches and other shit just to not be a criminal then why would any other country care? Are you envious of how easy it is to get it here or just blind in the delusions of this "miracle" drug? I hope one day everyone can stop the BS and just admit the main use is recreational period. before i get trolled noticed the word MAIN in the sentence =)


Active Member
Who is spreading this rumor that if it becomes legal the price will remain the same? Do you have any high school or college education at all? sorry to come off as rude but Im sick of seeing it plastered on every cannabis site. If everyone can grow many will and the prices will have to decrease. Feel free to compare different states if you get bored but please stop talking out of your asses its just scaring the other sheep.


Ursus marijanus
Who is spreading this rumor that if it becomes legal the price will remain the same? Do you have any high school or college education at all? sorry to come off as rude but Im sick of seeing it plastered on every cannabis site. If everyone can grow many will and the prices will have to decrease. Feel free to compare different states if you get bored but please stop talking out of your asses its just scaring the other sheep.
Until harvest and trimming are effectively mechanized, the price of good bud will always be fairly high. The only comparable drug in terms of price to weight would be cigars, which are also labor-intensive in their production. The great divide in price and quality of cigars is coincident with the divide between mechanically and hand-rolled. cn


Well-Known Member
I think edibles are a good thing to look into if u wanna try ur hand at the MMJ industry. It can be done at a fair price if you have good connects with growers the will give you a good price on trimmings, or if you grow you own. We made some awesome cannafudge a few years back around Christmas time, damn it was some good shit.

Brother Numsi

Well-Known Member
Guys, relax. Everyone has an opinion here. Personally I do not like the mmj approach, although hash is the only thing that relieves my torn labrum shoulder pain. I'm 64 and have been smoking since 1964 when we got very few buds and some times we'd get something that got 4 people high for 4 hours from 1 joint. For the most part I think MJ is used recreationally, but whatever approach it takes to decriminalize it I'd be all for it.

I want to grow enough to:
1. Give a friend on dialysis in FL free bud
2. Give a friend with extreme anxiety free bud
3. I'm no longer into folks coming over to get high....I have several hobbies and they keep my retirement of 9 years very busy.
4. Very good weed goes for $300/oz here and I know a handful of people who can take all I could grow for $275....just want to make my initial investment back with my 1/2. My buddy needs money so he gets 1/2 for providing the house.

I am not concerned with competition from commercial growers or other hobbyists...just want to have some fun. I do hate that the prices are so high at some clinics, but business is business. I worked for a Japanese electronics and I was taught business is war and approached it that way.

My point is that we all have different reasons for doing this and they are valid for our purposes.
Peace out.


Active Member
Until harvest and trimming are effectively mechanized, the price of good bud will always be fairly high. The only comparable drug in terms of price to weight would be cigars, which are also labor-intensive in their production. The great divide in price and quality of cigars is coincident with the divide between mechanically and hand-rolled. cn
LOL you do realize this is a growing website right? So its safe to say we both grow or have grown so please don't try to lecture me on the difficulties of trimming and things of that sort. A trained monkey could trim buds its only high paying because the black market has risks associated with it. Once the black market is gone these trimmers will likely see wages they deserve based on the job not the price of what they are trimming. Burgers for example can be made cheaply or made with quality product and a trained chef. Would you not think the prices would not change with that as well? The states cannabis is most valuable are the ones that are not open to reform. Everyone has this fantasy that cannabis is a super expensive crop LOL travel the states like i have and you will see where it is grown it is almost worthless and where it is illegal it is like gold. The location of production has alot more to do with value than you try to explain it. IDK how much more simple i can explain that but if man can invent shit like the cotton gin and hundreds of other farming inventions similar to it, then the idea of a new mechanized efficient trimmer is really not that outrageous.


Well-Known Member
Dude ur talkin to growers in the Toke N' Talk threads I think we all nice and relaxed. Wait hang on my relax is wearin off brb.


Ursus marijanus
LOL you do realize this is a growing website right? So its safe to say we both grow or have grown so please don't try to lecture me on the difficulties of trimming and things of that sort. A trained monkey could trim buds its only high paying because the black market has risks associated with it. Once the black market is gone these trimmers will likely see wages they deserve based on the job not the price of what they are trimming. Burgers for example can be made cheaply or made with quality product and a trained chef. Would you not think the prices would not change with that as well? The states cannabis is most valuable are the ones that are not open to reform. Everyone has this fantasy that cannabis is a super expensive crop LOL travel the states like i have and you will see where it is grown it is almost worthless and where it is illegal it is like gold. The location of production has alot more to do with value than you try to explain it. IDK how much more simple i can explain that but if man can invent shit like the cotton gin and hundreds of other farming inventions similar to it, then the idea of a new mechanized efficient trimmer is really not that outrageous.
I am not trying to lecture you. However I see a floor in the price of well-groomed bud that is set by labor. cn

Brother Numsi

Well-Known Member
RC I'd be curious to see the results of some of the high end trimmers that I see advertised. Pricing would definitely fall in any mass produced product...the nature of the game. Scissors are a pain, but I can work fast :) and again the quantity isn't huge. I do some work for a friend of mine.

Doing Chocolope tonight, playing with 4 dogs, and watching baseball. Cannot believe the strong cocoa smell from that stuff!


Well-Known Member
I am not trying to lecture you. However I see a floor in the price of well-groomed bud that is set by labor. cn
agreeing with CN here

artisan goods are artisan goods

if pot were legal I wouldn't be buying it mass-produced from wal-mart

I mean, I would still be growing my own. but you get the idea


Well-Known Member
RC I'd be curious to see the results of some of the high end trimmers that I see advertised. Pricing would definitely fall in any mass produced product...the nature of the game. Scissors are a pain, but I can work fast :) and again the quantity isn't huge. I do some work for a friend of mine.

Doing Chocolope tonight, playing with 4 dogs, and watching baseball. Cannot believe the strong cocoa smell from that stuff!
I don't know that trimming and manicuring labour is the only thing in question here,

the purest cannabis (what most of us want) would still need to be grown indoors

whether in greenhouses or not, costs still go up. I can't see connoisseur quality cannabis coming out of a dirty field.

and I wouldn't consume it either.


Active Member
I agree that some buds could still be high in cost but the average would go down. Of course there are going to be connoisseur's out there that are willing to pay top dollar just like premium wines and such but the average price for the average person would go down a lot. I understand I come off as aggressive but Im as friendly as can be Im just really tired of misinformation. Not to mention the fact that potentially hundreds of people can read that post and believe it to be true and simply repeat it somewhere else and before you know it we have a bunch of folks spreading misinformation.


Active Member
agreeing with CN here

artisan goods are artisan goods

if pot were legal I wouldn't be buying it mass-produced from wal-mart

I mean, I would still be growing my own. but you get the idea
It seems some people missed my original point. Marijuana is only as expensive as it is based on legal issues and the risks associated with growing. When those laws go away the risk goes away and that decreases prices. If you don't understand that concept we can part ways here because im done explaining it. Its a very simple concept and it has already been proven in Canada where in certain areas bud is dirt cheap but go south to the US and all of the sudden prices shoot through the roof. IDC about average joes opinion I have smoked in different states and the prices are very different even with our current laws. For example, in Texas bud is cheap and easy to come by for obvious reasons but head up north and its 400-425 an ounce. And assuming that it must be massed produced to reduce prices is also incorrect. If you read my posts you will notice I said that PEOPLE would start growing I never mention large scale anything. If just a few people per street set up a 400W in a matter of months prices would be driven down without losing quality per say. Sure they may not all be the best at growing but its really not as hard as some of these elitist act like it is.


New Member
the point we are making is that there are other factors

Yes. So many man hours involved with pulling a small but very connoisseur quality run. Just harvesting and curing takes many hours. My time is worth money.

Also IMO if pot goes full legal the small grower will most likely be breaking even more laws than now. I think pot will be legal to those to can afford to jump the hoops. Try moonshining and see how busted you get. Alcohol is legal but you have to pay out the ass to produce it. Make it without being legal and you may get charged with a list of shit.


Well-Known Member
I don't want to start another large debate here but I disagree with the statement that the purest cannabis can only be grown indoors. I live in an area where I can grow cannabis that I consider to be just as pure as indoor bud after it is all manicured and cured up. but there will always be elitism I guess.

I'm not saying it's coming from a large field either.

here's an example...

my garden, a few days ago.