Jeezus fucking shit!


Well-Known Member

I visit most all the forums here on a daily basis. Is it just me, or are people just fucking stupid?

I'm so tired of trying to read posts where there is no punctuation, grossly misspelled word and several grammatical errors. Some misspellings, typos etc are no big deal, I make them all the time. But many of these posts are from adults, which makes it even worse. Kinda makes you rethink the old myth that pot makes you stupid.

They say there is no such thing as a stupid question. Hahahaha!! Stuff like "my plant is getting really big and is in a bigger pot and the leaves are drooping. Does that mean I have to water more than when it was smaller?"

Just a vent, some of the things I see here make me shake my head. Now return to your homes, there's nothing to see here.
Quite often I will not bother to read the post if there is little or no punctuation.
The same with post where the OP is obviously being lazy and miss spelling words on purpose
just because.:finger:

Want more comprehensive assistance? Work on social skills and writing to communicate.:idea:

I visit most all the forums here on a daily basis. Is it just me, or are people just fucking stupid?

I'm so tired of trying to read posts where there is no punctuation, grossly misspelled word and several grammatical errors. Some misspellings, typos etc are no big deal, I make them all the time. But many of these posts are from adults, which makes it even worse. Kinda makes you rethink the old myth that pot makes you stupid.

They say there is no such thing as a stupid question. Hahahaha!! Stuff like "my plant is getting really big and is in a bigger pot and the leaves are drooping. Does that mean I have to water more than when it was smaller?"

Just a vent, some of the things I see here make me shake my head. Now return to your homes, there's nothing to see here.

dude i hv kno idea wat ur talkin about most of th poster's hear r gd enuf at speling n gramer u jus ned 2 pay reel attenton its you're prob f U cant read the way ordinarie ppl tipe suddenly I hv urge to post pix of my ... ohnevermind. cn
i know i know. just yesterday and for the first time i answered a really dumb question that went something like many nodes does a plant need to achieve before it will produce a lb of weed? my answer was simply...stupid fucking question. if ppl are gonna act like dopes i think it's only fair they be treated like dopes. ppl (mostly kids)blurt out questions that don't even make sense sometimes. i can't ignore eveything. i gotta point out obvious idiocy where necessary. if i could reach out and smack the back of their heads i would. you bring up a good point. the kids of today get dumber and dumber. and as for me personally, i'm no spelling genius. but i google words i can't spell some of the time. if for no other reason than so i can commnicate intelligently. or at least look somewhat intellegent. reasonable?
Hehe CN, I'm guessing it took you some real effort to post like that! There are a lot of intelligent folks on here...witty ones too. What spurred me to even make this thread was reading a few posts in the general and newbie grow sections.

You see all the thread topics in all capital letters with lots of exclamation points like their dog fell down a well or something. Turns out they are freaked out because a drop of water got on their leaves and
left a spot.
Obijohn, you're right. I considered replying in the same vain vein, but I found out that it's effort. A wasted effort, and I'm not even wasted.

But here's a Top Tip ... try to type using only your thumbs, N b4 u kno it your soundin supr street. Gawd; I need a proper beer now. cn
Hehe CN, I'm guessing it took you some real effort to post like that! There are a lot of intelligent folks on here...witty ones too. What spurred me to even make this thread was reading a few posts in the general and newbie grow sections.

You see all the thread topics in all capital letters with lots of exclamation points like their dog fell down a well or something. Turns out they are freaked out because a drop of water got on their leaves and
left a spot.

I concur, to be verbose is one thing...
That's why I like using google chrome. Spelling and bad punctuation are highlighted when incorrect or indistinguishable from human language.
I could not agree with this thread more. I often find myself in actual, physical pain trying to decipher what some people post on here.
Gawd; I need a proper beer now. cn


You can't get more proper than that. Queen Victoria drank it.
Obijohn, you're right. I considered replying in the same vain vein, but I found out that it's effort. A wasted effort, and I'm not even wasted.

But here's a Top Tip ... try to type using only your thumbs, N b4 u kno it your soundin supr street. Gawd; I need a proper beer now. cn

When I use my iPad I do type with my thumbs. Hilarity ensues.
in before the "fuck you this ain't no job interview" brigade.

i assume most of us have had at least a good 10 years or so of formal education, even 16 year old dropouts have. many of us have several more years of education. i can't understand why after all those years of fancy book learnin' someone would not have figured out how communication and learning are supposed to work.

if no one can read/understand it, you have not communicated. communicating by typing is not the same as communicating orally. all those weird little punctuation symbols are there to make sure communication is clear. if you put more effort into representing your corny dialect than you put into the actual message, you're doing it wrong.

proofreading is not the devil, and neither is research.
in before the "fuck you this ain't no job interview" brigade.

i assume most of us have had at least a good 10 years or so of formal education, even 16 year old dropouts have. many of us have several more years of education. i can't understand why after all those years of fancy book learnin' someone would not have figured out how communication and learning are supposed to work.

if no one can read/understand it, you have not communicated. communicating by typing is not the same as communicating orally. all those weird little punctuation symbols are there to make sure communication is clear. if you put more effort into representing your corny dialect than you put into the actual message, you're doing it wrong.

proofreading is not the devil, and neither is research.
Yes. People can get so butt-hurt or aloof if you point out their atrocious grammar or spelling (which I only do if it's especially egregious and or if the person is a repeat offender). It's common to hear, "This isn't English class!" We realize it's not English class, but the only way you have to represent yourself online is through the way you type and the things you say. Wouldn't you want to present yourself in the best way possible? Anything else just seems lazy to me.

I'm not saying everyone has to have perfect grammar and spelling, because I definitely don't. That's an unrealistic expectation. However, I do think it's fair to expect people to communicate in a legible, mature manner, especially on a site like this that is supposed to be for people over 18.
This girl i met at the mall texted me the other day "I'm board". I thought maybe it was the autocorrect so i texted her back "huh?". She replied "I'm Board" .......

That was the end of the conversation
This girl i met at the mall texted me the other day "I'm board". I thought maybe it was the autocorrect so i texted her back "huh?". She replied "I'm Board" .......

That was the end of conversation

That is fucking hilarious, dude!
You just gotta remember it's the internet and not everyone in this world can read.The person typing that could really be retarded.