Canndo will answer any question that is stated as such in this thread


New Member
I do not accuse you of being disingenuous, in fact I have come out and stated that we whould likely believe each other. You didn't answer the question, or answer it responsively at the time of the posting of this thread - or, I had not noticed it.

the rest of my post stands beenthere.
Canndo, when you continually accuse me of not answering a question I've already answered, there's no excuse of not noticing, I suggest you do a better job of checking before you throw out your accusations.

Here's the answer I gave to your question about big business, you've been harping for no other reason other than you don't bother looking.

Actually no, it's just as clear as the last question.
So I'll repeat myself if you like. People like you think "big business" is the root to all of our economic woes. Unlike you, I believe that it is the governments involvement with big business that creates the evil you think exists in big business.

You see all regulations as a public service, I see some of them that way but also understand that the over regulating that government is notorious for paves the way for market takes overs by eliminating competition, hence crony capitalism. You I believe fail to realize this.
Now below is another example of why I accuse you of being disingenuous

How does money in an offshore account create jobs in America? I am not "saying" anything and I am certainly not claiming that Romney is obliged to do anything at all with his money.

Cmon, if you're not insinuating Mitt Romney is morally obligated to do anything at all with his own money, why are you so interested in offshore accounts and their ability to create domestic jobs?
This is the sly disingenuous side of you I dislike.


Well-Known Member
Why am I so interested in offshore accounts beenthere? I have asked you several times how money in offshore accounts generated jobs in the U.S. As I siad, this question has nothing to do with Romney's money but offshore money in general. I would have liked you to answer the question properly - namely that offshore money does not create jobs in America so long as that money IS offshore.

I am not under the presumption that Romney is the only rich person with offshore accounts. As we all agree, an American is free to put his money anywhere he wishes so long as it is lawful. Even Romney but here is the point I was planning to make.

If the rich have large portions of their money off shore, and their tax rates go down they still have that money off shore. Therefore, at least in these cases, lowering taxes will not get that money out of those accounts and back to producing jobs. What I see here Beenthere is projection on your part. You seem to think that I am likely to act in the same way you are. I am not.

I agree, I opened this thread up first and so have not yet looked at yours.

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
O great and powerful Canndo please help me in my time of need.

My neighbor shares Rush Limbaugh with me every morning at an unnecessarily loud volume. I've spoken with him about it and expressed my sadness over his choice of content and volume but he is unmoved. I would like to cast a deafness spell on him but I not sure which way to turn in search of a qualified spell caster. I'm thinking of going over to the Irish Growers thread to inquire regarding the services of a Leprechaun but I don't know if the Irish thread is awake yet and I don't want to wake it up because I've heard that it likes to sleep in. Please share your wisdom with me and help me rid myself of this pesky idiot.

P.S. I'd also like to bang his daughter so if there are any spells that you're aware of that might help out with that I'd appreciate that. Thanks


New Member
Why am I so interested in offshore accounts beenthere? I have asked you several times how money in offshore accounts generated jobs in the U.S. As I siad, this question has nothing to do with Romney's money but offshore money in general. I call BS, offshore accounts were never even discussed on this forum until the MSM made a big deal about Mitt Romney have some of his money abroad! I would have liked you to answer the question properly - namely that offshore money does not create jobs in America so long as that money IS offshore. I have canndo, more than once. Remember me talking about the comparison of Romney's money being in offshore accounts vs domestic accounts and the almost zero effect on US jobs from both?

I am not under the presumption that Romney is the only rich person with offshore accounts. As we all agree, an American is free to put his money anywhere he wishes so long as it is lawful. Even Romney but here is the point I was planning to make.

If the rich have large portions of their money off shore, and their tax rates go down they still have that money off shore. Therefore, at least in these cases, lowering taxes will not get that money out of those accounts and back to producing jobs. And this goes to the heart of mt point canndo, money in accounts are not producing jobs, no matter where they are, that money has to be re-invested to do so, What part of this do you fail to grasp? What I see here Beenthere is projection on your part. You seem to think that I am likely to act in the same way you are. I am not.

I agree, I opened this thread up first and so have not yet looked at yours.
What I see is you being disingenuous, you can't profess to not insinuating that Mitt Romney or any other wealthy American businessman's money is obligated to US economic interests and claim these kinds of questions are arbitrary, sorry I'm not buying it.


Well-Known Member
O great and powerful Canndo please help me in my time of need.

My neighbor shares Rush Limbaugh with me every morning at an unnecessarily loud volume. I've spoken with him about it and expressed my sadness over his choice of content and volume but he is unmoved. I would like to cast a deafness spell on him but I not sure which way to turn in search of a qualified spell caster. I'm thinking of going over to the Irish Growers thread to inquire regarding the services of a Leprechaun but I don't know if the Irish thread is awake yet and I don't want to wake it up because I've heard that it likes to sleep in. Please share your wisdom with me and help me rid myself of this pesky idiot.

P.S. I'd also like to bang his daughter so if there are any spells that you're aware of that might help out with that I'd appreciate that. Thanks

Find a militant leftist radio station and play it at comparable volume.

I can't help you with his daughter but it is likely that her father has a firearm, be cognizant of that as you proceed


Well-Known Member
What I see is you being disingenuous, you can't profess to not insinuating that Mitt Romney or any other wealthy American businessman's money is obligated to US economic interests and claim these kinds of questions are arbitrary, sorry I'm not buying it.
What you claim is not an answer - that a comparison with offshore accounts and domestic acocounts both have zero effect. I was not asking for a comparison.

Correct, Money accounts do not produce jobs - hence, allowing folks with such accounts to keep even more of their money, likely in those self same accounts will not create jobs.

You can cast aspersions on my intent all you wish - that's fine, but we are talking about your and my answering questions, not the motive behind the questions.


New Member
What you claim is not an answer - that a comparison with offshore accounts and domestic acocounts both have zero effect. I was not asking for a comparison.

Correct, Money accounts do not produce jobs - hence, allowing folks with such accounts to keep even more of their money, likely in those self same accounts will not create jobs.

You can cast aspersions on my intent all you wish - that's fine, but we are talking about your and my answering questions, not the motive behind the questions.
I'm done with you canndo, you are a disingenuous little whiner that's a waste of my time.
I won't follow you around threads any longer while you dodge taking responsibility of your dishonesty.

You are no better than some of the other far left partisans on this forum, just a little sneakier.


Well-Known Member
I'm done with you canndo, you are a disingenuous little whiner that's a waste of my time.
I won't follow you around threads any longer while you dodge taking responsibility of your dishonesty.

You are no better than some of the other far left partisans on this forum, just a little sneakier.

Here it is:

As always, "I will answer questions because folks have accused me of doing otherwise"

"I don't intend to answer questions if those questions require me to do any work"
"I won't answer a barrage of questions"
"I will not answer your questions unless or until you answer mine"
Then you purposefully misrepresent the question and answer the straw man instead and then say "I answered your questions"
And then you finally find refuge in accusing me of being disingenuous (lying) when I seek to get some answers, answers you promised from you

And finally you claim to be "done with me" and dodge the obvious by insulting me (whiner) and claiming that I am wasting your time.

In short, and for all to see, you started a thread where you agreed to answer questions -- including mine.
I asked questions, few of which you answered directly. I also opened up my own thread where I too agreed to answer all questions

In my thread - I answered (and will continue) all questions without evaluating the quality, the method of asking, the spelling, or the difficulty.

I did this for you actually, and yet you don't seem to have done much on that thread but complain.

Now I don't know what you mean by "taking responsiblilty for my disingenuousness" but if I would certainly like to see you live up to what it was you said you would do - namely, answer questions.

Perhaps I am mistaken then - perhaps it was the statement I made that you simply can't address and so would rather cast aspersions my way.

My point never had anything to do with Romney - and you can't seem to grasp that. It had to do with offshore accounts not creating jobs and therefore giving more tax breaks to those who have offshore accounts will likely not create jobs either.

If you have a problem with that statement, kindly state what it is rather than insulting me as you have a penchant to do.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I can blame a market that was unregulated and unwatched. What usually happens is that the right blames the CRA, fannie, freddie, Barney and finally Clinton. I have managed to trace this back to several radiocons and I suspect that the propaganda was diseminated through some of the less known radiocons into the public discourse. We have seen this before with the health care legislation and taking the onus off of BP during the spill.

I don't think, however, I knew the name of the PR firm or even their front organizations so I don't have the proof it would take to convince some here.
Where in the Constitution did the Feds grant themselves the permission to underwrite loans?


Ursus marijanus
I'm done with you canndo, you are a disingenuous little whiner that's a waste of my time.
I won't follow you around threads any longer while you dodge taking responsibility of your dishonesty.

You are no better than some of the other far left partisans on this forum, just a little sneakier.
This is a questionable course for you to take, beenthere, since I see you practicing on "your" thread what you're excoriating here: dishonesty and disingenuousness. I had hoped that both sides could play nice this time. ~sigh~ cn


Well-Known Member
This is a questionable course for you to take, beenthere, since I see you practicing on "your" thread what you're excoriating here: dishonesty and disingenuousness. I had hoped that both sides could play nice this time. ~sigh~ cn

See my list of caracteristics of right wing authoritarians Canna - I posted it for a reason and I posted it before beenthere began to prove how accurate it might be. The point was that even when explained, the authoritarian will act the same way.

This is an exhibit of how powerful this sort of posession,this ultimate brainwashing truely is.


Ursus marijanus
See my list of characteristics of right wing authoritarians Canna - I posted it for a reason and I posted it before beenthere began to prove how accurate it might be. The point was that even when explained, the authoritarian will act the same way.

This is an exhibit of how powerful this sort of possession, this ultimate brainwashing truly is.
Beenthere mystifies me. At times, he seems to actually want to say something, but given the opportunity, reverts to pure gadfly. I just want to see the man behind the curtain once in a while. cn

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
Here it is:

As always, "I will answer questions because folks have accused me of doing otherwise"

"I don't intend to answer questions if those questions require me to do any work"
"I won't answer a barrage of questions"
"I will not answer your questions unless or until you answer mine"
Then you purposefully misrepresent the question and answer the straw man instead and then say "I answered your questions"
And then you finally find refuge in accusing me of being disingenuous (lying) when I seek to get some answers, answers you promised from you

And finally you claim to be "done with me" and dodge the obvious by insulting me (whiner) and claiming that I am wasting your time.

In short, and for all to see, you started a thread where you agreed to answer questions -- including mine.
I asked questions, few of which you answered directly. I also opened up my own thread where I too agreed to answer all questions

In my thread - I answered (and will continue) all questions without evaluating the quality, the method of asking, the spelling, or the difficulty.

I did this for you actually, and yet you don't seem to have done much on that thread but complain.

Now I don't know what you mean by "taking responsiblilty for my disingenuousness" but if I would certainly like to see you live up to what it was you said you would do - namely, answer questions.

Perhaps I am mistaken then - perhaps it was the statement I made that you simply can't address and so would rather cast aspersions my way.

My point never had anything to do with Romney - and you can't seem to grasp that. It had to do with offshore accounts not creating jobs and therefore giving more tax breaks to those who have offshore accounts will likely not create jobs either.

If you have a problem with that statement, kindly state what it is rather than insulting me as you have a penchant to do.
how about a design to the answer in order to keep the day dreamer answer at bay


How did Congress react to alan greenspan blaming freddie and fannie for the housing bubble

A) Congress reacted to alan greenspan blamming freddie and fannie for the housing bubble collapse by pointing fingers at wall street and banks and consumers . . . .

see how that works Beenthere, just like grade school, you answer the question by using the the question in the answer . . .. . not a long drawn out "blah" that says nothing and provides little factual evidence other than conjecture and hersay

its really sad when an adult is so "disingenuous " that he can even answer a straight forward question with a honest answer . . . . . if you dont know how off shore accounts could make jobs you can say that . . .vs some other long winded explanation that says the same thing or deflection . .somthing on the lines like . . ."but other worldwide banks dont make jobs int he US either" as that was not th topic at hand

this is pretty basic if your gonna say ask and ill answer dont be an ass and give BS Politically correct answers . . be honest


Well-Known Member
canndo, why does beenthere avoid answering questions?

He is afraid that I lay logical traps. He is sometimes rightfully concerned, but for the most part, I wanted to understand the full nature of his ideology. I feel just a bit guilty for having posted that list of authoritarian characteristics - but not much.


Well-Known Member
I'd say that I am opposed to about 30 percent of Obama's policies, most of them regarding transparancy, his prosecution of the war on terror, his usurping the rights of the individual, drones, his failure to close gitmo, his failure to bring suspected terrorists to civil trial and of course his breaking his promise regarding pot.

Obama does seem to have a particular philosophy. If you are interested you might read "the new new deal" for a description of what he is currently doing that for some reason he is not advertising. It would not be better to abstain because as I have been saying, we will likely see two or maybe even three new justices in the Supreme court. If you are on RIU for the same reason most of us are, it would be foolish indeed to vote for Romney who's idea of the best justices are alito, scalia and thomas.
Very rational post. I like to see someone admit that their side has flaws, because no one doesnt have flaws.

The legalization issue is a non-issue for me. As a much older guy, I have lived a very long time with laws even harsher than they are today. I never thought there would ever be a moment in my life where MJ would be legalized or even medicinal as it is today. I would certainly love for it to be legalized, but its not as important as many of the other things happening right now today. If Romney is elected I really dont expect it to be for more than 4 years. People voting for Romney are really voting against Obama. Romney has to be the worst possible candidate for the Repubs. During an election that should have been a sweep for the Repubs they have done everything in their power to give it away.


Ursus marijanus
Very rational post. I like to see someone admit that their side has flaws, because no one doesnt have flaws.

The legalization issue is a non-issue for me. As a much older guy, I have lived a very long time with laws even harsher than they are today. I never thought there would ever be a moment in my life where MJ would be legalized or even medicinal as it is today. I would certainly love for it to be legalized, but its not as important as many of the other things happening right now today. If Romney is elected I really dont expect it to be for more than 4 years. People voting for Romney are really voting against Obama. Romney has to be the worst possible candidate for the Repubs. During an election that should have been a sweep for the Repubs they have done everything in their power to give it away.
I'd be interested in your opinion of which superior candidates the Republicans could have fielded but chose not to ... cn


Well-Known Member
Very rational post. I like to see someone admit that their side has flaws, because no one doesnt have flaws.

The legalization issue is a non-issue for me. As a much older guy, I have lived a very long time with laws even harsher than they are today. I never thought there would ever be a moment in my life where MJ would be legalized or even medicinal as it is today. I would certainly love for it to be legalized, but its not as important as many of the other things happening right now today. If Romney is elected I really dont expect it to be for more than 4 years. People voting for Romney are really voting against Obama. Romney has to be the worst possible candidate for the Repubs. During an election that should have been a sweep for the Repubs they have done everything in their power to give it away.

I admit that my "side" has flaws because it has flaws, not because "no one doesn't have flaws". That is something that I avoid as it would tend to indicate that I believe in symetry between the two sides. If there were symetry then either side would be interchangeable and they are not. That "both sides lie" or that "both sides cheat" is used to avoid inspecting either side and weighing the merits of either side independently.

I presume Althor that even though you believe that Romney is the worst possible candidate, you will still vote for him.


Well-Known Member
Yes; regulations can cut both ways. But it's been my read of history that untrammeled markets are good not for the population but for the capitalist (in earlier centuries merchant) class. Imo history does not suport the fee-market philosophies I've seen aired in this section by a vocal minority. cn
I agree with you, there has to be regulations. But, when regulations are cutting business's throats, its becoming too much.
The EPA in particular have gone way overboard with requirements and regulations. I am all for green. Sucks we destroy and consume so much. Quit healing sick people or something so the world population is more on line with our available resources. Apparently we arent going to find any type of green energy. I am sure it exists, but seems like there is no real progress for whatever reasons.