Inform, dont discurage


When a guy wants to grow sum weed for the first time, and someone tells him that if he doesent have the best of the best shit meaning lights,exaust,nuts,soil ect... That it wont work, it will either make him not want to grow at all or he will waste his money where little money is required. This is a site to inform and to share information on our hobby/passion and to teach others who are looking for guidance on there mission which is to grow marijuana/weed. It is not needed to have someone with little knowlege to misinform new growers that without the best equipment it WILL NOT WORK. Marijuana is a WEED, it is built to withstand the elements of a not so perfect enviroment. Lets get that straight. I know most of us want to yeild large and maximize the potancy of what we are growing, so whomever choses to try to keep everything perfect the more power to them, there are some smart individuals on here that know whats up and will teach you the way of perfection, if that is the path you chose to take. But when there is a new grower trying to grow a few plants for himself to see if it will work and is not ready to drop hundreds of dollars on his set up, dont discurage him if he is not rocking a HPS or he dosent have the most expensive exaust system or whatever, THE PLANTS WILL GROW, AND YES YOU WILL GET DESENT BUD. Dont tell him it wont grow at all. If he is not happy with his harvest, then he will be either be looking for the better equipment that he reads about on this site but let HIM deside and LEARN. If he wants to take it to the next level or keep the cheap simple setup, becouse you learn from each grow. And the best of it came from our first grow. So let him chose what he wants to do and let him learn for himself. Everyones has been there and it was probabley the best thing that happend to all of us.

Remember how much you learned when you popped your cherry

Inform dont discurage

happy growing :peace:


Well-Known Member
i hope your growing skills are better than your English. good luck with an 80 dollar setup and cfls. you have no idea what your talking about. have a great day.
You shouldent even respond bro, becouse your what i'm talking about. I'm not talking about my setup, but if I was y should you care to say ''80 dollar set up and cfl's good luck'' i'm talking about the ingnorant shit that people like you post. And the spelling comment.... sorry brother. Dont know y you would be bothered by my post?? just keep browsing through the other posts bud. you have a nice day


Well-Known Member
yeah, i see where your coming from with people being harsh on new growers. But they are also right. It is hard to grow good bud to begin with, and damn near impossible with a shitty cfl setup and some pc fans. Cfls can be done right if you have money to invest, but if you have money to invest, why would you ever use cfls? Unless you have access to your own house, and at least another 400-1000 dollars to get a decent setup going, its not really worth the risks of growing it.
respect cdub5. I hear you, i'm just saying that in the end the new grower will learn on his own, but we dont want to tell him that he is not going to be able to grow if he doesent spend a shit load of money. Say someone wanted to try to grow a few plants he does not need a hps he can grow cfl 4 shur. Dont tell him he cant becouse he wont even try. We want to inform him it is not the best set up and teach him what you know. If HE choses to spend the money on his set up .PERFECT. But for his first grow let him find that out. For my first grow a couple years ago I grew 4 plants from bag seed with 12 cfl's vegg 6500k and 12 cfl's 3000k some cheap soil and a fan, no nutes. It was ok bud, ok yeild about 5oz and for the money I spent around 100bucks, I learned on my own and made some changes.

Thats what Im saying, you can grow without the ideal and scientific set up, learning from your mistakes is the most important thing and dont tell these guys it wont work becouse they wont try...thats all


Well-Known Member
I agree with you drunkensmoky, I've seen too many post of people douwngrading new commers. We were all newcommers at one time and glad someone was willing to help us. cheers to you my friend.

I'd give you a rep but I don't know how, can anyone help me with that?


Global Moderator
Staff member
I agree with you drunkensmoky, I've seen too many post of people douwngrading new commers. We were all newcommers at one time and glad someone was willing to help us. cheers to you my friend.
I'd give you a rep but I don't know how, can anyone help me with that?
Agree'd, some on here just love that soap-box.
@Deetee - hit the little star looking thingy in the lower left had corner of the post you want to rep.
respect my friend, thats all i'm saying. There is no need for bullshit. Just let the guy know the best way of doing shit, stear him in the right direction but dont discurage the guy if he doesent have a ballin' set up. He will learn with experience, like we have done.

happy growing


Well-Known Member
most people that dont come off as an idiot, or a know it all, will get good information from this site..

im sick of the indoor section getting flooded with know it all cfl growers. i see what you mean with people bashing, and im guilty of it many times.. but if people were more interested in asking for help rather then throwing off the "its just a weed, anyone can grow it" vibe i wouldnt be such an asshole. growing weed is not easy.. and some people are here to learn how to do it well.. which is not going to happen with a few extra dollars in your pocket, in your parents spare closet. your sitting here with 20 posts bashing on the people on the forum that grow successfully. if you want to grow a couple nugs in a cabinet, be more specific about what your doing and how your doing it.. and people wont go telling you that you must spend boat loads of money for the badass stuff.


Well-Known Member
i gave my brothers wife a clone.. she grew it under 24w cfl in a cabinet.. 65 days later and no nutes in fox farm soil she got 6 grams of fluffy bullshit. she was stoked on it and considered this a success... to me that sounds like a waste of a cabinet and 24 watts cause i wouldnt of touched those nugs... what people consider "growing weed" varies.. you need to be upfront about what your trying to achieve and no one should be talking shit.


Well-Known Member
Everyones a newbie sometime. Shit..I still am learning new asking about T5s..never have used em. Karma ;)
''most people that dont come off as an idiot, or a know it all, will get good information from this site..''

I fully agree.

''im sick of the indoor section getting flooded with know it all cfl growers. i see what you mean with people bashing, and im guilty of it many times.. but if people were more interested in asking for help rather then throwing off the "its just a weed, anyone can grow it" vibe i wouldnt be such an asshole.''

Really dont get the ''Vibe'' thing your talking about, and if your going to have a douch comment just dont reply its not high school, if you dont have something helpful to say. Y say it? Let it go, dont build your ego like that.

growing weed is not easy.. and some people are here to learn how to do it well.. which is not going to happen with a few extra dollars in your pocket, in your parents spare closet.

??? ok you are off track now, guess you didint get it

your sitting here with 20 posts bashing on the people on the forum that grow successfully. if you want to grow a couple nugs in a cabinet, be more specific about what your doing and how your doing it.. and people wont go telling you that you must spend boat loads of money for the badass stuff.[/QUOTE]

Yes I'm bashing on all these people...... who did I bash?. Just woundering if the reason y your upset is becouse you know i'm right?. Its not like I'm going on a rant to insult people hear, thats not what I was doing sir. I was speaking my opinion, It was stuff I seen through my own research, during my own studies and just wanted to express my self and tell people some shit that I have see and read.. can care less what you think and i'm sorry that you have not understood the meaning of this post but its ok man no hard feeling, smoke a dub and relax
and congrates to your sister in-law. If she was happy great. She probley learned some shit and in the end it really doesent matter what you think. But if she wants to grow better shit, she knows where to go ask someone and teach her. But untill then your opinion is not needed, to tell her its garb, she probley knows that.... No need for discuraging comments, know where i'm comming from??...


Well-Known Member
marijuana is a WEED, it is built to withstand the elements of a not so perfect enviroment. Lets get that straight. I know most of us want to yeild large and maximize the potancy of what we are growing, so whomever choses to try to keep everything perfect the more power to them, there are some smart individuals on here that know whats up and will teach you the way of perfection, if that is the path you chose to take. But when there is a new grower trying to grow a few plants for himself to see if it will work and is not ready to drop hundreds of dollars on his set up, dont discurage him if he is not rocking a HPS or he dosent have the most expensive exaust system or whatever, THE PLANTS WILL GROW, AND YES YOU WILL GET DESENT BUD

new growers should go to noobie central not indoor growing.. your coming off like having a perfect environment in indoor growing is not essential, that is a load of bullshit. this is an indoor growing forum, a place people come to do things right. if you want to half ass it then state that from the beginning and no one will waste there time saying you must have hps. you got me all wrong, my sister in law was stoked with what she got and that is good for her.. but for me... thats not what im looking for. in your statement your saying people are saying you must have this you must have that... if you say from the beginning that you are growing strictly for fun an dont give a rats ass about efficiency, then people wont waste there time giving you information. if people are looking for the best medicine i suggest you do things right. because you wont get "desent" medicine doing things improperly IMO.
I'm not going to repeat myself becouse I said what I said. I agree with some things that you are saying to a point. But the thing is your taking it in the wrong manner. I'm not saying that not having a great set up is ideal at all. Yes the better you can maintain a perfect enviroment you are for shur going to have a better result, its common sense.

When there is a new grower trying to grow a few plants for himself to see if it will work and is not ready to drop hundreds of dollars on his set up, dont discurage him if he is not rocking a HPS, or he dosent have the most expensive exaust system or whatever, THE PLANTS WILL GROW, AND YES YOU WILL GET DESENT BUD



Well-Known Member
I agree with you 100% but honestly i rarley see shit ike that on this site i mostly see honesty and people trying to help, sure there are dicks who hide behind a pc but what ever.


Well-Known Member
i gave my brothers wife a clone.. she grew it under 24w cfl in a cabinet.. 65 days later and no nutes in fox farm soil she got 6 grams of fluffy bullshit. she was stoked on it and considered this a success... to me that sounds like a waste of a cabinet and 24 watts cause i wouldnt of touched those nugs... what people consider "growing weed" varies.. you need to be upfront about what your trying to achieve and no one should be talking shit.
she was stoked on it and that's what matters right? we gotta start someplace.


Well-Known Member
so you expect people to buy 1 gram for a ripped to shit price gtfo 1 gram where i am is compared to 40 us dollars, i suppose you would pay that rather than grow with cfl's yeah?

ok have a nice day