Teenagers are retarded.


Well-Known Member
Oh lmao, I'm a pussy because of that? Chosen don't you have anything better to do?>
I'm a pussy because When I saw someone treating a dog bad I didn't run to my closet, get dressed, go outside, run to where the guy has gone while I was getting dressed and giving him a lesson of how to be a good person.. right... "Ti kto takoj? Davaj dasvidanija"


Well-Known Member
Umm of course not.. If you haven't realized, I'm on team dick head animal abusers.
No I knew you were being sarcastic, :P was just all fluffed from other's posts. Lol.

I don't want to die. But, I don't want to be bored either.

So, I would have dogfights...
Wow... there's controversy over Cock-fights let alone Dog-fights. You'd have green-peace sailing there immediately. They'd find your ass quicker than the search party.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps in the older days chickens may have been abused.... But that's highly unlikely now with animal regulations. In saying that though pointing out things to someone with a very strong opinion on a subject isn't going to change what information they believe, whether it be fact or fiction. I've had many friends who have worked at chicken factories and not one has mentioned abuse whilst explaining how the factory runs. The only thing I could possibly relate to such things would be the workers they have to pick up the chickens from the coops (which are massive and often classified as free-range as they are so large) they pick them up, upside down with their legs so they themselves aren't attacked. We've got to eat right? Or are you a vegetarian also?

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but you don't need to enforce it on others. Simply because someone doesn't stand up for an animals "rights" doesn't mean their any less of a person than you or I.
With all due respect, chickens are raised horribly. They fatten them up with so many growth hormones that they can hardly take 5 steps without falling. Then many of them die because their bodies outgrow their organs and bones too fast. Make a thread about that and you might get a couple of pages.. Make a thread about your neighbor kicking his dog and you'll get a novel. Hypocrites.


Well-Known Member
Oh lmao, I'm a pussy because of that? Chosen don't you have anything better to do?>
I'm a pussy because When I saw someone treating a dog bad I didn't run to my closet, get dressed, go outside, run to where the guy has gone while I was getting dressed and giving him a lesson of how to be a good person.. right... "Ti kto takoj? Davaj dasvidanija"
Total pussy.... you should get some self-help books. That poor dog, you could have saved him!

With all due respect, chickens are raised horribly. They fatten them up with so many growth hormones that they can hardly take 5 steps without falling. Then many of them die because their bodies outgrow their organs and bones too fast. Make a thread about that and you might get a couple of pages.. Make a thread about your neighbor kicking his dog and you'll get a novel. Hypocrites.
Well the OP's neighbors dog wasn't kicked, but hey, Lets begin exaggerating now... masewell. At least down here almost all major chicken companies do not use growth hormones. I'm well aware that chickens are fattened up naturally with food though not growth hormones. This is a necessity for chicken supplies, people need to eat... Many would prefer to eat chicken over wheat. So the chickens are fed the wheat and in turn we eat the chickens.


Well-Known Member
Total pussy.... you should get some self-help books. That poor dog, you could have saved him!
[sarcasm] I think I may have to quit smoking marijuana. It's making my attitude agressive towards animals. It makes me a bad person. [/sarcasm]


Well-Known Member
Total pussy.... you should get some self-help books. That poor dog, you could have saved him!

Well the OP's neighbors dog wasn't kicked, but hey, Lets begin exaggerating now... masewell. At least down here almost all major chicken companies do not use growth hormones. I'm well aware that chickens are fattened up naturally with food though not growth hormones. This is a necessity for chicken supplies, people need to eat... Many would prefer to eat chicken over wheat. So the chickens are fed the wheat and in turn we eat the chickens.
I'm not exaggerating.. That was just an example. Dog kicking has nothing to do with op.

Either they don't let you in on the secrets or you have some nice organic chicken coops. If you take a look at most major chicken corporations, you'll fnd they stuff their chickens with plenty of growth hormones. It's just the sad truth. You should probably watch a couple of well credited documentaries on the way chickens are raised for an eye opening view on the food industry.

The hypocrites part was not saying that eating chickens is wrong.. I'm just saying I think it's funny how humans care about certain pets only because we think they're cute or funny, but we're fine with raising cows and chickens only to slaughter them.


Well-Known Member
This belongs in this thread.

uhuh... and why does it belong? It seems entertaining to you, the thought that many times when kids are left with a dog, they cause the dog pain somehow and the dog rips the kid in parts? Happens all the time, just listen to the news. If that was a dog, the kid would be lucky to live after that day.


Well-Known Member
[sarcasm] I think I may have to quit smoking marijuana. It's making my attitude agressive towards animals. It makes me a bad person. [/sarcasm]

Recognizing your problem is a part of this process. Glad you're taking the first step.


Well-Known Member
This belongs in this thread.

I agree that's pure abuse, and the baby deserved exactly what he got. At least from then on you would hope he would learn, but if he doesn't let's just hope one day he attempts to say kill a crocodile or a rhinoceros, then he will truly learn.


Well-Known Member
I agree that's pure abuse, and the baby deserved exactly what he got. At least from then on you would hope he would learn, but if he doesn't let's just hope one day he attempts to say kill a crocodile or a rhinoceros, then he will truly learn.

Now you're getting it. This thread is finally taking a step in the right direction.


Active Member
My Dog is usually awesome but she can be a true bitch aswell, if I yelled at her and pulled her leash 'cos she wouldn't listen and some wanker came and tried to lecture me I'd tell them to fuck right off. It's the same with kids, some kids need a smack now and then and to be told to behave. It's nobodies business unless the owner/parent is properly harming the victim. If you don't teach your dog who's boss they will try to be the dominant one in the relationship and hurt you, it happens alot. Look at natural dog behavior, they fight and bite each other all the time. Have you seen a mother dog tell off her pups when they are pissing her off?
You shouldn't feel bad OP, and yes teens are getting much more retarded these days imo, I think it's the Idiocracy effect


Well-Known Member
If I'm ever in Aotearoa I will keep an eye out for any ass hole dog owners that are abusing their animals and I am going to make sure I have an extra long lecture for them.

And btw I never said anything about beating a child, beat the fuck out of them, idc.