Why don't we get along with Iran?


Well-Known Member
of all the abrahamic psuedoreligions,, the mohammedans are just the most duplicitous, the whiniest and the ones who get their panites in a twist every time things dont go their way. they piss me off, their book is the worst of the three (and the other two anint no great shakes either) and if i had to choose ONE religion to wipe from history, they are the ones i would scrub. that particular brand of compulsion and coercion by force is the MOST distasteful to me.

i dont care much for cauliflower, i got no fondness for collard greens, but i HATE beets. same thing.
Beets ist VERBOTEN!

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Korean Air flight 007​
yes, that must be it, that flight had a License To Kill, so the mig gave them the Goldeneye, and shot them some Thunderballs right up their Moonraker, just to prove You Only Live Twice.

also, Octopussy. i have to mention Octopussy.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Beets ist VERBOTEN!
i suspect you are a supporter of the International Tubery and their insidious plot to supplant good american cane sugar with their own UnterGlucose as a part of the Protocols of the Elders of Beta Vulgaris!

ohh beets make me so angry!!

but i like turnips parsnips carrots and many other root crops. its just those insidious BEETS!!!

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Kynes you failed to get octopussy into a coherent sentence

I am disappointed
i know. im ashamed. and high. and ashamed of being so high.

i also failed to include from russia with love, the spy who loved me, for your eyes only, goldfinger, the man with the golden gun, doctor no, casino royale, and miss moneypenny. its such a rich area and i failed to stripmine it.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
You need to write professionally if you dont already
I was going to say you should eat wet feces, if you don't already, but then I decided not to because it would have been impolite, but you know I apologize because I DID think it.


Well-Known Member

we used to have regular pissing matches with england, and now we have a "special relationship" despite the fact that we went to war with them on several occaisions. the philippines used to be those assholes in the pacific who dont realize how lucky they are we annexed them, now they are one of our closest friends in asia. in the 1940's japan germany and italy were our mortal foes, now we got no beef with them even when they indulge in democratic socialism, economic shenanigans, and even revisisionist history (read a japanese history book from the 80's and youll discover pearl harbor was retaliation for the atomic attacks on hiroshima and nagasaki, fancy that!) but now all is forgiven because the USA doesnt hold grudges. we just fucking dont do it.

even when russia was the Evil Empire and we had a regular schedule of afternoon tea and sabre rattling with them when they had a famine, who sent them wheat, corn, meat and whatever other foods they needed? WE DID

north korea is STILL a bee in our bonnet, and yet the US sends hundreds of tonnes of food to them every year, even though the kims insist we label every sack as "reparations for our crimes during their great patriotic revolution"

and im the moron.

nice brainworking Corky.

try not to hurp your derp when you crawl out of your hugbox.
An even more moronic response, you go from Iran being the evil boogieman that stands in the way of US freedom and democracy to the US being a lifesaver to the rest of the world. How much of that aid was the direct result of the UN dummy??

And why is N. Korea a bee in your bonnet?? You seem to lap up ever ounce of dis info you read in your American media. Has it ever occurred to you that if N. Korea were to ever send a missile over to the states you would flatten them, you think they don't know that. Now consider how you have allowed the non existent fear to encapsulate your brain.

Yes you are a moron!


Well-Known Member
unfortunately your "only solution" requires israel to capitulate. and capitualtion has NEVER gotten israel anything in negotiations.

when the PLO agrees to stop launching rockets in exchange for autonomy and relaxing of restrictions at the occupation borders, hamas steps up and starts launching missiles until THEY get a concession, then here comes Hezzbollah! thenthe PLO wants something else, then the al aqusa brigade wants something, and before long israel suffers the death of a thousand cuts.

the hardline violent pallie organizations will never be satisfied until israel is NO MORE

britain had the same problem with the 200 individual IRA's and their 400 independent negotiating teams, with 800 irreconcilable demands. until the brits and the paddies actually realized niether side could win, and they were just pissing into the wind there was no progress at all, and this is between two peoples who have been allies, enemies and rivals for at least as long as the jews and the arabs, but the difference is, the bog trotters and the limeys niether one had a policy of extermination once cromwell slumped into his grave for his well earned eternity in the hell of being burried up to his neck in shit. but it could be worse, cromwell is standing on mohammed's shoulders.
Poor Israel, your explanation is laughable. Forget who was there first for a second, boundaries were set by the Balfour declaration and steadily Israel has encroached on those boundaries absorbing them into their own, would you step back if that were happening to you? Do you realize that there is more support for Zionist Israel in America than in Israel itself. History thus far has shown that Israel has more to answer for than the Palestinians.


Well-Known Member
dude! thats the whole point of using feces, it needs to be a waxy turd to start with, and once it dries to a sufficiently malleable texture (but not crumbly!) it can be rolled and manipulated into a fine crayon.

if it's too dry or chalky you would only be able to draw on sidewalks and whatnot, but that can also be good.

whenever im feeling libertarian i eat lots of boiled rice, bacon fat and hotwings (i like just a little red in my finished product) to achieve the perfect colour and consistency. youll know youre on the right track when your morning dump draws that line around the inside of the bowl when you flush.

i learnt to make my "Manifesto Quills" from an informative article in a Ron Paul newsletter back in 92, and i been running a small cottage industry making the finest libertarian writing implements this side of the sierra nevadas ever since.

being a libertarian is AWESOME! even when i agree with the left (abortion bans are unconstitutional) i can still be totally wrong because im ideologically impure (usurpation of power not delegated by the constitution is not the same as a woman's indefinable right to "choose"!) and thus actually WORSE than religious conservatives who disagree, while simultaneously being exactly as evil and hateful as they are, so we are BOTH somehow worse!

it boggles the mind, but then, if i were to find myself agreeing with socialist deomcrats without my ideological impurity i would have to suspect i had been brainwashed, or there was something funny in that weed.
At least you admit you are brainwashed, kudos...

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Poor Israel, your explanation is laughable. Forget who was there first for a second, boundaries were set by the Balfour declaration and steadily Israel has encroached on those boundaries absorbing them into their own, would you step back if that were happening to you? Do you realize that there is more support for Zionist Israel in America than in Israel itself. History thus far has shown that Israel has more to answer for than the Palestinians.
the entire region has been polarized into two camps, one says israel is always wrong, and they are muderous dastards with evil designs and a thirst for the blood of palestinian children, and the other pant the palestinians as evil rocketers who hide their military emplacements in neighborhoods and on the roofs of hospitals.

the palestinain side claims a new atrocity if a palestinian gets in a car crash, and if one palestinian shoots another over a stolen goat, the jews get blamed for the death.

meanwhile the plaestinians DO place rocket launchers on hospital roofs, DO hide boombs in retarded kids' backpacks, and DO engage in deliberate fabrication of entire firefights, with fake victims, dead people who get up and climb back on their funeral biers when dropped, and gigantic funerals for people later found walking around completely lacking jewish bullets in their mysteriously lively corpses.

which side to believe becomes fairly obvious.

neither side is 100% right, nor 100% wrong, but demanding the israelis surrender and turn their entire country over to the palestinians piece by piece is just stupid. the 1967 borders are impossible, indefensible and unworkable. the israelis cannot defend a nation thats entirely within mortar range of people who repeatedly declare their intention of driving every last jew into the sea.

forgetting who was there first is impossible since thats the #1 track on the palsetinian hit parade. their prime assertion for decades is that the jews "stole their land" when in fact the jews were driven out of their land long ago. the brits conquored that land, and then gave it back to the jews, and the jews conquered a bit more when they were attacked by ALL their neighbors. since the palestinian argument is "it's ours because we won it fair and square", then israel similarly should be able to claim that THEY won the west bank and gaza fair and square. however unlike the previous conquerors, the jews have not driven the palestinians out. the west bank and gaza would have long since become part of a palestinian state if the PLO hamas and hezzbollah had refrained from constant attacks. jews dont surrender any more, and they have dug in their heels. i for one dont fault them for it.


Well-Known Member
the entire region has been polarized into two camps, one says israel is always wrong, and they are muderous dastards with evil designs and a thirst for the blood of palestinian children, and the other pant the palestinians as evil rocketers who hide their military emplacements in neighborhoods and on the roofs of hospitals.

the palestinain side claims a new atrocity if a palestinian gets in a car crash, and if one palestinian shoots another over a stolen goat, the jews get blamed for the death.

meanwhile the plaestinians DO place rocket launchers on hospital roofs, DO hide boombs in retarded kids' backpacks, and DO engage in deliberate fabrication of entire firefights, with fake victims, dead people who get up and climb back on their funeral biers when dropped, and gigantic funerals for people later found walking around completely lacking jewish bullets in their mysteriously lively corpses.

which side to believe becomes fairly obvious.

neither side is 100% right, nor 100% wrong, but demanding the israelis surrender and turn their entire country over to the palestinians piece by piece is just stupid. the 1967 borders are impossible, indefensible and unworkable. the israelis cannot defend a nation thats entirely within mortar range of people who repeatedly declare their intention of driving every last jew into the sea.

forgetting who was there first is impossible since thats the #1 track on the palsetinian hit parade. their prime assertion for decades is that the jews "stole their land" when in fact the jews were driven out of their land long ago. the brits conquored that land, and then gave it back to the jews, and the jews conquered a bit more when they were attacked by ALL their neighbors. since the palestinian argument is "it's ours because we won it fair and square", then israel similarly should be able to claim that THEY won the west bank and gaza fair and square. however unlike the previous conquerors, the jews have not driven the palestinians out. the west bank and gaza would have long since become part of a palestinian state if the PLO hamas and hezzbollah had refrained from constant attacks. jews dont surrender any more, and they have dug in their heels. i for one dont fault them for it.
I agree that both parties are at fault and think I stated that in a previous post, but I still will never accept that it is a fair fight as long as Israel has superior everything whilst strangling the Palestinians through barricading them in, if they were such a fair people why do they not allow peace envoys to enter, they could easily monitor what came through but to starve a people of food and medicines etc. is never just.

Do you agree or disagree that Israel is Zionist controlled?


Well-Known Member
you are a dimwit.
Well you do prescribe to political ideological labeling, it wasn't the common man on the street that created these boxes to shovel people into..

I just found this, this morning. Wasn't looking especially for Israeli atrocities but stumbled upon it, you may find it interesting..


By the way you should explain why Iran is such a threat to the US and Europe or you for that matter, is it perhaps Anglo American hegemony in the middle east? which raises the question...do you support Anglo American hegemony?

You may find this opinion of the situation interesting....[video=youtube;NdhP20fvKfw]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NdhP20fvKfw&feature=related[/video]


Well-Known Member
We do get along with Iran. They helped us with President Carter, and now they are helping us unseat Obama.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
I agree that both parties are at fault and think I stated that in a previous post, but I still will never accept that it is a fair fight as long as Israel has superior everything whilst strangling the Palestinians through barricading them in, if they were such a fair people why do they not allow peace envoys to enter, they could easily monitor what came through but to starve a people of food and medicines etc. is never just.

Do you agree or disagree that Israel is Zionist controlled?
the pallies insist that inspecting the "relief convoys" is a violation of their "sovereignty". just look at their last boatlift, where inspection was refused, and a shitload of embargoed materials were hidden in the mix. its always "food and medicine" and "poor palesintian/iraqi children" when yasser arafat and his PLO bigwigs had no trouble getting everything they needed for their luxurious jetsetting lifestyle, likewise hamas and hezzbollah have no dearth of rockets or guns or bomb making materials.

if they can smuggle in thousands of katusha rockets, why cant they sneak in some cheerios and aspirin?

dont bother, ill answer for you,

because the anti-israeli militant groups NEED VICTIMS FOR THE WORLD PRESS. without victims to legitimize their plight they would appear to be exactly what they are. radical insurgents using their victims as their proof of their importance. just like the Kims in north korea.

the Kims have all the food, hookers blow, and palaces they need, the military eats well, and their lights never go out, only the people, THE KIM REGIME'S OWN VICTIMS suffer so the Kims can have a villain to blame.


Well-Known Member
the pallies insist that inspecting the "relief convoys" is a violation of their "sovereignty". just look at their last boatlift, where inspection was refused, and a shitload of embargoed materials were hidden in the mix. its always "food and medicine" and "poor palesintian/iraqi children" when yasser arafat and his PLO bigwigs had no trouble getting everything they needed for their luxurious jetsetting lifestyle, likewise hamas and hezzbollah have no dearth of rockets or guns or bomb making materials.

if they can smuggle in thousands of katusha rockets, why cant they sneak in some cheerios and aspirin?

dont bother, ill answer for you,

because the anti-israeli militant groups NEED VICTIMS FOR THE WORLD PRESS. without victims to legitimize their plight they would appear to be exactly what they are. radical insurgents using their victims as their proof of their importance. just like the Kims in north korea.

the Kims have all the food, hookers blow, and palaces they need, the military eats well, and their lights never go out, only the people, THE KIM REGIME'S OWN VICTIMS suffer so the Kims can have a villain to blame.

Answer my question, do you think Israel is a zionist controlled state? If not explain why and how?

Is Palestine not entitled to sovereignty? If so explain why?

Which flotilla do you refer to? Be specific so we can discuss it as I fear you are regurgitating what you read in the zionist media. Who decides what is embargoed materials, Israel?

Do you think it is acceptable that Israel boards a flotilla and kills citizens of other countries for their political position in wanting to help Palestinians?

"radical insurgents using their victims as their proof of their importance" what sort of a mind thinks that Palestinians are not "important"?? only a zionist thinks like this. Should we rather just decimate them instead so Israel can have a bigger country?

" Poor Iraqi children" are you seriously trying to drag them into an Israel discussion? Furthermore now knowing that Iraq was a BS excuse to go to war for oil and not WMD's which has been proved beyond doubt, do you honestly sit here and say fuck the innocent children of Iraq? Mere casualties! That single statement alone makes you a pathetic excuse for a human being.

"legitimize their plight" you legitimize their plight by talking about their need to fight an encroaching Israel when you said Israel won their land fair and square.

How much do you really know about N. Korea other than what your western media tells you, I for one am at least realistic about my lack of knowledge considering their secrecy unlike you trying to be informed by intimating they have blow and hookers. The fact is you, I and most of the world knows nothing about them other than what you read in an already tarnished western media. If you won't be honest with me at least be honest with yourself!

As for the leaders having everything and the commoners having nothing.....we could say the same in western countries right now, Your beloved USA is in the same predicament, most of Europe is the same too. The facade of democracy and capitalism is exactly that, a facade.

I generally don't like to belittle people anywhere but the things you say are just so sickening to read it's unbelievable, either you are a zionist shill or you are indoctrinated so much you think that what you say is acceptable anywhere.

Do you think that your hatred of Palestine would be acceptable anywhere other than a zionist meeting?

Also why no comment on the poisoning of Israeli children by it's own government in the link I provided, you cant expect me to take you seriously when you avoid something like that. Also why not comment on Tarpley's assessment of the wider situation? Don't for a second try to tell me he is not qualified enough to comment seen as he goes to these places unlike you who has probably never set foot in a muslim country....