Vote for O'Bama. Lose your job.


Active Member
You will be seeing tons more of this.

I look at people like this man with some respect.

Seriously, if any one of you were to hit the lottery right now what would you do?
Something like a beach in the Carribeans sure sounds nice to me. There is no way I would have the initiative and drive to want to invest it into a big business and have the day in and out worries that an owner has. I would be retired. Work would not be a part of my daily schedule. I would get up when I wanted, go do whatever I wanted to do, come home when I wanted, go to bed when I wanted. Wouldnt you?
I would fake my own death and would thoroughly disappear.


Well-Known Member
He seems to think the media in whatever country he lives in has an influence here. He also seems to think his opinion as a foreigner somehow matters. Must be disheartening to be more concerned with another nation's politics than your own. Implies your own nation is irrelevant.

That's part of the problem, our government doesn't give a damn about the rest of the world, we do what we want and we don't care if anyone else gets in the way. Bring up foreign aid all you want, that's not what I'm talking about. If we want someone removed from leadership, even if he was democratically elected, we remove him, if we want to invade somewhere, we invade. Logic dictates this causes more enemies and more distrust from our allies, I'm wondering why you think this is a good thing?

And its the same policies he wants to see America institute that has caused his nation to be irrelevant in the first place.
I guess if you cant catch up you can only hope the leader slows down.
You two have an unusual inflated sense of nationalistic pride. Also a problem..

The fact a foreigner would follow or even understand American politics doesn't mean their country is irrelevant, it means they take the time to figure something out that does, or could some day, affect them personally. Most Americans would never do this because we're a nation of lazy, selfish retards content with their own shitty lives.

I guess calling their country 'irrelevant' is supposed to somehow be a jab at them, just like when Brazilian fighters come to the US and fight against Americans and morons in the crowd chant "USA! USA! USA!", while you dummies are busy chanting, the rest of us are embarrassed to be labeled the same thing as you, stop making yourself look like fools, enjoy the fight, it is called Brazilian jujitsu, after all..


Well-Known Member
Not really, Castro and his brother are still in power. Putin is still in power. The Ayatollah, or whatever the fuck he is, is still in power. Name a leader we had removed. I know of no one who has ever expressed an interest in Brazilian jujitsu at all. Your the first person I've ever heard even speak of it. Speaking of making yourself a fool. jujitsu didn't come from Brazil.


Well-Known Member
Why are you giving me -REP Padawanbater?
I never gave you -rep, I've never given a single person -rep since I've been here

Not really, Castro and his brother are still in power. Putin is still in power. The Ayatollah, or whatever the fuck he is, is still in power. Name a leader we had removed. I know of no one who has ever expressed an interest in Brazilian jujitsu at all. Your the first person I've ever heard even speak of it. Speaking of making yourself a fool. jujitsu didn't come from Brazil.
Salvador Allende, Mohammad Mosaddegh, Jacobo Arbenz, + many more..

Never said it did, you missed the analogy


Well-Known Member
Lol, your rep bar is red now.

Thats about as big a fail as you could possibly pull off.

Good day to you sir.
" I didn't build up" all those rep points, I owe partially to people in charge here. They should have the right to take them away because with out them my posts would not be possible..... Please raise my taxes.



Well-Known Member
Romney is only trying to secure his future outside his possible presidency. This way if he does become elected hell be paying less in taxes once his 4 years are up. He doesnt care about the little people in the US and has made it blatantly clear time and time again yet all the sheople are following his ideals like sheep to a hearder. Let him be your little bo peep and in 4 years time youll want, yet again another new pres. Most people are saying vote Romney because its a new election, new possible president and that, to most is exciting.
Whats exciting about losing the civil liberties you love? Whats exciting about his plans to open jobs by the thousands outside of america? Are you going to actually move out of country to stay afloat? Of course not, because youre american! By him doing so means well be losing jobs here in america, dont fall for his smoke and mirrors act.
I didnt want obama in 08' but would much rather him over Romney any day of the week.

I believe romney has what it get impeached.


Well-Known Member
Romney is only trying to secure his future outside his possible presidency. This way if he does become elected hell be paying less in taxes once his 4 years are up. He doesnt care about the little people in the US and has made it blatantly clear time and time again yet all the sheople are following his ideals like sheep to a hearder. Let him be your little bo peep and in 4 years time youll want, yet again another new pres. Most people are saying vote Romney because its a new election, new possible president and that, to most is exciting.
Whats exciting about losing the civil liberties you love? Whats exciting about his plans to open jobs by the thousands outside of america? Are you going to actually move out of country to stay afloat? Of course not, because youre american! By him doing so means well be losing jobs here in america, dont fall for his smoke and mirrors act.
I didnt want obama in 08' but would much rather him over Romney any day of the week.

I believe romney has what it get impeached.
So you're saying that you voted for McCain in '08? And now Obama is doing such a good job that you are changing your vote to Obama? Because something about your post just doesn't add up.


Well-Known Member
Romney is only trying to secure his future outside his possible presidency. This way if he does become elected hell be paying less in taxes once his 4 years are up. He doesnt care about the little people in the US and has made it blatantly clear time and time again yet all the sheople are following his ideals like sheep to a hearder. Let him be your little bo peep and in 4 years time youll want, yet again another new pres. Most people are saying vote Romney because its a new election, new possible president and that, to most is exciting. Whats exciting about losing the civil liberties you love? Whats exciting about his plans to open jobs by the thousands outside of america? Are you going to actually move out of country to stay afloat? Of course not, because youre american! By him doing so means well be losing jobs here in america, dont fall for his smoke and mirrors act. I didnt want obama in 08' but would much rather him over Romney any day of the week. I believe romney has what it get impeached.
Romney wants to cut taxes so he'll pay less when he get out of office? That's a pretty stupid statement. Romney has given over a hundred million to charity. Are you so stupid as to think he cares about his tax bill? You deride his supporters while trying to convince us you're not an Obama supporter. Do you really think anyone gives any credence to your posts? You're a stupid liar.


Well-Known Member
Look them up, business as usual for the US gov.
Look them up? You obviously are unfamiliar with how how lazy I am. If you want to convince me of something, you're going to have to do all the work. I'm a government employee, remember? You're lucky if I even show up.


Well-Known Member
How hard is it to wiki each name, dude? Come on
I'm cutting and pasting this=>Look them up? You obviously are unfamiliar with how how lazy I am. If you want to convince me of something, you're going to have to do all the work. I'm a government employee, remember? You're lucky if I even show up.


Well-Known Member
Ignore the fuckwit. He hasn't taken his tourette's medication yet.

I love that last paragraph, "This is about his workers, not himself."

He has a point. He is not going to get fired or take a pay cut. However, if taxes get raised he will lay people off...

It is about the workers.