Vote for O'Bama. Lose your job.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
Yet most of the congressmen who received that stiumulus money, while decrying the inadequacy of the stiumulus claimed that the money THEY got, the programs THEY attended the ribbon cuttings for, created jobs. Romney and Ryan were guilty of that very thing and there are letters from one of them claiming that if they were only given another small portion of that stiumulus money, they could create even more jobs.

None of them are willing to acknowlege that however - they took full credit all the while damning Obama.

Or havn't you followed any of that Freedomworks?
*Poof* Amnesia!

wax on wax off


Well-Known Member
see: Military Industrial Complex..... see in america, we love starting things, and we cannot seem to stop them, even if that 'thing' is making weapons. what candidate wants to increase war spending again? we waste cash on nonsense like this.
Hit the nail on the head. Anybody care to guess what the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan cost us? How much it costs us per day?

What about the war on drugs? Take a guess..

Conveniently these issues are never discussed..

We'd save a fuckload of money if we just got the fuck out of the rest of the world and ended the war on drugs, but we won't because they make rich people richer. Rich people have enormous amounts of power, to the point of controlling our government with shady backdoor deals and fancy trips or campaign "contributions"..

It really is like a movie, a mix between Idiocracy and Enemy of the State..


Well-Known Member
David Siegel, the owner of Westgate Resorts, sent a surprising email to his employees Monday. It said that if President Barack Obama wins re-election and raises Siegel's taxes, he will have to lay off workers and downsize his company — or even shut it down. "If any new taxes are levied on me, or my company, as our current President plans, I will have no choice but to reduce the size of this company," he wrote. "Rather than grow this company I will be forced to cut back. This means fewer jobs, less benefits and certainly less opportunity for everyone." In a version of Romney's "47 percent" remarks, Siegel added that "people like me who made all the right decisions and invested in themselves are being forced to bail out all the people who didn't. The people that overspent their paychecks suddenly feel entitled to the same luxuries that I earned and sacrificed 42 years of my life for." The points are ones that have often been made during this election. But what makes the letter surprising is the source. David Siegel is the man who, together with his wife, Jackie, built the largest new house in America, known as "Versailles." His story first appeared in my book, "The High-Beta Rich." It then made it to the big screen with the documentary film "The Queen of Versailles." They became symbols of outsized spending, debt and real estate in America. But when the company started buckling under $1 billion in debt during the crisis, the Siegels' home went into foreclosure and was put up for sale. They cut back on the jet, took the kids out of private school and gave up some of their staff. So why is David Siegel — a man who defined excess and debt in the 2000s — now saying that debt and spending are ruining the country? I asked David and during a phone interview last night, and he told me that this was about his workers, not himself. He said his own finances have vastly improved. He has paid off all of his major lenders. "I have enough money for the rest of my life and enough to leave a good inheritance for our kids." He said the loan for Versailles is paid off and he's resuming construction on the home.
I'm sorry, but I just can bring myself to believe that you personally spoke to Siegel on the phone. Nor do I believe you wrote a book. If you're going to quote someone else's work, the least you can do is give the author credit, not present it as your own.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I'm sorry, but I just can bring myself to believe that you personally spoke to Siegel on the phone. Nor do I believe you wrote a book. If you're going to quote someone else's work, the least you can do is give the author credit, not present it as your own.
Any idiot can figure out it's an excerpt from an article. Now, an imbecile would have problems grasping that. Guess which category you're in?

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
Really, the presidency? I mean come on people. You don't have to be brain surgeons, and im not telling you anything you don't already know, you don't have to be brain surgeons to understand that changing the president... changes NOTHING... about the system.


Active Member
Ok, so I ask you specifically. If you hit the lottery tomorrow and walked away with 150mil bucks after taxes. Would you work? Would you take on the worries and pressures of running a large company? Or would you be like me and head for the hills and enjoy my "retirement"?
If ya don't mind me chiming in, hell, I know that I'd take the debt notes (it isn't money, if you think so, you are clueless) then I'd use them to invest in FREEDOM once again... in New Hampshire... where it will work, not on some federal level but locally. The Free State Project has had an amazing impact on my journey in this life. Most of the good folks here would love it. Sure, I'd make sure that may family was taken care of but that is less likely anywher but New Hampshire.


Ursus marijanus
Ok, so I ask you specifically. If you hit the lottery tomorrow and walked away with 150mil bucks after taxes. Would you work? Would you take on the worries and pressures of running a large company? Or would you be like me and head for the hills and enjoy my "retirement"?
late to the party, but ... you not see the moral difference between winning the lottery and building a corporate empire? The employees aren't expendable widgets. Your comparison treats the employees' fate as insignificant. Duuuude. cn


Well-Known Member
You've already proven to everyone on this website that you're a liar. Why the hell would anyone believe anything you have to say if all you ever do is lie about it? Get some moral character.
He gave you the exact quote you demanded of him, clearly audible in Obama's own words, along with the entire speech so you can't claim it was taken out of context. And you call him a liar? You then deride his moral character? Really? You seem to have no concept at all of morality.

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
Doesn't make any sense the guy would just close up shop and ship off to the Caribbean. The company would SURELY be sold off. Which would then still employ people. Thus making this argument fucking stupid.


Well-Known Member
He gave you the exact quote you demanded of him, clearly audible in Obama's own words, along with the entire speech so you can't claim it was taken out of context. And you call him a liar? You then deride his moral character? Really? You seem to have no concept at all of morality.
Maybe you should read the rest of the thread before you jump on page 9 and make yourself look kinda silly

He claimed I "defended Islam" and attacked Christianity, I told him to quote the post, he couldn't because I didn't, he is a liar.

I couldn't give a damn what a liar has to say about anything else once they've demonstrated all they do is lie.

Atheists do good for the sake of it, retarded theists do it for the reward and to avoid the punishment. Whose really the moral ones. Theists are the ones with no concept of morality. All they have is an illusion of it, generally speaking of course.


Well-Known Member
Doesn't make any sense the guy would just close up shop and ship off to the Caribbean. The company would SURELY be sold off. Which would then still employ people. Thus making this argument fucking stupid.
He got shut the fuck down after dealing with so many lawsuits


Well-Known Member
Maybe you should read the rest of the thread before you jump on page 9 and make yourself look kinda silly He claimed I "defended Islam" and attacked Christianity, I told him to quote the post, he couldn't because I didn't, he is a liar. I couldn't give a damn what a liar has to say about anything else once they've demonstrated all they do is lie. Atheists do good for the sake of it, retarded theists do it for the reward and to avoid the punishment. Whose really the moral ones. Theists are the ones with no concept of morality. All they have is an illusion of it, generally speaking of course.
I see no mention of Christianity or Islam in this thread at all. What the fuck are you talking about? Have you lost track of what thread you're on?