Why don't we get along with Iran?


Well-Known Member
It's such an interesting time to be alive and have the opportunity to watch what happens next between Israel an Iran. Although a two-bit palmiest could see what's coming down the road.. Israel will bomb the nuke research facilities in Iran next year.... Closely followed by a 1000 missiles launched from Iran with 1000# HE warheads into the Israeli population centers... Israel will then retaliate with at least tactical nuke warheads on Iran military sites. I guess the up side of that would be everyone will have new atrocity's to debate... Especially if Israel drops one on a city... If Israel starts a war, let'em fight themselves... do a lend/lease with them, just no warm bodies from the USA to be their war dogs....


Well-Known Member
Why dont' we get along with Iran? I know many people here probably already know the history, so you can feel free to stop reading now. Anyone else that's interested- Keep reading.

Most of the time there is one of two answers. Either the Middle East is a big mess and nobody over there gets along OR they have a crazy leader, but I think that's a way of avoiding the real problems. Let's get down to the real story. Like most of our problems in the Middle East and South Asia, our issues started just after WWII. This is because European powers began giving up their colonial possessions, or abandoning areas of the world they controlled before the war. This is no different with Iran. Beginning in 1951, Great Britain gave up their power in Iran and let them have their own free and fair elections. They elected Mohammad Mosaddeq. He promised health care, food, and a minimum amount of income for some of the poorest Iranian people. The problem is that he has to pay for it some way. So he decided to nationalize the Iranian oil industry to pay for it. Previously, British petroleum companies, along with other international oil companies (yes American companies as well) were allowed to come in and drill the oil for a cheap price and therefore make a tremendous profit. Mosaddeq wanted to drill for the oil, sell it, and use the money to pay for the promises he was elected on. As you can imagine, Great Britain and America don't like this very much. So in 1953, American CIA along with the British secret services team up in operation Ajax- which was a coup, where we trained and supplied Iranian rebels to over throw Mosaddeq. Yes, the Mohammad Mosaddeq that was DEMOCRATICALLY elected. The reason we claim, is that he is a communist. Not that he was allied with the Soviets- But because he wanted to nationalize the oil and share the profits with the Iranian people. We saw that as communist, as do many conservatives today- Unless you're Sarah Palin- Then of course you are the extremely popular governor of Alaska for that very reason. So we decide that "fighting communism" is more important than supporting democratically elected leaders (funny right?) and use that coup to over throw Mosaddeq. We replace him with the Shah of Iran- his family was the traditional rulers of Iran. We install him as a constitutional monarch- But lets get real- He's a dictator. We see him as anti- communist and give him unlimited supplies financially in term of training to maintain his rule for 20 or so years. Now, he treats his people horribly- He steals from them, enriches himself greatly at their expense, and commits atrocities. In 1977, Iranians have had enough of them and start a rebellion. This revolution is based on Shiite Muslim principles and soon breaks out in a civil war. By 1979 they over throw the Shah. He actually fled in 1978, and tries to come to America. President Carter tells him no, so he goes to Mexico. While in Mexico, the Shah has life threatening cancer and asks to be treated in the U.S. Jimmy Carter allows him to. This enrages the Iranian people because they see him as a great war criminal- which he was. So Iranian students storm the embassy and take 52 American diplomats hostage. Carter tries the last year of his presidency to get the hostages released, but fails. When Reagan won and while he was taking office, the Iranian students released the hostages as a f*ck off the Carter. Reagan will then install Saddam Hussein as dictator in Iraq on the condition that they wage war on Iran- Because they are now seen as the great enemy. At the same time as he is installing Hussein as the military dictator in Iraq and propping them up for war with Iran- He is secretly selling arms to Iran to prop them up in the war. Through out the 1980's Iran and Iraq fight this long, bloody war where we are providing the weapons to both sides (at least the defense contractors are getting rich!).

So now that the media and our politicians are beating the war drums- Maybe we should ask ourselves what the real source of the tension is.

What do you all think?
Jimmy Carter?


Well-Known Member
I'd like to add that there is till this day zero evidence of the gassing of jews in document form, no nazi paperwork ever mentioned this and before you suggestively may say the burnt the evidence, to support this the British had built a computer to crack the Germans communications, they listened to every sensitive word spoken or written by the German command before the Germans supposedly started gassing jews, you would think logically that then the British would have evidence of talk, communications etc. of the gassing but no nothing.

Cognitive dissonance is a powerful thing to overcome.
You are a true bigot.


Well-Known Member
You still have failed to explain how millions of people died in Nazi concentration camps... Was it all by natural causes?

I saw the pictures of the horrors from when the US troops reached those camps... Starvation, death and piles of bodies were what met them. Mass graves, etc.

And you call me a moron... LOL!
I thought it would be obvious how so many died, Typhus was the main killer, starvation was second and then the obviousness of war. An estimated 30 000 died through the allied forces feeding them fat rich foods immediately after their liberation, there is British military documents to validate this.

You are a moron because you actually buy the lie that Americans liberated Auschwitz when in fact it was the Russians, I have stated that already and it is undisputable unless you are American. The horrific pictures of emaciated people was due solely to the allied forces bombing and advancing towards Berlin causing all supplies to the camps including operational resources to be disrupted to the point they could not feed people or provide critical resources. The unfortunate result of war. The dead bodies you see piled up are a result of the feeding of starved people killing them within hours or typhus.

Are you aware that Zyklon B was and still is used as a pesticide, it was used by the allied forces as well as the Germans, it was used to kill off anything that may cause Typhus which every country in the world at the time recognised as the biggest killer other than bullets and bombs.

The bombing of Dresden accounted for 40 000 deaths in one night alone, they may have been Germans but they were human beings, women and children alike. You guys try to claim that one death is no different to many deaths, hipocracy more like it.

You are brainwashed into accepting what you were told by looking at horrific pictures which was a shame which no one can deny but your response and acceptance is driven by emotion and not logic.

Keynes waxes lyrical about this fact yet does not recognize he falls at the feet of it himself.

Is there anything else you would like me to explain to you seen as you are too lazy to look into things yourself?

Oh by the way regarding Zyklon B.....any expert on pesticides will clarify that the claims made by the holocaust on the effectiveness of the Zyklon is impossible to achieve in the time frames they specify. It would take considerably more time than the few minutes they claim to kill so many. There is in fact videos on youtube to show how people proved conclusively how they were exposed to Z.... for around 30 min at 72 times the amount claimed to kill and yet walked out alive and healthy no worse for wear.


Well-Known Member
arguing with a fascist only gives him the soapbox he craves, but what do i know? im a jew now.

move over Bucky, theres a new Kike in town! Oy Gevault!
Do you even know what a fascist is or means???

You lost credibility the first time you said that.

How about investigating what I say before trying to argue it, but I suppose your ignorance prevents that, again cognitive dissonance.


Well-Known Member
You are a true bigot.
The truth hurts especially when it flies in the face of what you hold so dearly, your indoctrination/education. Hand me some in-refutable evidence other than pictures of typhus victims or the jewish medias exponential repetition of an incident that was blown out of proportion to suit Zionist agendas.

I'm waiting buddy...

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Do you even know what a fascist is or means???

You lost credibility the first time you said that.

How about investigating what I say before trying to argue it, but I suppose your ignorance prevents that, again cognitive dissonance.
yes, i know exactly what a fascist is.

from the roman lictor's symbol of offices to benito mussolini's third way socilaism, to hitler's rebranding as nazism you fit the bill with your unfounded certainty, and foolish belief that you know whats best for everyone else. you are the core of fascist thought.

i bet you really think youre super clever behind that mask of arrogance. too bad nobody else can see how really terribly smart you are.

a genius in your own mind.


Well-Known Member
yes, i know exactly what a fascist is.

from the roman lictor's symbol of offices to benito mussolini's third way socilaism, to hitler's rebranding as nazism you fit the bill with your unfounded certainty, and foolish belief that you know whats best for everyone else. you are the core of fascist thought.

i bet you really think youre super clever behind that mask of arrogance. too bad nobody else can see how really terribly smart you are.

a genius in your own mind.
Hes trying to convince people the Holocaust didn't happen... Yet he calls you stupid... Lol.


Well-Known Member
yes, i know exactly what a fascist is.

from the roman lictor's symbol of offices to benito mussolini's third way socilaism, to hitler's rebranding as nazism you fit the bill with your unfounded certainty, and foolish belief that you know whats best for everyone else. you are the core of fascist thought.

i bet you really think youre super clever behind that mask of arrogance. too bad nobody else can see how really terribly smart you are.

a genius in your own mind.
So now the truth is a fascist trait, interesting. If you think I am alone then you are sadly mistaken, your days are numbered with this train of thought.

I'm still waiting for you to debate your belief of the holocaust with actual proof, belief and blind consensus is not enough. By the way that little journey you took us through history from the roman empire to Nazism did not end in Germany, look at your halls of Congress before you label.

I suppose people like David Irving are geniuses in their own mind, hapless compared to your actual intelligence based on what you were spoon fed all these years.


Well-Known Member
Hes trying to convince people the Holocaust didn't happen... Yet he calls you stupid... Lol.
People dieing as a result of war is very different to a holocaust, evidence shows undeniably that more people died at the hands of Russia post WWII than in the whole of the war, 50 million Chinese died during the Second world war. The difference is that the Jewish voice was louder post war and continues to this day, add to that the allied forces were in direct support of the Jews via the Ashkenazi Zionists aka elitist families who pulled the strings.

Unlike you I am able to define the difference between casualties of war and an exponential exploitation of the situation by the ruling elite.

I don't need to convince anyone what happened, discussing it is different than convincing, I am sure of my research.

Any of you planks ever been to the camps? Any of you ever been into Polish Government archives?

Harrekin I suspect you have never been out of Ireland except on a cheap all inclusive holiday to Ibiza..

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Jesus Christ. Please take your Storm Front ass-fuck propaganda back to the skin head cess pool you sprang from.


Well-Known Member

  • Is there anything else you would like me to explain to you seen as you are too lazy to look into things yourself?​

I have looked at things myself and come to a completely opposite conclusion from you.

But hey, suck up that anti-jewish propaganda...

And if you honestly are trying to convert people, insulting and trolling them rarely gets converts.



Well-Known Member
People dieing as a result of war is very different to a holocaust, evidence shows undeniably that more people died at the hands of Russia post WWII than in the whole of the war, 50 million Chinese died during the Second world war. The difference is that the Jewish voice was louder post war and continues to this day, add to that the allied forces were in direct support of the Jews via the Ashkenazi Zionists aka elitist families who pulled the strings.

Unlike you I am able to define the difference between casualties of war and an exponential exploitation of the situation by the ruling elite.

I don't need to convince anyone what happened, discussing it is different than convincing, I am sure of my research.

Any of you planks ever been to the camps? Any of you ever been into Polish Government archives?

Harrekin I suspect you have never been out of Ireland except on a cheap all inclusive holiday to Ibiza..
European people are vastly more likely to travel than American people.

Never been to Ibiza tho, heard it was expensive and overrated.


Well-Known Member
The truth hurts especially when it flies in the face of what you hold so dearly, your indoctrination/education. Hand me some in-refutable evidence other than pictures of typhus victims or the jewish medias exponential repetition of an incident that was blown out of proportion to suit Zionist agendas.

I'm waiting buddy...
I should feel sad for you, but I guess it's just not in me. How you can have such a distorted view of history is a mystery.


Active Member
Its funny how everyone is insulting him etc rather then proving his points wrong. I don't know enough about WW2 to give my view whether for or against the Holocaust being real.


Ursus marijanus
Its funny how everyone is insulting him etc rather then proving his points wrong. I don't know enough about WW2 to give my view whether for or against the Holocaust being real.
Anyone who has spent an honest hour in an honest library can prove his points wrong. They have pictures, an'everything. cn

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Its funny how everyone is insulting him etc rather then proving his points wrong. I don't know enough about WW2 to give my view whether for or against the Holocaust being real.
Wow. The Greatest Generation is weeping right now. My uncle was in WWII and he helped liberate one of the camps in Poland. Trust me. It happened. He would tell stories that kept me up at night. In their rush to leave the Nazis left some of the gas chambers with bodies still in them.


Ursus marijanus
Wow. The Greatest Generation is weeping right now. My uncle was in WWII and he helped liberate one of the camps in Poland. Trust me. It happened. He would tell stories that kept me up at night. In their rush to leave the Nazis left some of the gas chambers with bodies still in them.
I blame the Internet. It has fragmented that identifier of a civilization: its library. One can poke around in the bubbleverse of Jones, Icke et al. and still retain the impression of learning real stuff. But first one has to learn to not merely suspend one's disbelief but turn it into the Gimp. I am amazed at how many have learned to do just that.

ceterum censeo Behold: we have become decadent. cn