Well-Known Member
they did shrink the deficit.deeds not words homey.
obama mouthed the words that he wasnt a leaf hater, but his appointment of Eric "Cockbreath" Holder and the free reign Cockbreath has had in his fight against the evils of "marijuana" prove that obama's words were as empty as his promise to shrink the debt and deficit, close guantanamo, end waterboarding, end corporate welfare, keep lobbyists out of the whitehouse, publish all bills 10 days before they are voted on, and all the rest that made me want to vote for him before he got his campaign rolling with the "Hope and Change" mantra of insubstantiality. he became a tenebrous phantom of smoke and oakum long before the democrat primary. even hillary couldnt nail him down on specifics, and that's impressive.
not admirable, but still impressive.
nd everyone seems to have a different claim about how many days early bills would be published.
it all smells like butthurt to me.