It is funny when we follow dogma how much we will swallow. Cannabis is a states right issue. Republicans are for state rights. If you look back to the prohibition, it was the Southern Democrats that pushed in Cannabis with the ban on cocaine in Coke. That was for inter-racial fear of cannabis as a sex drug.
They got the backing of Big Tobacco, because people are stupid and fear driven, just like now.
Think about what is a Partisan, in the martial sense. You might be sadly uninformed about what your own side is up to and even don't care about that.
But, you are taught to hate the other side. That's all you need is hate. In the end, that's all you have. No real savvy, just hate.
If you hate them, the enemy can be de-humanized. Heidi hate the Pubs, but, really foklks just hate the symbols they are taught to hate.
Lincoln was a Republican and even today, the KKK are Dems. The Dems are the fat cats in Congress. Just look it up.
I've been a torch carrier for both sides and been way out in the fringe of both sides, as well. I just wanted to see for myself.
Now, I'm staunchly in the middle and completely free from hate. Now is only and only we fill it with hate.